
How docassemble uses objects

Python allows object-oriented programming and so does docassemble.

Object-oriented programming can seem complicated at first, but it actually makes programming much easier. For an easy-to-read introduction to object-oriented programming, see Object-oriented Programming for Document Assembly Developers by Quinten Steenhuis.

Here is a non-object-oriented way of saying hello to the user by name:

question: What is your name?
  - First: user_first_name
  - Last: user_last_name
question: |
  Hello, ${ user_first_name } ${ user_last_name }!
mandatory: True
Screenshot of hello-not-oop example

A better way is to define user as a docassemble object, Individual.

  - user: Individual
question: |
  What's your name?
  - First: user.name.first
  - Last: user.name.last
question: |
  Hello, ${ user }!
mandatory: True
Screenshot of hello-oop example

As explained in the fields section, variable names cannot contain any punctuation other than the underscore. So while user_first_name is a valid variable name, user.name.first must be referring to something different. Periods in Python are used to refer to the “attributes” of “objects.”

An object is a special type of variable. Rather than being a piece of text, like user_first_name is, the variable user is an “object” that is an “instance” of the “class” known as Individual.

Using objects in docassemble requires a little bit of setup using initial blocks. The objects block declares that user is an instance of the class Individual.

Objects have “attributes.” In the above example, name is an attribute of the object user. And name is itself an object (it is an instance of the class IndividualName, though you would need to look at the source code to know that) with attributes first and last. The attributes first and last are not objects, but rather pieces of text. Anything before a . is an object, and anything after the . is an attribute of the object.

Objects also have “methods,” which are functions that return a value based on the attributes of the object. For example, user.age_in_years() will return the current age of the user based on the date defined in the attribute user.birthdate:

question: |
  What is your date of birth?
  - no label: user.birthdate
    datatype: date
question: |
  You are ${ user.age_in_years() }
  years old.
mandatory: True
Screenshot of age_in_years example

Methods are similar to attributes in that they are written with a . before them. The difference is that they run code to produce a value, rather than simply accessing a stored value. You can tell by the presence of parentheses whether a method is being used.

Using objects in your interviews has a number of advantages over using plain variables.

The first advantage is that you can write generic object questions. (See modifiers for documentation of the generic object feature.)

For example, if you need to collect the phone numbers of three people, the grantor, the grantee, and the trustee, you don’t have to write separate questions for grantor.phone_number, grantee.phone_number, and trustee.phone_number. You can write one question to collect x.phone_number, where x is a “generic object” that acts as a stand-in for any object of type Individual.

  - grantor: Individual
  - grantee: Individual
  - trustee: Individual
generic object: Individual
question: |
  What is
  ${ x.object_possessive('name') }?
  - First Name: x.name.first
    default: ${ x.first_name_hint() }
  - Middle Name: x.name.middle
    required: False
  - Last Name: x.name.last
    default: ${ x.last_name_hint() }
  - Suffix: x.name.suffix
    required: False
    code: |
Screenshot of generic-object-phone-number example

Any time docassemble needs to know the phone number of an Individual, this question will allow it to ask the appropriate question.

In the question text above, possessive() is a “method” that you can use on any instance of the Individual class. If trustee’s name is Fred Smith, trustee.possessive('phone number') returns “Fred Smith’s phone number.” The method is pretty smart; user.possessive('phone number') will return “your phone number.”

Using objects also allows you to have different variables that refer to the exact same thing. For example, if user is already defined as an object and you run this code:

trustee = user

then you will define the variable trustee as being equivalent to the user object. trustee.name.first will always return the same thing as user.name.first, and trustee.phone_number will always return the same thing as user.phone_number. In addition, trustee.possessive('phone number') will return “your phone number.” You can write code that checks for the equivalence of objects, using the is operator:

mandatory: True
question: |
  % if user is trustee:
  As the trustee of the estate, you need to understand that it is
  your fiduciary duty to safeguard the assets of the estate.
  % elif user is grantee:
  You are the grantee, which means that ${ trustee } is required to
  safeguard the assets of the estate on your behalf.
  % else:
  ${ trustee } will safeguard the assets of the estate on behalf of
  ${ grantee }.
  % endif
Screenshot of user-is-trustee example

Object methods allow you to have a standard way of expressing information even though the methods used to gather the information may vary depending on the circumstances. For example, the age_in_years() method, discussed above, first looks to see if the attribute age is defined, and if so will return that instead of asking for the birthdate attribute:

  - user: Individual
question: |
  How old are you?
  - Age in years: user.age
    datatype: number
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  You are ${ user.age_in_years() } years old.
Screenshot of testage2 example

Although objects are a fairly complicated concept, as you can see, they allow you to write code that looks much like plain English.

In part, this is because objects allow you to do complicated things in an implicit way. For example, writing ${ grantee } in a Mako template will return the name of the grantee. The interview implicitly calls the method __str()__ on grantee. grantee.__str()__ in turn calls grantee.name.full(), which strings together the grantee’s full name from its constituent parts (name.first, name.middle, name.last, and name.suffix), all but the first of which are optional and will not be included if they are not defined.

Note that object methods may depend upon particular attributes of objects being defined. If an attribute is needed but not defined, docassemble will go looking for a question or code block that defines the attribute. For example, if you write this in a question:

Remember that ${ trustee.possessive('phone number') } is
${ trustee.phone_number }.

then in order to ask the question, docassemble may ask you for the trustee’s name (so it can say “Remember that John Smith’s phone number is …”), and then ask for the trustee’s phone_number if it is not already defined.

Standard docassemble classes

The classes in this section are automatically available for use in docassemble interviews.

When you use objects from non-standard packages, you will need to include a modules block to import the names from the package into your interview, so that you can use the objects that are available from that package.

Behind the scenes, the classes described in this section are part of the docassemble.base.util module. By default, a docassemble interview will effectively add this to the top of your YAML file:

  - docassemble.base.util

You can turn this off by setting suppress loading util to True.

If you are writing a Python module, you will need to manually import the class names from the docassemble.base.util module. For example, if you want to use the class Individual, you would add this to the top of your Python module file:

from docassemble.base.util import Individual


A DAList acts like an ordinary Python list, except that docassemble can ask questions to define items of the list.

Here is a simple “Mad Libs” interview that uses DALists to keep track of words:

  - adjective: DAList
  - noun: DAList
  - person: DAList
  - place: DAList
mandatory: True
question: A funny story
subquestion: |
  ${ person[0] } went to ${ place[0] }
  to buy
  ${ indefinite_article(noun[0]) }.

  At the ${ place[0] }, there was
  ${ indefinite_article(adjective[0])}
  ${ noun[1] }, which tried to zap
  ${ person[0] }.

  But luckily, ${ person[1] } came out
  of the back room just in time and
  lunged at the ${ noun[1] }, thereby
  saving the day.
  - Do it again: restart
generic object: DAList
question: |
  % if i == 0:
  Give me
  ${ indefinite_article(x.object_name()) }.
  % else:
  Give me another ${ x.object_name() }.
  % endif
  - no label: x[i]
Screenshot of madlibs example

The variable i is special. When the interview encounters person[0] and sees that it is undefined, it will go searching for a question that offers to define person[0]. If it does not find that, it will generalize and look for a question that offers to define person[i]. If that is not found, it will generalize further and look for a question that offers to define x[i]. Thus, the one generic object question, which defines x[i] where x is a DAList, will ask all of the questions in the interview.

For another example, suppose you want to work with a list of prospective recipients of an e-mail. You could define recipient as a DAList containing five Individuals

  - recipient: DAList
  - trustee: Individual
  - beneficiary: Individual
  - grantor: Individual
mandatory: True
code: |
  recipient.gathered = True
mandatory: True
question: The recipients
subquestion: |
  % for person in recipient:
  ${ person } is a recipient.
  % endfor
generic object: Individual
question: |
  What is the name of the ${ x.object_name() }?
  - First Name: x.name.first
  - Last Name: x.name.last
generic object: Individual
question: |
  The ${ ordinal(i) } ${ x.object_name() } must have a name.  What is it?
  - First Name: x[i].name.first
  - Last Name: x[i].name.last
Screenshot of testdalist example

This will result in the following five questions being asked:

  • What is the name of the trustee?
  • What is the name of the beneficiary?
  • What is the name of the grantor?
  • What is the name of the fourth recipient?
  • What is the name of the fifth recipient?

The DAList operates like a list in Python, but it also has some special methods. When adding a new item to the list, you should use the docassemble-specific appendObject() method. This method is similar to the initializeAttribute() method we discussed earlier. Running recipient.appendObject(Individual) creates a new object of the class Individual and adds it to the list. The .appendObject() method returns the object it creates. In the example above, the first such object is the fourth item in the list, which means that the intrinsic name of the new object is recipient[3]. The result of using() can be used in place of the name of a class.used as the second parameter.

A DAList can be given a default object type, so that appendObject() can be called without an argument. This default object type is controlled by the .objectFunction attribute. For example, when a PartyList object is created, the .objectFunction attribute is set to Person.

If you want greater control over the way the questions are asked, you could add a generic object question that is specific to the recipients that were added with appendObject(). For example:

generic object: DAList
question: |
  The ${ ordinal(i) } ${ x.object_name() } must have a name.  What is it?
  - First Name: x[i].name.first
  - Last Name: x[i].name.last

The names of the fourth and fifth recipients are capable of being asked by this question, since the pattern x[i] (where x[i] is an Individual) matches the intrinsic names recipient[3] and recipient[4]. Since the other generic object question, which matches x (where x is an DAList) also matches recipient[3] and recipient[4], the order in which you list the questions in the YAML file will determine which one is chosen. Later-appearing questions take precedence, so you would need to place the second generic object question somewhere after the first generic object question in order for it to be chosen.

Other methods available on a DAList are:

  • append(item_to_append) - adds item_to_append to the end of the list. Just like the Python list method of the same name. It takes an optional keyword argument set_instance_name. If set_instance_name is True, then the object’s intrinsic name will be changed to that of a member of the list (e.g., my_list[2]). If set_instance_name is False (the default), then the object’s instance name will not be changed.
  • clear() - makes the list empty.
  • sort() - reorders the elements of the list, saves the reordered items, runs hook_after_gather(), and returns the object. If you pass keyword parameters to sort(), those parameters will be passed directly to Python’s sorted() function.
  building: DAList.using(object_type=Thing, minimum_number=2)
Screenshot of sort example
  • sort_elements() - acts like sort() but does not cause the list to be gathered.
  • complete_elements() - returns the subset of elements in the list that are “complete.” This is useful when you have a list of objects, and some objects are still in a nascent state, and you only want to use the objects that are “complete.” (See the discussion of .complete_attribute below.)
  • gathered_and_complete() - this effectively re-runs the gathering logic on the list to make sure that the list is “complete.” This method is run automatically when editing a list item using a table. If complete_attribute is set to 'complete', this method will reset the “completeness” of each item before re-running the gathering logic.
  • gathering_started() - this returns True if the gathering process has started, or is complete; otherwise it returns False.
  • set_object_type() - when you use Python code to define the object_type attribute, call .set_object_type() instead of simply setting the object_type attribute. .set_object_type() takes a single parameter, which can be the name of the class or a class name modified by .using().
  • extend(extension_list) - adds the items in the extension_list to the end of the list. Just like the Python list method of the same name.
  • index() - given an item that exists in the list, returns the index number at which the item can be found.
  • pop() - removes an item from the list. Just like the Python list method of the same name.
  • insert() - inserts an item into the list. Just like the Python list method of the same name.
  • reverse() - reverses the order of elements in the list, runs hook_after_gather(), and returns the object. Just like the Python list method of the same name.
  • count() - returns the number of times a given item appears in the list. Just like the Python list method of the same name.
  • first() - returns the first item of the list; error triggered if list is empty.
  • last() - returns the last item of the list; error triggered if list is empty.
  • item(idx) - if fruit is a DAList, fruit.item(2) is equivalent to fruit[2], except that if fruit does not have an item 2, the result will be empty text. This is a helpful method in some contexts, such as fillable PDF forms. Empty text will also result if you try to use attributes on the result, so fruit.item(2).seeds or fruit.item(2).total_value() will also result in empty text.
question: |
  Describe the ${ ordinal(i) } fruit.
  - Name: fruit[i].name
  - Color: fruit[i].color
  - Seeds: fruit[i].seeds
    datatype: integer
question: |
  Are there any more fruit?
yesno: fruit.there_is_another
mandatory: True
question: |
  Description of ten fruits.
subquestion: |
  % for index in range(10):
  The name of the ${ ordinal(index) }
  fruit is ${ fruit.item(index).name }.
  It is ${ fruit.item(index).color }
  and it has
  ${ fruit.item(index).seeds } seeds.
  % endfor
Screenshot of item example
  • item_name(idx)- returns the variable name for an item, given the item. For example, mylist.item_name(0) returns 'mylist[0]'. This can be useful when calling functions like force_ask() and reconsider().
  • delitem(idx, ...)- Deletes one or more items by index number. For example, mylist.delitem(4, 5) deletes the fifth and sixth items from the list.
  • does_verb(verb) - like the verb_present() function, except that it uses the singular or plural form depending on whether the list has more than one item or not.
  • did_verb(verb) - like the verb_past() function, except that it uses the singular or plural form depending on whether the list has more than one item or not.
  • as_singular_noun() - if the variable name is case.plaintiff, returns plaintiff; if the variable name is applicant, returns applicant.
  • as_noun() - if the variable name is case.plaintiff, returns plaintiffs or plaintiff depending on the number of items in the list; if the variable name is applicant, returns applicants or applicant depending on the number of items in the list. You can also give this function any arbitrary noun and it will pluralize it or singularize it depending on whether the number of items in the list is more than one. E.g., client.child.as_noun('kid') will return 'kid' or 'kids'.
  • number() - returns the total number of items in the list. If necessary it will trigger questions that ask for all of the items of the list to be populated.
  • number_gathered() - like number(), except it will not require that the list be fully gathered before returning a value. It takes the optional keyword parameter if_started, which can be set to True if you want to trigger the start of the gathering process if gathering has not started. Using number_gathered() with if_started can be helpful on review screens because it will prevent the item from being shown if list gathering has not started, but it will not prevent the item from being shown if list gathering has started.
  • number_as_word() - same as number(), except that the nice_number() function is applied to the result.
  • current_index() - similar to number(), except it returns the index value of the last item in the list. If there is one item in the list, current_index() returns 0. If there are two items, it returns 1. If there are no items in the list, it returns 0. This is useful in questions where an iterator i is not available, such as question that set .new_object_type.
  • remove(val, ...) - removes the given items from the list, if they are in the list.
  • comma_and_list() - returns the items of the list run through the comma_and_list() function.
  • possessive() - if the variable name is plaintiff and the parameter is "fish", returns “plaintiff’s fish” if there is one item in the list and “plaintiffs’ fish” if there is more than one item in the list.
  • pronoun() - returns a pronoun like “you,” “her,” “him,” or “them” “it”, or “them,” as appropriate, depending on the number of items in the list.
  • pronoun_objective() - for a DAList, this is the same as pronoun().
  • pronoun_possessive() - given a word like “fish,” returns “her fish,” “his fish,” or “their fish,” as appropriate, depending on the number of items in the list.
  • pronoun_subjective() - returns a pronoun like “you,” “she,” “he,” or “they” as appropriate, depending on the number of items in the list.
  • union(other_set) - returns a Python set consisting of the items of current list, considered as a set, combined with the items of the other_set.
  • intersection(other_set) - returns a Python set consisting of the items of the current list, considered as a set, that also exist in the other_set.
  • difference(other_set) - returns a Python set consisting of the items of the current list, considered as a set, that do not exist in the other_set.
  • isdisjoint(other_set) - returns True if no items overlap between the current list, considered as a set, and the other_set. Otherwise, returns False.
  • issubset(other_set) - returns True if the current list, considered as a set, is a subset of the other_set. Otherwise, returns False.
  • issuperset(other_set) - returns True if the other_set is a subset of the current list, considered as a set. Otherwise, returns False.
  • gather() - causes the items of the list to be gathered and named. Returns True. Optional keyword parameters include item_object_type, which overrides the default .object_type attribute; number, which indicates a list length (overriding any .target_number attribute), minimum, which indicates a minimum number of items to gather (overriding the .minimum_number attribute), and complete_attribute, which indicates the attribute of an item that will be sought before an item is considered complete (overriding the .complete_attribute attribute).
  • reset_gathered() - causes the list to be considered not-yet-gathered. This can be used to query the user to add items to a list that may already be considered complete. If called with the optional keyword argument recursive set to True (the default is False), the lists inside the list are also marked as not-yet-gathered. If the only_if_empty keyword argument is True, then the list will be marked not-yet-gathered only if it is empty. If the mark_incomplete keyword argument is True, and the list has a complete_attribute, then the complete_attribute of each item in the list will be undefined if it is defined.
  • has_been_gathered() - returns True if the group has been gathered yet. Does not trigger the gathering process.
  • add_action() - returns HTML for a button that adds a new item to the list. This will set up a queue of actions for the user that will ensure that a new item will be added and its elements gathered. See the groups section for details of how DAList and DADict gathering works. By default, the text of the button is “Add an item” if the list is empty, and “Add another” if the list is non-empty. The label can be overridden with the optional keyword parameter label. The label passes through the word() function, so you can use the translation system to handle different languages. If you set the optional keyword parameter url_only to True, the method will return only the URL for the action, not the HTML for a button. You can change the color of the button to another Bootstrap color with the optional keyword parameter color. The default color is secondary, or whatever the add value is under button colors in the Configuration. The size of the button can be changed with the optional keyword parameter size. The options are sm, md, and lg. The default is sm. If you want the button to fill the width of its container, you can set the optional keyword parameter block to True. The icon that appears in the button can be customized with the optional keyword parameter icon. The default value is plus-circle, which refers to the Font Awesome icon fas fa-plus-circle. It will assume you mean to refer to a “solid” icon unless you spell out the icon type with a full reference like far fa-plus-circle. If you want to add your own CSS classes to the button, you can set them with the optional keyword parameter classname.
  • item_actions() - returns HTML for “Edit” and “Delete” buttons. This method is primarily used internally; there are specifiers for table that control it. It takes two positional parameters: the item itself (the_group[the_index]) and its index (the_index). The remaining positional parameters, which are optional, are attribute names that should be edited when the user presses the “Edit” button. For example, if you want the “Edit” button to show the user a screen for editing the favorite_fruit attribute, you would write the_group.item_actions(the_group[the_index], the_index, 'favorite_fruit'). If you wanted the “Edit” button to show two screens, one for editing the favorite_fruit attribute and one for editing the name.first attribute, you would write the_group.item_actions(the_group[the_index], the_index, 'favorite_fruit', 'name.first'). The item_actions() method also accepts the optional keyword parameters edit (defaults to True), delete (defaults to True), reorder (defaults to False), ensure_complete (defaults to True), confirm (defaults to False), edit_url_only (defaults to False), and delete_url_only (defaults to False). If the value of edit is false, the edit button is not shown. If the value of delete is false, the delete button is not shown. If reorder is true, up/down buttons for reordering items are shown. If ensure_complete is true, then after the user edits the attributes given as positional parameters, docassemble will run .gathered_and_complete() on the group. If confirm is true, the user will be asked to confirm before an item is deleted. The edit_url_only and delete_url_only parameters, if set to true, will alter the default output of item_actions() so that instead of outputting HTML of buttons, the method will output a single URL that can be used in the web interface as the URL of an edit button or a delete button, respectively.
  • hook_on_gather() - this method is run automatically as part of the list gathering process. It is run immediately before the .gathered attribute is set to True to mark the gathering process as finished. If you use .add_action(), .item_actions(), or a feature that uses them (table editing), the hook_on_gather() method will run because these methods trigger the gathering process. By default, hook_on_gather() does nothing, but it is useful in subclasses if you want to make sure that something is done before the list is considered gathered. When you write .hook_on_gather() in subclasses, be careful that your code does not assume that the list has been gathered, because it has not been gathered. For an example, see using hooks.
  • hook_after_gather() - this method is run automatically as part of the list gathering process. It is run immediately after the .gathered attribute is set to True to mark the gathering process as finished. If you use .add_action(), .item_actions(), or a feature that uses them (table editing), the hook_on_gather() method will run because these methods trigger the gathering process. By default, hook_after_gather() does nothing, but it is useful in subclasses if you want to make sure that something is done after the list is gathered. This method is different from hook_on_gather() because it is run after the list is gathered. Thus, the method can rely on the list having been fully gathered. However, because it runs after gathering is complete, hook_after_gather() should not trigger the asking of any questions or the running of any code blocks, because the logic will not be idempotent; there would be no reason in the for the hook_after_gather() method to be called again. By contrast, the hook_on_gather() method can trigger the asking of questions or the running of code blocks, since the completion of hook_on_gather() is a prerequisite to the list being gathered. In short, hook_on_gather() is a prerequisite, and hook_after_gather() is an afterthought. For most purposes, you should be able to get by with hook_on_gather(), but one reason to use hook_after_gather() is if you have set auto_gather to False; in this case, hook_on_gather() is run before the .gathered attribute is sought, so it will be run before any code in a code block that defines the .gathered attribute. You might want your logic to be applied after this code runs, not before. For an example, see using hooks.
  • hook_on_remove() - this method is called immediately before an item is removed from the list. The item that is removed is passed to hook_on_remove() as a single positional parameter.
  • hook_on_item_complete() - this method is not currently called by the docassemble code, but it is available for your use in subclasses. The intention is for this method to be called immediately before the complete_attribute is set. E.g., my_list.hook_on_item_complete(my_list[i]). If your class does not provide a .hook_on_item_complete() method, this method does nothing.
  • filter() - returns a shallow copy of the list object where the elements of the list are filtered according to criteria specified in keyword arguments. For example, if person is a list of Individuals, and each individual has an attribute is_witness that is either True if the person is a witness and False otherwise, you can write person.filter(is_witness=True) to get a list of witnesses. This only works if the list is a list of objects. By default, the list that is returned will have the same instance name as the original list, but you can change this by passing a single positional parameter. Running witness = person.filter('witness', is_witness=True), for example, will set witness to an object with the instance name witness. However, note that the instance names of the elements of the list will not be changed. While the filter() method can be a useful shorthand, its features are very limited. In most situations, it is probably better to use a list comprehension.
  • initializeObject() - Calling my_list.initializeObject(0, DAObject) will set the first item in the list to a DAObject, with an appropriate instance name.

If you refer to a list in a Mako template (e.g., The applicants include: ${ applicant }) or convert it to text with the str() function (e.g. (str(applicant)) in Python code, the result will be the output of the comma_and_list() method.

The DAList uses the following attributes:

  • object_type: a class of type DAObject or subclass thereof, or None. Initially, this is set to None. If set to an object type, such as DAObject or Individual, then new items will be created as objects of this type. You can also use the result of the using() method here.
  • gathered: a boolean value, initially undefined. It is set to True when all of the items of the list are defined.
  • elements: a Python list containing the items of the list. If this is set, the list will be considered gathered as soon as it is initialized.
  • set_instance_name: this can be used in combination with elements. If set to True, then when the elements are added to the list, their instrinsic names (see above) are changed to match the intrinsic name of the list. For example, if you initialize parties as a DAList using elements=[plaintiff, defendant] and set_instance_name=True, then the name of plaintiff will be changed to parties[0] and the name of defendant will be changed to parties[0]. The variables plaintiff and defendant will still exist, but if your interview refers to an undefined attribute plaintiff.net_worth, the interview will seek a definition of parties[0].net_worth.
  • there_are_any: a boolean value, initially undefined, indicating whether any values should be gathered. The expectation is that the interview will define a question or code block that defines this attribute.
  • is_there_another: a boolean value, initially undefined, indicating whether there are any additional values that should be gathered.
  • auto_gather: a boolean value, set to True by default, which indicates whether the interview should use the .gather() method to ask questions to gather the items of the list.
  • complete_attribute: a text string indicating the name of an attribute of a list item. If you have a DAList called fruit and you set fruit.complete_attribute = 'weight', then when the .gather() method is gathering the items of the list, it will seek a definition of fruit[i].weight for every item of the list, as it is gathering the items of the list. If you do not set a complete_attribute, the default behavior is to ask whatever questions are necessary to represent the list item as text. See using complete_attribute for more information.
  • ask_object_type: a boolean value, initially set to False. This is used when you want to build a list of objects of diverse types. When ask_object_type is True, then when items are added to the list, docassemble will seek out a definition of the new_object_type attribute before adding an item to the list. When it gets the object type, the object it adds to the list will be of this type.
  • new_object_type: this works like object_type, except the attribute is undefined and a definition is sought every time an object is added to the list. It is used in conjunction with the ask_object_type attribute.

For more information about gathering items using DAList objects, see the section on groups.


All docassemble objects are instances of the DAObject class. DAObjects are different from normal Python objects because they have special features that allow their attributes to be defined by docassemble questions. If fruit is an ordinary Python object and you refer to fruit.seeds when seeds is not an existing attribute of fruit, Python will generate an AttributeError. But if fruit is a DAObject, docassemble will intercept that error and look for a question, code block (or other block) that offers to define fruit.seeds. Or, if that does not work, it will look for a generic object block that offers to define x.seeds for a DAObject.

From the interview developer’s perspective, DAObjects can be treated like ordinary Python objects in most ways, but there are exceptions.

Intrinsic names

An important characteristic of all DAObject instances is that they have intrinsic names. If you do:

  - foo: DAObject

then foo will be an instance of the DAObject class and foo.instanceName will be 'foo'. The object knows its own name. This is not a standard feature of Python objects, but a feature added by docassemble.

In Python, objects are created by calling the class as though it were a function:

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> salary = Decimal(20000)
>>> float(salary)

In this example, Decimal() is called with a parameter representing a number. Similarly, when you call DAObject() you provide a parameter representing the name of the variable.

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

foo = DAObject('foo')

Since foo is a Python object, you can create other names for the same object, but the instanceName attribute will not change.

>>> from docassemble.base.util import DAObject
>>> foo = DAObject('foo')
>>> foo.instanceName
>>> foo.seeds = 4
>>> foo.seeds
>>> bar = foo
>>> bar.instanceName
>>> bar.seeds += 1
>>> foo.seeds

The fact that each DAObject has only one intrinsic name can lead to confusion in interviews if you are not careful. For example, suppose you try the following:

  - tree: DAObject
  - long_branch: DAObject
mandatory: True
question: |
  The length of the branch is
  ${ tree.branch.length }.
code: |
  tree.branch = long_branch
question: |
  What is the length of the branch
  on the tree?
  - Length: tree.branch.length
Screenshot of branch-error example

This will result in the following error:

There was a reference to a variable ‘long_branch.length’ that could not be looked up in the question file or in any of the files incorporated by reference into the question file.

You might think, “hey, why doesn’t my interview ask the question that sets tree.branch.length?” The reason is that tree.branch is just an alias for long_branch, and the object knows itself only as long_branch. Thus, when the interview needs a definition for the .length attribute of this object, it will look for long_branch.length.

If you had a question that defined long_branch.length or a generic object question for the x.length where x is a DAObject, then the interview would use that question. However, the interview is not able to search for the length of the branch using tree.branch.length since the intrinsic name of the object is long_branch, not tree.branch.

This will work as intended:

  - tree: DAObject
  - tree.branch: DAObject
mandatory: True
question: |
  The length of the branch is
  ${ tree.branch.length }.
question: |
  What is the length of the branch
  on the tree?
  - Length: tree.branch.length
Screenshot of branch-no-error example

You also need to be careful about intrinsic names if you write your own functions. For example, assume you wrote a Python module containing:

from docassemble.base.util import DAList, Thing

def build_list():
    the_list = DAList('the_list', object_type=Thing)
    for indexno in range(4):
    return the_list

Assume you then created some lists in your interview:

code: |
  list_of_fruits = build_list()
  list_of_vegetables = build_list()

The problem here is that the list_of_fruits and list_of_vegetables objects, as well as their subobjects, will not have the right intrinsic names.

In some situations, you can write foo = DAObject() instead of foo = DAObject('foo'), and it will automatically figure out the instance name, but this is fragile, and under certain circumstances it can fail, and it will fall back to giving the object a random instrinsic name. To avoid this problem, you can always set the intrinsic name of an object at the time you create it by passing the intrinsic name you want to use as the first parameter.

Thus, you can do:

def build_list(list_name):
    the_list = DAList(list_name, object_type=Thing)
    for indexno in range(4):
    return the_list

And then this will work:

code: |
  list_of_fruits = build_list('list_of_fruits')
  list_of_vegetables = build_list('list_of_vegetables')

The requirement of making sure your objects are aware of their names is inconvenient, but necessary. Python has no built-in system by which a variable can know its own name. In docassemble, it is necessary for objects to know their own names so that when your interview logic refers to an undefined object attribute, list element, or dictionary key, docassemble knows what question or code block to use to obtain a definition of the undefined variable.

One of the useful things about DAObjects is that you can write generic object questions that work in a wide variety of circumstances because the questions can use the variable name itself when forming the text of the question to ask the user.

If you refer to a DAObject in a Mako template (or reduce it to text with Python’s str() function), this will have the effect of calling the object_name() method, which attempts to return a human-friendly name for the object.

For example:

  - park: DAObject
  - turnip: DAObject
mandatory: True
code: |
  park.front_gate = DAObject()
mandatory: True
question: |
  The ${ turnip.color } turnip sat
  before the
  ${ park.front_gate.color } gate.
generic object: DAObject
question: |
  What is the color of the ${ x }?
  - Color: x.color
Screenshot of daobject example

Although there is only one question for x.color, this question generates both “What is the color of the turnip?” and “What is the color of the front gate in the park?” This is because object_name() is implicitly called and it turns park.front_gate into “front gate in the park.”

The object_name() method is multi-lingual-friendly. By using docassemble.base.util.update_word_collection(), you can provide non-English translations for words that come from variable names, such as “turnip,” “park,” and “front gate.” By using docassemble.base.util.update_language_function(), you can define a non-English version of the a_in_the_b() function, which object_name() uses to convert an attribute name like park.front_gate into “front gate in the park.” (It calls a_in_the_b('front gate', 'park').) So in a Spanish interview, park.front_gate.object_name() would return “puerta de entrada en el parque.” (The Spanish version of a_in_the_b() will be more complicated than the English version because it will need to determine the gender of the second argument.)

A related method of DAObject is object_possessive(). Calling turnip.object_possessive('leaves') will return the turnip's leaves. Calling park.front_gate.object_possessive('latch') will return the latch of the front gate in the park.

The DAObject is the most basic object, and all other docassemble objects inherit from it. These objects will have different methods and behaviors. For example, if friend is an Individual, referring to ${ friend } in a Mako template will not return friend.object_name(); rather, it will return friend.full_name(), which may require asking the user for the friend’s name.

Methods for working with attributes

A DAObject can have any attributes you want to give it. When those attributes are objects themselves, you need to use the initializeAttribute() method.

One way to initialize attributes of an object is to use Python code:

  - fish: DAObject
code: |
  fish.best_friend = DAObject()

Under many circumstances, this works, and the variable on the left will be assigned a correct instanceName.

However, docassemble’s system for setting the instanceName in circumstances like this relies on hacking the internals of Python. It is not guaranteed to work in all circumstances. A safe way to define attributes is as follows:

  - fish: DAObject
sets: fish.best_friend
code: |
  fish.initializeAttribute('best_friend', DAObject)

The first argument to initializeAttribute is the attribute name, as quoted text. The second argument is the name of the object the attribute should be (not quoted).

It is necessary to modify the code block with sets because docassemble needs help figuring out that the code block offers to define fish.best_friend.

The initializeAttribute() method returns the object it just initialized.

The initializeAttribute() method will have no effect if the attribute is already defined. If you want to force the setting of an attribute in situations when the attribute is already defined, use reInitializeAttribute() instead of initializeAttribute(), and it will overwrite the attribute. The reInitializeAttribute() method returns the object it just reinitialized.

The best way to define object attributes is to use the objects block.

  - fish: DAObject
  - fish.best_friend: DAObject

This also works with list items:

objects: |
  - companies: DAList.using(object_type=Person)
  - companies[i].principal_place_of_business: City

You can also use objects with the generic object modifier:

generic object: Person
objects: |
  - x.principal_place_of_business: City

This will ensure that the principal_place_of_business of an Individual or Organization is always a City.

The DAObject provides some convenience functions for working with object attributes.

The attribute_defined() method will return True or False depending on whether the given attribute is defined. The attribute name must be provided as quoted text. For example:

  - client: Individual
mandatory: True
question: |
  % if client.address.attribute_defined('city'):
  You live in ${ client.address.city }.
  % else:
  I don't know where you live.
  % endif

The attr() method will return the value of the given attribute. The attribute must be provided as text. (E.g., client.address.attr('city').) If the attribute is not defined, None will be returned. This can be useful if you have several attributes but you want to access them programmatically. For example:

mandatory: True
question: |
  Your address.
subquestion: |
  % for part in ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip']:
  Your ${ part } is ${ client.address.attr(part) }.

  % endfor

Note that because None is returned when the attribute is not defined, this method will not trigger a process of retrieving a definition for the attribute. If you want to trigger this process, use the built-in Python function getattr().

code: |
  for characteristic in ['eye_color', 'hair_color', 'weight']:
    getattr(client.child[i], characteristic)
  client.child[i].complete = True

As discussed below, the Individual object has interesting methods related to pronouns. These methods are universal, so you can use them on any DAObject.

Sometimes, you need to refer to the name of an attribute, rather than the attribute itself. For example, when passing variable names to showif() or force_ask(), you need to refer to the names of variables as a text string, because if you just referred to the variable itself, you would be passing its value and the variable would need to be defined, which isn’t what you want.

For example, if you do this:

code: |

it will have the effect of doing:

code: |
  force_ask(person[i].instanceName + '.birthdate')

In the case of the fourth person in the list, this has the effect of doing:

code: |

If you want to delete attributes of a DAObject, where the attributes may or may not be defined, you can use the delattr() method.


You can also give it multiple attribute names.

client.delattr('birthdate', 'sibling_count')

The invalidate_attr() method is like the delattr() method, except it remembers the values of the attributes in order to present them as default values to the user when the question that defines the attribute is asked again.

The fresh_getattr() method takes the name of an attribute, calls reconsider() on the attribute and then returns the value of the attribute.


This should only be used on attributes that are defined by code blocks.

The raise_undefined_attribute_error() method raises the same type of exception that a DAObject raises when the interview logic requires a definition of an object attribute that is undefined.

This can be useful when you are using the @property decorator to implement getter/setter methods.

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

__all__ = ['MyObject']

class MyObject(DAObject):

  def foo(self):
    if not hasattr(self, '_foo'):
    return self._foo

  def foo(self, val):
    self._foo = val

Language methods

The possessive() method is a language method that responds with a possessive phrase. For example, if the object friend when reduced to text returns John Smith, then friend.possessive('fish') will return John Smith's fish.

If the object is a generic DAObject, or a subclass of DAObject that does not have any special pronoun behavior, then the .pronoun(), .pronoun_subjective(), and .pronoun_objective() methods all return 'it'. The .pronoun_possessive() method returns 'its' followed by the argument. For example, thing.pronoun_possessive('reason') returns 'its reason'. These methods work differently on subclasses Individual and DAList. See language methods for more information.

The DAObject supports the language methods is_are_you(), yourself_or_name(), itself(), is_user(), do_question(), did_question(), were_question(), have_question(), does_verb(), did_verb(), subjective_pronoun_or_name(), pronoun_or_name(). For more information about how to use these methods, see language methods.

Many of the language methods of the [DAObject] class accept the optional keyword parameter person, which can be set to 1, 2, 3 to indicate that they should use first person (“I,” “me”), second person (“you”, “your”), or third person (“them,” “their”). You can avoid passing this parameter every time by setting the ._point_of_view attribute of the object to 1, 2, or 3. You can also use plural forms 1p (“we”, “our”) and 2p (which is the same as 2 in English).

Utility methods

The .as_serializable() method returns a simplified representation of the object and its attributes. Objects are converted to Python dicts, so that they can be serialized to JSON or other formats. The conversion is not reversible, and much information cannot be converted. Nevertheless, this can be a useful way to convert the information in your objects into a form that can be digested by non-Python-based systems. See also the all_variables() and set_variables() functions.

The copy_shallow() method creates a copy of the object and gives it a new intrinsic name.

new_object = old_object.copy_shallow('new_object')

The copy is “shallow,” which means that while new_object will be a new object with its own separate existence, sub-objects of the new object will simply be references to corresponding sub-objects of the original object.

>>> new_object is old_object
>>> new_object.sub_object is old_object.sub_object
  - orig_company: DAObject
code: |
  other_company = orig_company.copy_shallow('other_company')
Screenshot of copy-shallow example

The copy_deep() method creates a copy of the object its sub-objects and gives it, and all of its sub-objects, new intrinsic names.

new_object = old_object.copy_deep('new_object')

Because the copy is “deep,” each sub-object has a separate existence:

>>> new_object is old_object
>>> new_object.sub_object is old_object.sub_object
  - orig_company: DAObject
code: |
  other_company = orig_company.copy_deep('other_company')
Screenshot of copy-deep example


A DADict acts like a Python dictionary except that dictionary keys and values can be defined through docassemble questions.

To add a value that is a new docassemble object, you need to call the initializeObject() method.

For example:

  - player: DADict
mandatory: True
code: |
  player.initializeObject('trustee', DAObject)
  player.initializeObject('beneficiary', DAObject)
  player.initializeObject('grantor', DAObject)
  player.gathered = True
mandatory: True
question: The players
subquestion: |
  % for type in player.keys():
  ${ player[type].firstname }
  ${ player[type].lastname } is here.

  % endfor
generic object: DAObject
question: |
  What is
  ${ x[i].object_possessive('name') }?
  - First Name: x[i].firstname
  - Last Name: x[i].lastname
Screenshot of dadict example

The first parameter is the name of the attribute. The second parameter is the type of object. The result of using() can be used in place of the class name.

The DADict also uses a similar method called .new(). This method initializes a new object and makes it an entry in the dictionary. For example, if the dictionary is called positions, calling positions.new('file clerk', 'supervisor') will result in the creation of the object positions['file clerk'] and the object positions['supervisor']. The type of object is given by the object_type attribute, or DAObject if object_type is not set. You can also pass a list and it will unpack the list, initializing dictionary entries for each value.

DADicts use the same attributes that DALists use. It also uses:

  • new_item_name: a text value, initially undefined, indicating the key of a new item being gathered into the dictionary.
  • new_item_value: a value, initially undefined, indicating the value of a new item being gathered into the dictionary. This is only used when the .object_type of the DADict is not set.

DADicts use the same methods that DALists use, except for .appendObject(), .append(), .remove(), .discard(), .extend(), .filter(), .sort(), .sort_elements(), .current_index(), .first(), and .last().

It also uses the following methods, which correspond with the same methods of the Python dict.

  • keys()
  • values()
  • update()
  • pop()
  • popitem()
  • setdefault()
  • get()
  • copy()
  • has_key()
  • items()

For most purposes, your code can treat a DADict object just like a Python dictionary.

  - things: DADict
code: |
  if 'abc' in things:
    gathered_abc = True
    gathered_abc = False
code: |
  if len(things) > 0:
    there_are_things = True
    there_are_things = False
mandatory: True
code: |
  things['abc'] = some_variable
code: |
  description = ''
  for key, value in things.items():
    description += "* " + key + ": " + value + "\n"

The DADict object also uses some methods that are unique to it. The all_true() and all_false() methods are useful when working with checkbox groups. If you use datatype: checkboxes to set a variable called choices, then choices will be a DADict object.

If you call choices.all_true(), the result will be True if all of the checkboxes were selected (i.e., all of the values of the dictionary are True). If you call choices.any_false(), the result is the opposite of choices.all_true().

If you call choices.all_false(), the result will be True if none of the values were selected (i.e., all of the values of the dictionary are False). If you call choices.any_true(), the result is the opposite of choices.all_false().

You can also call these methods with parameters. Calling choices.all_true('red', 'green') will return True if the user selected the choices for 'red' and 'green'. Calling choices.all_true('red', 'green', exclusive=True) will return True if 'red' and 'green' were selected and these were the only choices selected.

Here is an example that illustrates uses of .all_true():

question: |
  Please tell me what you think.
  - "Select the fruits you like": likes_fruit
    datatype: checkboxes
      - Apples
      - Peaches
      - Pears
      - Plums
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of your answer
subquestion: |
  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_true():
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that you like all fruit.
  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_true('Apples', 'Pears'):
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that you like apples and pears.

  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_true('Apples', 'Pears', exclusive=True):
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that apples and pears are the only fruits you like.

  It is
  % if likes_fruit.any_true():
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that you like at least one fruit.
Screenshot of all-true example

Here is an example that uses .all_false():

question: |
  Please tell me what you think.
  - "Select the fruits you like": likes_fruit
    datatype: checkboxes
      - Apples
      - Peaches
      - Pears
      - Plums
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of your answer
subquestion: |
  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_false():
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that you don't like any of the fruit.
  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_false('Apples', 'Pears'):
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that you do not like apples or pears.

  It is
  % if likes_fruit.all_false('Apples', 'Pears', exclusive=True):
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that apples and pears are the only fruits you do not like.

  It is
  % if likes_fruit.any_false():
  % else:
  not true
  % endif
  that there is at least one fruit you do not like.
Screenshot of all-false example

The method .true_values() will return a DAList of keys that are True.

question: |
  Please tell me what you think.
  - "Select the fruits you like": likes_fruit
    datatype: checkboxes
      - Apples
      - Peaches
      - Pears
      - Plums
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of your answer
subquestion: |
  You like
  ${ likes_fruit.true_values() }.
Screenshot of true-values example

.true_values() accepts an optional keyword parameter insertion_order. If insertion_order is set to True, then the order of the keys returned by .true_values() will be the insertion order of the underlying dictionary. Otherwise, the keys are sorted in alphabetical order.

Similarly, .false_values() will return a DAList of keys that are False.

question: |
  Please tell me what you think.
  - "Select the fruits you like": likes_fruit
    datatype: checkboxes
      - Apples
      - Peaches
      - Pears
      - Plums
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of your answer
subquestion: |
  You do not like
  ${ likes_fruit.false_values() }.
Screenshot of false-values example

Like .true_values(), .false_values() accepts the optional keyword parameter insertion_order.

For more information about using checkboxes, see the documentation for checkbox groups.

Like the DAList, the DADict supports the method item(). If Fruit is a DADict, fruit.item('apple') is equivalent to fruit['apple'], except that if fruit does not have an item 'apple', the result will be empty text. This is a helpful method in some contexts, such as fillable PDF forms. Empty text will also result if you try to use attributes on the result, so fruit.item('apple').seeds or fruit.item('apple').total_value() will also result in empty text.

code: |
  pet_types = [
    'dog', 'cat', 'goldfish',
    'turtle', 'lizard', 'rabbit',
    'rock', 'hamster', 'gerbil',
question: |
  What type of pet do you have?
  - Type: pet.new_item_name
    datatype: dropdown
    code: pet_types
question: |
  Describe your pet ${ i }.
  - Name: pet[i].name
  - Color: pet[i].color
  - Legs: pet[i].legs
    datatype: integer
question: |
  Do you have any other pets?
yesno: pet.there_is_another
mandatory: True
question: |
  Description of ten pets.
subquestion: |
  % for pet_type in pet_types:
  The name of your pet ${ pet_type }
  is ${ pet.item(pet_type).name }.
  It is ${ pet.item(pet_type).color }
  and it has
  ${ pet.item(pet_type).legs } legs.
  % endfor
Screenshot of item-dict example

For more information about using DADict objects, see the section on groups.

You can delete one or more items from the dictionary using the delitem() method. For example, fruit.delitem('apple', 'orange') removes the 'apple' and 'orange' items from the list if they are present. If an item is not present, no error is raised.

Similar to the invalidate_attr() method, the invalidate_item() method runs invalidate() on the given items of the dictionary.

Similar to the getattr_fresh() method, the getitem_fresh() method runs reconsider() on the given item in the list and then returns the recomputed item. This should only be used if the item value is computed, not posed to the user as a question.

The .slice() method of the DADict returns a shallow copy of the dictionary with a subset of the original key/value pairs. It can be called in one of two ways. If you give it a single positional parameter, where that parameter is a function, the function will be applied to the value of the key/value pair and if the result is true, the key/value pair will be included, and if it is false, the key/value pair will be excluded. For example, if you have a DADict called parties where the values are Individual objects, you can take a “slice” of the dictionary that consists only of individuals who are 18 or older:

adults = parties.slice(lambda y: y.age_in_years() >= 18)

If the values of a DADict are plain text phone numbers, this will return a version of the DADict where the phone numbers are valid:

good_numbers = phone_numbers.slice(phone_number_is_valid)

This uses the phone_number_is_valid() function.

The second way to call the .slice() method is to give it one or more keys as positional parameters. For example, if you have a DADict called income where the keys are types of income and the values represent the amount of income in that category, you can use .slice() to get a dictionary that only contains particular keys of the original dictionary:

earnings = sum(income.slice('employment', 'self-employment').values())


The DAOrderedDict is just like the DADict, except it is based on a Python OrderedDict, rather than a Python dict. This means that the data structure remembers the order in which keys are added, and returns items in that order during iteration.


A DASet is like a DADict and a DAList, except it acts like a Pythonset.”

  - issues: DASet
code: |
  if user_needs_to_apply:

DASets use the same methods that DALists use, except for .appendObject(), .append(), .extend(), .first(), and .last(). It also uses the following methods, which correspond with the methods of the Python set.

  • add()
  • copy()
  • discard()
  • difference()
  • intersection()
  • isdisjoint()
  • issubset()
  • issuperset()
  • pop()
  • remove()
  • union()

For more information about using DASet objects, see the section on groups.

The .hook* methods that DAList and DADict use are not available with DASet.


A DAFile object is used to refer to a file, which might be an uploaded file, an assembled document, or a file generated by code. It has the following attributes:

  • filename: the filename (e.g., complaint.pdf). This attribute should be treated as read-only; you need to use .set_attributes() to actually change the name of a file on the server.
  • mimetype: the MIME type of the file.
  • extension: the file extension (e.g., pdf or rtf).
  • number: the internal integer number used by docassemble to keep track of documents stored on a site. (You will likely never need to use this.)
  • ok: this is True if the number has been defined, and is otherwise False. (You will likely never need to use this, either.)
  • alt_text (optional): you can set this to a textual description of the file. This can be useful if the file is an image that will be displayed in the browser. The alt_text will then be used as the alt text for the image, which helps users of screen readers. You can also use the set_alt_text() and get_alt_text() methods to set and get this attribute.

You might work with DAFile objects in the following contexts:

  • Your interview contains a document upload field. The variable representing the upload will be set to a DAFileList object after the upload has been done. If the variable name is pretty_picture, then pretty_picture[0] will be a DAFile object.
  • Your interview assembles a document and the document is assigned to a variable name. If the variable name is motion_to_reconsider, then motion_to_reconsider will be a DAFileCollection object, the attributes of which represent the various formats of the document. For example, motion_to_reconsider.pdf (the .pdf here is an attribute, not a file extension) will be a DAFile object representing the PDF version of the document.
  • Your interview contains code that needs to create a file. You can use an objects block to create a blank DAFile object. Then you would call .initialize() to give the file a name and a presence on the file system.

You can call .path() on a DAFile object to get the actual file path. Using the file path, can manipulate the underlying file directly in whatever way you want. However, the DAFile object has a number of built-in methods for doing common things with files, so it is a good idea to use the methods whenever possible.

While the DAFile object is saved in your interview session dictionary like any other variable, the content of the file may be stored on Amazon S3, Azure blob storage, or the file system, depending on the server’s configuration. The path you obtain from .path() might be different from one screen of your interview to another. You should not save the path to a variable and expect to be able to use that variable across screens of the interview. Rather, you should always access the file through the DAFile object, using its built-in methods (such as .path()). These methods contain code that automatically accounts for the fact that the file might be stored in the cloud. For example, if you use Amazon S3, then when you call .path()), this will cause the file to be retrieved from Amazon S3 and placed into a temporary directory.

The methods of DAFile are the following:

The .initialize() method transforms a fresh, uninitialized DAFile object (e.g., a DAFile object created by the objects block) into an object that can actually be used as a file. The method takes the optional keyword parameters filename or extension. The .initialize() method can be used as follows (where myfile is a DAFile object):

  • myfile.initialize(filename='image.jpg') - filename will be image.jpg, extension will be jpg, mimetype will be image/jpeg.
  • myfile.initialize(extension='jpg') - filename will be file.jpg, extension will be jpg, mimetype will be image/jpeg.
  • myfile.initialize() - filename will be file.txt, extension will be txt, mimetype will be text/plain.

When it completes, the .initialize() method sets the initialized to True.

If the object has already been initialized, the .initialize() method can safely be called on it, but this will only have the effect of calling .retrieve() on it, and the filename and extension parameters will not overwrite existing values. If you actually want to redo the initialization process on a DAObject that has already been initialized, you can set the optional keyword argument reinitialize to True. This will delete any existing file from the file system and reset the values of filename, extension, and mimetype.

The following example uses the Python Imaging Library to create a JPEG image.

  - PIL
  - myfile: DAFile
sets: myfile.initialized
code: |
  im = PIL.Image.new("RGB",
                     (512, 512),
  im.save(myfile.path(), format='JPEG')
  del im
mandatory: True
question: |
  Here is the picture.
subquestion: |
  ${ myfile }
Screenshot of dafile example

Note that because the .initialize() method defines the .initialized attribute, you can attach sets to a code block that calls initialize(). This way, your code block that initializes a file can be called implicitly. In this example, the attempt to display myfile in the subquestion of the final question causes docassemble to seek out the value of myfile.initialized.

However, if the reason docassemble runs the code block is to obtain a definition of .initialized, docassemble will be satisfied as soon as .initialize() returns. If you have code that runs after the call to .initialize(), you need to make sure that the code does not refer to any undefined variables.

The .show() method returns markup that displays the file as an image. This method takes an optional keyword argument, width, which can be set to, e.g., '1in', '44mm', or '20pt'. See inserting images for more information about this markup.

In the context of a Mako template, writing ${ myfile } is equivalent to writing ${ myfile.show() } (where myfile is a DAFile object).

The method also takes an optional keyword argument alt_text, which can be used to set the alt text of images that appear in the web browser. If an alt_text keyword argument is not supplied, the alt_text attribute of the DAFile object itself will be used as the alt text. If that attribute does not exist, no alt text will be used. (See the set_alt_text() and get_alt_text() methods for more information about this attribute.)

The .path() method returns a complete file path that you can use to read the file or write to the file.

The .num_pages() method returns the number of pages in a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, it returns 1.

The .url_for() method returns a URL at which the file can be accessed. The URL should only be used in the context of the user’s session and the user’s web browser.

mandatory: True
question: |
  This interview is all done.
subquestion: |
  To start your case,
  [download your pleading],
  print it, and take it
  to clerk's office at the

  [download your pleading]: ${ complaint.pdf.url_for() }
  filename: complaint
  name: Complaint
  variable name: complaint
  content: |
    This is a complaint.

    Blah, blah, blah
Screenshot of dafile-url-for example

However, if you have set the private attribute to False by calling .set_attributes(private=False) on the object, than the URL obtained from .url_for() will be accessible to anyone, regardless of whether they are logged in. For more information, see .set_attributes().

The following keyword parameters can be used.

temporary - the .url_for() method can also be used to generate a temporary URL where anyone who knows the URL can access the file, regardless of whether they are logged in, regardless of whether the private attribute is True or False. To obtain such a URL, include temporary=True as a keyword parameter. By default, the URL will expire after 30 seconds. To extend this time, include the optional keyword parameter seconds. This example creates a URL that expires in 60 seconds.

mandatory: True
question: |
  This interview is all done.
subquestion: |
  To start your case,
  [download your pleading]
  in the next sixty seconds,
  print it, and take it
  to clerk's office at the

  [download your pleading]: ${ complaint.pdf.url_for(temporary=True, seconds=60) }
  filename: complaint
  name: Complaint
  variable name: complaint
  content: |
    This is a complaint.

    Blah, blah, blah
Screenshot of dafile-url-for-temporary example

external - by default, the URLs returned by .url_for() will be root-relative URLs. If you want URLs that include the protocol and hostname, include external=True when you call .url_for(). Using temporary=True implies external=True.

attachment - by default, the URLs return files suitable for inclusion in web pages. If you want the user to download the file when accessing the link, you can set attachment to True. Then the Content-Disposition header in the response will be set so that the file can be downloaded.

page and size - if the DAFile is a PDF, you can obtain a URL for a PNG image of a specific page of the file by passing the page parameter. The page indicates the page number (starting with 1). The size can be either 'screen' for a 72 DPI image or 'page' for a 300 DPI image. The size is optional and it defaults to 'page'. The Configuration directives png screen resolution and png resolution can be used to change these default DPI values. If the PNG image has not yet been created by the time the user visits the URL, docassemble will generate the PNG image. Converting PDF to PNG can be time-consuming, so the server may not respond immediately. If the URL is accessed while there is a pending background task that is converting the PDF page images to PNG, the server will wait for that background task to create the image, which may take even longer.

The .page_path() method returns a file system path to a PNG page image for a given page of a PDF file. If your DAFile is myfile, calling myfile.page_path(1, 'page') will return the path of a PNG image with a resolution of 300 DPI for the first page of the document. Calling myfile.page_path(5, 'screen') will return the path of a PNG image with a resolution of 72 DPI for the fifth page of the document. If the PNG file does not already exist on the server, .page_path() will create it, or if there is an ongoing background task for creating PNG page images, .page_path() will wait for that background task to create the PNG image. Thus, .page_path() could take several seconds to return a value, depending on the circumstances. .page_path() accepts an optional keyword parameter, wait. If the PNG image has not been generated yet, and .page_path() is called with wait=False, then .page_path() will not trigger the PNG creation process or wait for any ongoing process to complete, and instead will immediately return None. A background task is launched to create page images from a PDF file when a user uploads a file through a datatype: file or datatype: files field, when a file is uploaded to /api/session, and when the .pngs_ready() method is called on a DAFile. If the PDF to PNG creation process fails, .page_path() will return None.

The .pngs_ready() method triggers a background process for creating PNG images from a PDF file, if the process has not already started, and returns True or False depending on whether the PNG creation process has completed. The resulting PNG files can be accessed using .page_path() and .url_for(). The PNG images are also used in various other contexts, such as when inserting a PDF file into a DOCX file or inserting a DAFile into the screen of the web application.

The .retrieve() command ensures that a stored file is ready for use on the system. Calling .retrieve is necessary because if docassemble is configured to use Amazon S3 or Azure blob storage, documents are stored in the cloud, and the server accesses them by copying them from the cloud to the server and then copying them back to the cloud. If the file does not exist yet, calling .retrieve() will generate an error.

The .set_attributes() command allows you to set three characteristics of the uploaded document:

  • private: the default value of this attribute is True, which means that other interviews and other interview sessions cannot access the contents of the file, even if they know the .number, or have the DAFile object itself, or have a URL to the file obtained from .url_for(). You will need to set the private attribute to False if you want other sessions or other users to be able to access the file. For example, you might store a DAFile object in storage and retrieve it within other interviews at a later time. The contents of the file will not be accessible unless you set private to False.
  • persistent: the default value of this attribute is False, which means that the file will be deleted when the interview session is deleted. Interview sessions are deleted when the user presses an exit button or an exit command is run. Interview sessions are also deleted when the session has been inactive for a period. You can prevent the deletion of a file by setting the persistent attribute to True.
  • filename: the name of the file, e.g., complaint.pdf. Note that while you can use .set_attributes() to change the filename, you cannot use it to change the file type. The file type (its MIME type and extension) are intrinsic to the file as it is stored on the file system. If you want to change the type of a file you would need to use .convert_to() or initialize a new file.

You can set these attributes with code like this:

question: |
  Sign your name
signature: user_signature
mandatory: True
code: |

To read the values of the attributes for a variable like user_signature, refer to user_signature.private and user_signature.persistent, which are set by .retrieve(). Setting these attributes directly has no effect; you need to use .set_attributes() to set them.

When allowing users to upload files using datatype: file, you can use field modifiers to set initial values for private and persistent.

You can use the .user_access() method to grant or deny access to particular users. Suppose you have a DAFile called my_file. You can call:

my_file.user_access('[email protected]', '[email protected]')

This will grant access to the users on the system with those usernames. You can also reference user IDs:

my_file.user_access(21, 43, 54)

To deny access, you can set the optional keyword parameter disallow:

my_file.user_access(disallow='[email protected]')
my_file.user_access(disallow=['[email protected]', '[email protected]'])

To disallow access completely, set disallow to 'all':


To find out which users have been assigned privileges, run the .user_access() method on a DAFile (not a DAFileList or DAFileCollection) without any arguments. The result will be a dictionary with the following keys:

  • user_ids: a list of user IDs;
  • emails: a list of e-mail addresses of users with access; and
  • temp_user_ids: a list of temporary user IDs for non-logged in users who have access (such users cannot be assigned).

Note that the user_access() method only reports users who have been given explicit access; users who have joined the interview also have access; to take away their access, you would need to delete their session.

You can use the .privilege_access() method to manage access to a file based on the privileges of users. Suppose you have a DAFile called my_file. You can call:

my_file.privilege_access('developer', 'advocate')

You can also take privileges away:

my_file.privilege_access(disallow=['developer', 'advocate'])

To take all privileges away, use the special code 'all':


To see what privileges have access to a file, call .privilege_access() on a DAFile without any parameters:

privileges_list = my_file.privilege_access()

This will return a list of privileges (e.g., ['developer', 'user']).

The .convert_to() method accepts a single positional parameter, which is expected to be 'pdf', 'docx', 'doc', 'odt', 'rtf', 'png', 'jpg', 'tif', or 'md'. The file will be converted in place to that format. Word processing files cannot be converted to image files, and vice-versa. If the conversion fails, an exception will be raised.

The .convert_to() method accepts an optional keyword parameter, output_to, which can be set to a DAFile. If output_to is specified, then the input file is not converted in-place, and instead the output_to file will be be redefined to contain the converted file.

The .size_in_bytes() method returns the number of bytes in the file.

The .slurp() method reads the contents of the file and returns them as a text value.

contents = the_file.slurp()

By default, the .slurp() method attempts to automatically decode text files using the utf-8 encoding. To turn off this automatic decoding feature, call it with .slurp(auto_decode=False).

The .readlines() method reads the contents of the file, line-by-line, and returns the lines as a list.

for line in the_file.readlines():
  if line.startswith('header'):
    header_line = line

The .set_mimetype() method sets the .mimetype and .extension attributes based on the given MIME type.


The .write() method takes a variable as an argument and writes the contents of the variable to the file.

contents = the_file.slurp()
contents = re.sub(r'swords', r'ploughshares', contents)

By default, the .write() method treats the contents as text and applies the utf-8 encoding. However, if you want to write raw bytes to the file, include the keyword parameter binary=True.

The .copy_into() method overwrites any existing contents of the file with the contents of the file given as an argument.


The other_file can be a path to a file on the system. If other_file is a DAFile, DAFileList, DAFileCollection, or DAStaticFile, the file at other_file.path() will be used.

The .from_url() method overwrites any existing contents of the file with the contents of the given URL.


In order to initialize a DAFile with contents from a remote source so that it can be used in an interview, first declare the object:

  - pdf_file: DAFile

Then use code to initialize the object and set the contents:

sets: pdf_file.initialized
code: |

The .make_ocr_pdf() method overwrites any existing contents of the file with an OCRed PDF of a given file.

mandatory: True
code: |
code: |
  ocr_finished = True
question: |
  Upload a PDF file or image.
subquestion: |
  I will convert it to a searchable PDF.
  - File: uploaded_file
    datatype: files
event: final_screen
question: |
  Your OCR PDF
subquestion: |
  ${ uploaded_file }
Screenshot of make-ocr-pdf example

The make_ocr_pdf() method accepts the following optional keyword arguments:

  • filename: the filename of the new PDF file that is created.
  • preserve_color: whether to preserve the color of the document. By default, this is False because the OCR is more accurate if the document is converted to grayscale.
  • language: the language to use for the OCR (e.g., 'en', 'fr'). If not specified, the language returned by get_language() is used. The language must be a lowercase ISO-639-1/ISO-639-3 code or a language code that Tesseract uses.
  • psm indicates the Tesseract page segmentation mode. The default is 6 (“assume a uniform block of text”). The choices are:
    • 0: Orientation and script detection (OSD) only.
    • 1: Automatic page segmentation with OSD.
    • 2: Automatic page segmentation, but no OSD, or OCR.
    • 3: Fully automatic page segmentation, but no OSD.
    • 4: Assume a single column of text of variable sizes.
    • 5: Assume a single uniform block of vertically aligned text.
    • 6: Assume a single uniform block of text. (Default)
    • 7: Treat the image as a single text line.
    • 8: Treat the image as a single word.
    • 9: Treat the image as a single word in a circle.
    • 10: Treat the image as a single character.

If you do not want to edit the file in place, you can create a new DAFile with an objects block and pass files that you want to OCR as positional parameters to make_ocr_pdf().

Since the OCR process can take a long time, you might want to use the make_ocr_pdf_in_background() method instead.

mandatory: True
code: |
  if not ocr_task.ready():
code: |
  ocr_task = uploaded_file.make_ocr_pdf_in_background()
question: |
  Upload a PDF file or image.
subquestion: |
  I will convert it to a searchable PDF.
  - File: uploaded_file
    datatype: files
event: waiting_screen
question: Please wait . . .
reload: True
event: final_screen
question: |
  Your OCR PDF
subquestion: |
  ${ uploaded_file }
Screenshot of make-ocr-pdf-in-background example

The .make_ocr_pdf_in_background() method operates just like .make_ocr_pdf(), but does the work in a background action. It returns the same type of object as background_action(). When the background action is complete, the DAFile instance will be overwritten with the OCRed version of the PDF file.

If you do not want to edit a PDF file in place, you can create a new DAFile with an objects block and pass files that you want to OCR as positional parameters to make_ocr_pdf_in_background().

  - final_file: DAFile
Screenshot of make-ocr-pdf-in-background-2 example

The .extract_pages() method extracts a page range from a PDF file and returns a new DAFile containing the extracted pages.

question: |
  Upload a PDF document at least 6 pages long.
  - File: pdf_file
    datatype: file
validation code: |
    assert pdf_file.num_pages() > 5
    raise DAValidationError("That is not a valid PDF of at least six pages in length.")
code: |
  first_five_pages = pdf_file.extract_pages(first=1, last=5)
mandatory: True
question: |
  Here are the first five pages of your document.
subquestion: |
  ${ first_five_pages }
Screenshot of pdfextract example

The .extract_pages() method accepts the optional keyword parameters first and last, indicating the sequential range of page numbers you wish to extract. If first is not provided, it defaults to 1. If last is not provided, it defaults to the last page of the document.

The optional keyword parameter output_to can be used to specify a DAFile to which the output of .extract_pages() should be written. If output_to is omitted, a DAFile with a random instance name will be returned.

The .bates_number() method overwrites any existing contents of the file with a Bates numbered PDF of the file.

question: |
  Upload a file
  - File: the_file
    datatype: file
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  Your file
subquestion: |
  ${ the_file }
Screenshot of bates-number example

The bates_number() method accepts the following optional keyword arguments:

  • filename: the filename of the new PDF file that is created.
  • prefix: the prefix for the Bates numbers.
  • digits: the number of digits of your Bates numbers.
  • start: the number at which Bates numbering should start (default is 1).
  • area: the area of the page where the Bates numbers should be positioned. The choices are 'TOP_LEFT', 'TOP_RIGHT', 'BOTTOM_RIGHT', and 'BOTTOM_LEFT'. The default is 'BOTTOM_LEFT'.

If you do not want to edit the file in place, you can create a new DAFile with an objects block and pass files that you want to OCR as positional parameters to bates_number().

The .commit() method ensures that changes to the file are stored permanently. Under normal circumstances, docassemble will automatically commit changes when the interview is finished processing (i.e. right before a new screen appears), but .commit() can be called to ensure that changes are written, just in case there is an error.


The .fix_up() method edits files in place in order to correct any errors that are correctable. Currently, the only function of .fix_up() is to run PDF files through qpdf. Additional operations may be supported in the future.

The .fix_up() method will raise an exception if the file is invalid even after correction. A helpful way to use .fix_up() is in validation code:

question: |
  Upload a PDF file.
  - File: myfile
    datatype: file
validation code: |
    for item in myfile:
      assert item.mimetype == 'application/pdf'
    raise validation_error("Sorry, that is not a valid PDF file")

If a user uploads a PDF file that is corrupted but correctable with qpdf, then the contents of the file will be replaced with the output of qpdf. If qpdf fails or the file is still not readable after correction, an exception will be raised.

In this example, myfile is a DAFileList rather than a DAFile, but the .fix_up() method of DAFileList simply applies .fix_up() to each DAFile in myfile.

The .set_alt_text() and .get_alt_text() methods can be used to set and retrieve the alt text of the object, which is stored in the .alt_text attribute. The .alt_text attribute can be accessed directly, but the methods are useful because .get_alt_text() returns None if .alt_text is not defined, and converts the attribute value to unicode if it is not unicode. The methods are also useful because they work on file objects of all types, such as DAStaticFile, DAFileList, and DAFileCollection objects.

my_file.set_alt_text("A photograph of the Shanghai skyline")
the_alt_text = my_file.get_alt_text()

The .uses_acroform() method returns True if the file is a PDF file that contains form fields in the AcroForm format. Otherwise, it returns False.

The .is_encrypted() method returns True if the file is a PDF file and the PDF file is encrypted. Otherwise it returns False.

The .get_pdf_fields() method only works on PDF files. It returns a list of fields that exist in the PDF file.

The items in the list are tuples with five elements. The five elements are:

  1. The name of the field.
  2. The default value of the field. If no default value is provided in the PDF file, this is the empty string for text fields and 'No' for checkbox fields.
  3. The page number on which the field appears.
  4. A list of four coordinates indicating the bounding box of the field on the page.
  5. A code indicating the type of the field. This can be '/Tx', '/Btn', or None.
  6. The export value of the field, if known. This is only applicable for '/Btn' fields.

The .get_docx_variables() method only works on DOCX files. It returns a list of variables that are used in Jinja2 templating in the DOCX file.


DAFileCollection objects are created internally by docassemble in order to refer to a document assembled by an attachment/attachments block. When such a block features a variable name, then a variable by that name will be defined as a DAFileCollection object. The object is called a “collection” because an attachment can have multiple formats: PDF, RTF, etc.

A DAFileCollection object has attributes for each file type generated (e.g., pdf or rtf), where the attributes are objects of type DAFile.

For example, if the variable my_file is a DAFileCollection, my_file.pdf will be a DAFile containing the PDF version, and my_file.rtf will be a DAFile containing the RTF version.

In addition, each DAFileCollection object also has an attribute .info containing information about the attachment, such as the name, the filename (before an extension is added), and a description. The .info attribute is a dictionary containing the following keys:

  • name is the printable name of the document
  • filename is the base name used to generate the filename. If filename is custody_complaint, the PDF file will be custody_complaint.pdf.
  • description is the description of the attachment.

The DAFileCollection also has some methods so that you can use it much as you would use a DAFile.

The .url_for() method returns a URL to the first document type in the collection. By default, this is the PDF version, but this can be changed with the valid formats modifier.

The .path() method returns a complete file path that you can use to access the first document type in the collection.

The .num_pages() method returns the total number of pages in the PDF file. If there is no PDF file, it returns 1.

The .show() method inserts markup that displays each file in the collection as an image, or as a link if the file cannot be displayed as an image. This method takes an optional keyword argument, width.

The method also takes an optional keyword argument alt_text, which can be used to set the alt text of images that appear in the web browser. If an alt_text keyword argument is not supplied, get_alt_text() is called on the underlying DAFile object to obtain the alt text. If no alt_text is defined for the file, no alt text is used.

The .fix_up() method edits files in place in order to correct any errors that are correctable. Currently, the only function of .fix_up() is to run PDF files through qpdf if they cannot be opened by PyPDF2. Additional operations may be supported in the future.

The DAFileCollection object supports the .set_alt_text() and .get_alt_text() methods. These work much like the set_alt_text() and get_alt_text() methods of DAFile. Unlike a DAFile, however, a DAFileCollection does not have a .alt_text attribute. If you run set_alt_text() on a DAFileCollection, it is like calling set_alt_text() on each of the files in the collection. If you run get_alt_text() on a DAFileCollection, it is like calling get_alt_text() on the first document type in the collection.

The .set_attributes() method calls .set_attributes() on each of the DAFiles in the collection, applying the same attributes to each file. For an explanation of how this method works, see its documentation.

The .user_access() method calls .user_access() on each of the DAFiles in the list. If called with no parameters, it returns None; if you want to inspect information about a file, call the method on a specific item in the list.

The .privilege_access() method calls .privilege_access() on each of the DAFiles in the list. If called with no parameters, it returns None; if you want to inspect information about a file, call the method on a specific item in the list.

The .uses_acroform() method returns True if the collection contains a PDF file and the PDF file contains form fields in the AcroForm format. Otherwise, it returns False.

The .is_encrypted() method returns True if there is a PDF version of the DAFileCollection object and that PDF file is encrypted. Otherwise it returns False.

The .get_pdf_fields() returns a list of fields that exist in the PDF version of the DAFileCollection object. See get_pdf_fields() for more information.

The .get_docx_variables() returns a list of variables that exist in the Jinja2 templating of the DOCX version of the DAFileCollection object. See get_docx_variables() for more information.


A DAFileList is a DAList, the items of which are expected to be DAFile objects.

When a question has a field with a datatype for a file upload (datatype: file and datatype: files), the variable will be defined as a DAFileList object containing the file or files uploaded. These variables can be used in much the same way that DAFile variables can be used.

By default, the complete_attribute of a DAFileList is initialized, and the object_type is DAFile.

The .show() method inserts markup that displays each file as an image. This method takes an optional keyword argument, width.

When included in a Mako template, a DAFileList object will effectively call show() on itself.

The method also takes an optional keyword argument alt_text, which can be used to set the alt text of images that appear in the web browser. If an alt_text keyword argument is not supplied, get_alt_text() is called on the underlying DAFile object to obtain the alt text. If no alt_text is defined for the file, no alt text is used.

The .url_for() method returns a URL at which the first file in the list can be accessed. This is useful when working with DAFileList objects returned from datatype: file, when you know that the list will only have one element in it.

The .path() method returns a complete file path that you can use to access the first file in the collection.

The .size_in_bytes() method returns the number of bytes in the first file in the collection.

The .slurp() method reads the contents of the first file in the collection and returns them as a text value.

The .num_pages() method returns the total number of pages in all PDF files in the list. If a file is not a PDF file, it counts as 1 page.

The .set_attributes() method calls .set_attributes() on each of the DAFiles in the list, applying the same attributes to each file. For an explanation of how this method works, see its documentation.

You would call the method like this:

question: |
  Upload a file
  - File: the_upload
    datatype: file
mandatory: True
code: |

The .user_access() method calls .user_access() on each of the DAFiles in the list. If called with no parameters, it returns None; if you want to inspect information about a file, call the method on a specific item in the list.

The .privilege_access() method calls .privilege_access() on each of the DAFiles in the list. If called with no parameters, it returns None; if you want to inspect information about a file, call the method on a specific item in the list.

The .fix_up() method edits the files in the list in-place in order to correct any errors that are correctable. Currently, the only function of .fix_up() is to run PDF files through qpdf if they cannot be opened by PyPDF2. Additional operations may be supported in the future.

The DAFileList object supports the .set_alt_text() and .get_alt_text() methods. These work much like the set_alt_text() and get_alt_text() methods of DAFile. Unlike a DAFile, however, a DAFileList does not have a .alt_text attribute. If you run set_alt_text() on a DAFileList, it is like calling set_alt_text() on each of the items in the list. If you run get_alt_text() on a DAFileList, it is like calling get_alt_text() on the first item in the list.

The .uses_acroform() method returns True if the first file in the list is a PDF file that contains form fields in the AcroForm format. Otherwise, it returns False.

The .is_encrypted() method returns True if the first file in the list is a PDF file that file is encrypted. Otherwise it returns False.

The .get_pdf_fields() method returns a list of fields that exist in the first file in the list. If you run get_pdf_fields() on a DAFileList, it is like calling get_pdf_fields() on the first item in the list. See get_pdf_fields() for more information.

The .get_docx_variables() method returns a list of variables that exist in the Jinja2 templating of the first file in the list. If you run get_docx_variables() on a DAFileList, it is like calling get_docx_variables() on the first item in the list. See get_docx_variables() for more information.


A DAStaticFile represents a file in the “static folder” of a package. It has some of the same characteristics and methods of a DAFile.

It depends on one attribute, filename, which should be a reference to a static file, such as:

  • coins.png - a file in the static folder of the current package
  • docassemble.base:data/static/cow.jpg - a file in the static folder of another package.
  • data/templates/application.pdf - a file in the templates folder of the current package. (Though template files are not in the static folder and are not normally used in the same way as static files, it can be useful to use the DAStaticFile object to refer to files in the templates folder.)

The DAStaticFile also uses the alt_text attribute. If you are using a DAStaticFile to insert an image into the browser, you can set the alt_text attribute to the text that you want to use as the alt text for the image.

The DAStaticFile object can be used like this:

  - the_icon: DAStaticFile
code: |
  if user.gender == 'Female':
    the_icon.filename = 'female243.png'
    the_icon.filename = 'male244.png'
mandatory: True
question: |
  The image
  ${ the_icon.show(width='1em') }
subquestion: |
  ${ the_icon }
Screenshot of static-file example

It can also be initialized like this:

  - the_icon: DAStaticFile.using(filename='coins.png')

It is a best practice to always include alt text for every image. For an image that is purely decorative, set the alt text to empty text:

  - the_icon: DAStaticFile.using(filename='coins.png', alt_text='')

For an image that conveys substantive information, set the alt text to something descriptive:

  - court_photo: DAStaticFile.using(filename='county_court.jpg', alt_text='Photograph of the Fulton County Courthouse')

The .show() method inserts markup that displays the file as an image. This method takes an optional keyword argument, width.

The method also takes an optional keyword argument alt_text, which can be used to set the alt text of images that appear in the web browser. If an alt_text keyword argument is not supplied, the alt_text attribute of the DAStaticFile object itself will be used as the alt text. If that attribute does not exist, no alt text will be used.

When included in a Mako template, a DAStaticFile object will effectively call show() on itself.

The .size_in_bytes() method returns the number of bytes in the file.

The .slurp() method reads the contents of the file and returns them as a text value.

contents = the_file.slurp()

By default, the .slurp() method attempts to automatically decode text files using the utf8 encoding. To turn off this automatic decoding feature, call it with .slurp(auto_decode=False).

The .url_for() method returns a URL at which the file can be accessed.

The .path() method returns a complete file path that you can use to access the file on the server.

The DAStaticFile object supports the .set_alt_text() and .get_alt_text() methods. These work much like the set_alt_text() and get_alt_text() methods of DAFile. Like DAFile objects, DAStaticFile objects use the alt_text attribute to store the alt text associated with the file.

Here is an example that shows how DAStaticFile, DAFileCollection, DAFileList, and DAFile objects can be used interchangeably.

  - static_file: DAStaticFile.using(filename='cow.jpg')
  variable name: assembled_file
  filename: assembled_file
  content: |
    Hello world!
question: |
  Upload a file
  - File: uploaded_file
    datatype: file
question: |
  What type of file do you want?
    code: |
      the_file = static_file
    code: |
      the_file = assembled_file
    code: |
      the_file = uploaded_file
    code: |
      the_file = uploaded_file[0]
code: |
  email_sent = send_email(to=email_address,
    body="Here is your document",
    subject="Your document",
code: |
  (the_path, the_mimetype) = path_and_mimetype(the_file)
code: |
  button_list = [{True: 'Next', 'image': the_file}]
field: menu_selection
question: |
  Your document
subquestion: |
  ### As image

  ${ the_file }

  ### As path

  `${ the_file.path() }`

  ### As url

  `${ the_file.url_for() }`
  [open](${ the_file.url_for() })

  ### As external url

  `${ the_file.url_for(external=True) }`
  [open](${ the_file.url_for(external=True) })

  ### As downloadable url

  `${ the_file.url_for(attachment=True) }`
  [open](${ the_file.url_for(attachment=True) })

  ### As temporary url

  `${ the_file.url_for(temporary=True, seconds=500) }`
  [open](${ the_file.url_for(temporary=True, seconds=500) })

  ### As temporary downloadable url

  `${ the_file.url_for(temporary=True, seconds=500, attachment=True) }`
  [open](${ the_file.url_for(temporary=True, seconds=500, attachment=True) })

  ### From url_of()

  `${ url_of(the_file) }`
  [open](${ url_of(the_file) })

  ### From url_of(), external

  `${ url_of(the_file, _external=True) }`
  [open](${ url_of(the_file, _external=True) })

  ### From url_of(), downloadable

  `${ url_of(the_file, _attachment=True) }`
  [open](${ url_of(the_file, _attachment=True) })

  ### From path_and_mimetype()

  `${ the_path }`

  `${ the_mimetype }`
  code: button_list
mandatory: True
  - menu_selection
question: |
  All done
  - Restart: restart
Screenshot of file-types example

The .uses_acroform() method returns True if the file is a PDF file that contains form fields in the AcroForm format. Otherwise, it returns False.

The .is_encrypted() method returns True if the file is a PDF file and it is encrypted. Otherwise it returns False.

The .get_pdf_fields() method only works on PDF files. It returns a list of fields that exist in the PDF file. See get_pdf_fields() for more information.

The .get_docx_variables() method only works on DOCX files. It returns a list of variables that exist in the Jinja2 templating of the file. See get_docx_variables() for more information.


The DAContext class is for context-dependent text. When an instance of the DAContext class is reduced to text, different text will be used depending on whether the text will appear on the screen or in a document.

The DAContext class is a subclass of DADict. Possible keys of the dictionary include:

  • 'question'
  • 'document'
  • 'pdf'
  • 'docx'
  • 'pandoc'

If favorite_fruit is a DAContext, reducing it to text will return favorite_fruit['question'] in the context of the web application, and favorite_fruit['document'] in the context of document assembly.

Instead of using 'document', you can indicate particular values for particular types of document assembly. If you define favorite_fruit['pdf'], its value will be used in a pdf template file assembly instead of favorite_fruit['document'].

When a DAContext object is initialized, the positional and keyword parameters are used to populate items in the dictionary. If you provide two positional parameters, the first parameter will become the question and the second will become the document. If you pass one positional parameter, the parameter will become the question. Keyword parameters populate items in the dictionary directly (overriding positional parameters).

  - fruits: DAList.using(auto_gather=False)
code: |
  fruits.appendObject(DAContext, 'Apple', 'red fruit')
  fruits.appendObject(DAContext, 'Orange', 'fruit that rhymes with nothing')
  fruits.appendObject(DAContext, question='Peach', document='juicy fruit', docx='peachy peach', pandoc='very juicy fruit')
  fruits.gathered = True
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
    datatype: object
    choices: fruits
Screenshot of context-manual example

If you use a data block with use objects enabled, DAContext objects will be created instead of DADict objects when the YAML includes a dictionary where the keys are a non-empty subset of question, document, pdf, docx, and pandoc.

variable name: fruits
use objects: True
  - question: Apple
    document: red fruit
  - question: Orange
    document: fruit that rhymes with nothing
  - question: Peach
    document: juicy fruit
    docx: peachy peach
    pandoc: very juicy fruit
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
    datatype: object
    choices: fruits
Screenshot of context example


The e-mail receiving feature converts actual e-mails into objects of type DAEmail. These objects have the following attributes:

  • short: the code that was assigned by interview_email() (e.g. ugjrye) in order to create the e-mail address to which this e-mail was sent (e.g. [email protected]).
  • key: the key that was passed to interview_email(), or None if no key was passed.
  • index: the index that was passed to interview_email(), or None if no index was passed.
  • address_owner: the e-mail address of the user whose identity and privileges were being used when interview_email() was called. If the user was not logged in when interview_email() was called, this will be None.
  • to_address: a DAEmailRecipientList object representing the recipients of the e-mail.
  • cc_address: a DAEmailRecipientList object representing the “carbon copy” recipients of the e-mail.
  • from_address: a DAEmailRecipient object representing the sender of the e-mail.
  • reply_to: a DAEmailRecipient object representing the the Reply-to header of the e-mail.
  • return_path: a DAEmailRecipient object representing the the Return-path header of the e-mail.
  • subject: the subject line of the e-mail.
  • datetime_message: a datetime object representing the stated date and time of the e-mail message.
  • datetime_received: a datetime object representing the actual date and time of the message.
  • body_text: a DAFile object referring to a file containing the plain text version of the e-mail. If the e-mail did not contain a plain text version, body_text will be None.
  • body_html: a DAFile object referring to a file containing the HTML version of the e-mail. If the e-mail did not contain a HTML version, body_html will be None.
  • attachment: an object of type DAFileList containing any files that were attached to the e-mail. Each attachment is a DAFile object.
  • headers: a DAFile object referring to a file containing a JSON representation of the headers of the e-mail. The format of the JSON file is a list, where each item in the list is a list with two items, the first of which is the name of the header (e.g., To, From), and the second item is the value.


A DAEmailRecipient object is used within DAEmail objects to represent a single e-mail address and the name associated with the e-mail address.

It has two attributes:

  • address: the e-mail address (e.g., [email protected]).
  • name: the name of the owner of the address (e.g., Fred Smith).


If recipient is a DAEmailRecipient, then calling recipient.email_address() will return the person’s name followed by the person’s e-mail address, in the standard e-mail format. E.g., 'Fred Smith <[email protected]>'. If the name is not defined, it will simply return the e-mail address ([email protected]).

You can suppress the inclusion of the person’s name by setting the optional keyword parameter include_name to False.

This method is intended to allow you to use DAEmailRecipient objects in much the same way as Person objects are used when sending e-mails with send_email(). (See the .email_address() method for Person objects).


The .exists() method returns True if the .address attribute has been defined, and False otherwise.


A DAEmailRecipientList is a DAList of DAEmailRecipient objects.


The template block allows you to store some text to a variable. The variable will be defined as an object of the DALazyTemplate class.

Objects of this type have two read-only attributes:

  • content
  • subject

When docassemble shows a template, it assembles any Mako in the content and optional subject attributes as the resulting text. Note that the text may have Markdown markup in it.

If a template is a variable disclaimer, the content can be inserted by writing ${ disclaimer }, ${ disclaimer.content }, or ${ disclaimer.show() }. The latter method facilitates the use of DALazyTemplates and DAFiles interchangably.

You can also use show() to pass variables to a template. The template can still access variables in the interview answers, but the names you pass will take precedence over any names that already exist. Passing these variables will not change the interview answers. You cannot pass variables that use indexes ([]) or attributes (.).

template: disclaimer
content: |
  The opinions expressed herein do not
  *necessarily* reflect the views
  of ${ company }.
field: intro_screen
question: Welcome to the interview!
subquestion: |
  Greetings.  We hope you learn something
  from this guided interview.

  ${ disclaimer.show(company="ABC Widgets, Incorporated") }

  To get started, press **Continue**.
Screenshot of template-show example

If called from within a DOCX file, show() returns paragraph-level text converted from Markdown.

The show_as_markdown() method works just like show(), except that when called from a DOCX file, it does not return paragraph-level text. You can pass the results through the markdown filter or the inline_markdown filter depending on how you want the results formatted.

For more information about how DALazyTemplate objects work when embedded into DOCX files, see the section on Inserting multi-line or formatted text into a single field in a DOCX file.

If you write Python modules that generate HTML, you may wish to use disclaimer.subject_as_html() and disclaimer.content_as_html(). These methods return HTML instead of Markdown.

The DALazyTemplate is called a “lazy” object because its content and subject attributes are evaluated not when the object is defined, but whenever it is displayed. This allows you to define a template, the content of which depends on whatever the current state of the interview answers is, and you can re-use the template in a variety of contexts.

For more information about using DALazyTemplates, see the documentation on the template. Also, see the documentation for send_email() and send_sms().


The DATemplate is like the DALazyTemplate, except that its subject and content attributes are static.


The DAEmpty object is designed to stand in place of an object that might otherwise have important attributes, but it will always return an empty string whenever the interview tries to access its attributes.

So if exemption is a DAEmpty object, exemption.amount will return '', as will exemption[2], exemption[4].authority.address.unit, etc.

This object is used internally by the item() method. It can also be useful to use the DAEmpty object if you have a template that refers to variables that you decide you don’t actually want to use. If your interview simply sets those variables to DAEmpty, your template will not trigger an error.

The DAEmpty object is not a type of DAObject.

Optionally, you can use a different textual representation than the empty string ''. If you initialize the object as DAEmpty(str='not applicable'), then 'not applicable' will be used in place of the empty string.


The DACatchAll is a special class used internally by the catchall questions feature. If the definition of an undefined variable is sought, and no block exists in the interview that defines it, the variable will be initialized as a DACatchAll object. The DACatchAll is a subclass of DAObject.

Like a DAObject, the DACatchAll can exist without having any substance. But when str() or int() is called on the object, the the value attribute is returned. Thus you can write generic object questions that define x.value. The DACatchAll class overrides built-in methods like __str__() and __int__() and sets the context attribute to 'str', 'int', etc. so that your generic object questions know the context in which the value was sought. If the method is something like __add__() that takes a parameter, the operand attribute is set to that parameter.

For more information on how DACatchAll is used, see the catchall questions subsection.

The DALink class represents a hyperlink to a URL. It has two properties:

  • url: the URL to which the link points.
  • anchor_text: the text of the link that the user sees.

In most circumstances, it is not necessary to use a DALink to represent a hyperlink because you can use Markdown to indicate a hyperlink. In a docx template file template, you can write:

For more information, visit {{r the_link | inline_markdown }}.

A DALink object is another way that you can insert a hyperlink into a docx template file.

  - the_link: DALink
question: |
  Tell me about a hyperlink.
  - URL: the_link.url
    hint: "https://google.com"
  - Anchor text: the_link.anchor_text
    hint: Google
mandatory: True
question: |
subquestion: |
  You can find all the information
  you need at ${ the_link }.
  name: Hyperlink demonstration
  filename: hyperlink_demo
  docx template file: dalink.docx
Screenshot of dalink example

If you want your hyperlinks to look like hyperlinks, you will need to make sure that your DOCX template has a character style for hyperlinks. In the DOCX template in the above example, dalink.docx, a character style for hyperlinks is defined, and that is why the link appears with color and underlining. For more information, see the section on hyperlink style.


The DARedis class facilitates the use of Redis for in-memory storage.

  r: DARedis
mandatory: True
code: |
  key = r.key('my_variable')
  r.set(key, 'hello world')
mandatory: True
question: |
  Value has been retrieved from
  the redis server.
subquestion: |
  The key is `${ key }`.
  The value is "${ r.get(key).decode() }".
Screenshot of redis example

For the most part, an object of type DARedis functions just like an object created through redis.StrictRedis() using the standard Python package called redis. You can use methods like .set(), .get(), .delete(), .incr(), etc.

However, there are three additional methods that facilitate the use of Redis in the context of docassemble interviews.

The key() method is a convenience function for obtaining keys that you can use as Redis keys in order to avoid name collisions across interviews. Given a key like 'favorite_fruit', it returns the key with a prefix based on the interview, like docassemble.food:data/questions/fruit.yml:favorite_fruit. You could use favorite_fruit as a key, but if another interview on the system used the same key, the interviews would interfere with one another.

The set_data() and get_data() methods act just like the standard methods set() and get(), except that they perform pickling and unpickling. This allows you to store and retrieve docassemble objects or any type of data structure that is able to be pickled. The set_data() method takes an optional keyword argument expire, which you can set to an integer representing the number of seconds after which the data should be removed from Redis.

  - r: DARedis
question: |
  Upload a file.
subquestion: |
  Note: if someone else uses this
  interview in the 30 seconds
  after you upload the file,
  your file will be shown to
  that user.
  - File: uploaded_file
    datatype: file
code: |
  mykey = r.key('upload')
code: |
  file_from_redis = r.get_data(mykey)
mandatory: True
code: |
  if file_from_redis is None:
    r.set_data(mykey, uploaded_file, expire=30)
    del file_from_redis
comment: |
  If there is no file in Redis, we
  get the user to upload a file.
  Then we undefine file_from_redis
  (which is None) so that in the
  next question, the interview will
  try to fetch the file from Redis
mandatory: True
question: |
  The file
subquestion: |
  ${ file_from_redis }
Screenshot of redis-data example


The DAStore is similar to DARedis, except it stores data in SQL and it allows for encryption. It is also similar in functionality to the write_record() and read_records() functions.

DAStore objects provide an interface to a database based on keys and values (like Redis). The keys are strings and the values are any Python objects that can be pickled. Unlike the interview answers, which are tied to a particular session, the information in this database is global and can be accessed from any interview.

  - userdata: DAStore
  - preferences: DAObject
code: |
  if userdata.defined("prefs"):
    preferences = userdata.get("prefs")
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: preferences.favorite_fruit
mandatory: True
code: |
  if not userdata.defined("prefs"):
    userdata.set("prefs", preferences)
mandatory: True
code: |
event: final_screen
question: All done
subquestion: |
  Your favorite fruit is
  ${ userdata.get("prefs").favorite_fruit }.
Screenshot of dastore example

In the above example, the user’s preferences are stored in the database using a key that is specific to the user. The first time the user uses the interview, the user is asked for their favorite fruit. If the user restarts the interview (which permanently erases the interview answers), the user’s favorite fruit will be retrieved from the DAStore, and it will not need to be asked of the user.

The object stored in the database is a DAObject, and the favorite fruit is an attribute of that object. In the database, the object is stored under a key containing the word 'prefs'. This key is specific to the user, so that each user will have their own personal 'prefs' entry in the database.

In the above interview, the object preferences is just a DAObject with no special properties. It is an object stored in the interview answers. You can consider it a “working copy” of the object that is stored in the database. It is initialized by this YAML:

  - userdata: DAStore
  - preferences: DAObject
code: |
  if userdata.defined("prefs"):
    preferences = userdata.get("prefs")

This means “set the variable preferences to the object stored in the database under the key "prefs", but if the "prefs" key does not exist, then fall back to initializing preferences as an empty DAObject.

The interview logic (the mandatory code blocks) ensures that preferences.favorite_fruit exists. If preferences.favorite_fruit is not defined, the question will be asked. Then the code block will save the preferences object to the database, but only if there is no database entry for "prefs".

Note that in the final block of the interview, the subquestion refers to userdata.get("prefs").favorite_fruit instead of preferences.favorite_fruit. This is because preferences was only ever a “working copy” for purposes of 1) checking to see if favorite_fruit was defined, and 2) populating the database if no preferences had been stored yet. Calling userdata.get("prefs").favorite_fruit instead of preferences.favorite_fruit ensures that the question always returns the user’s favorite fruit, even if it had been changed since the preferences “working copy” was created.

Here is a different example, where the user’s preferences are a DADict and the interview merely updates the preferences after asking for the user’s favorite fruit.

  - userdata: DAStore
  - preferences: DADict.using(gathered=True)
mandatory: True
code: |
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: preferences['favorite_fruit']
code: |
  if userdata.defined("prefsdict"):
    working_copy = userdata.get("prefsdict")
    working_copy = preferences
  userdata.set("prefsdict", working_copy)
  preferences.saved = True
event: final_screen
question: All done
subquestion: |
  Your favorite fruit is
  ${ userdata.get("prefsdict")['favorite_fruit'] }.
Screenshot of dastore2 example

In this example, the prefsdict dictionary might be used in numerous interviews and contain many different key/value pairs. Each interview that uses the prefsdict dictionary would not need to know about all the other key/value pairs; it just updates the key/value pairs that it works with. Also, note that in this example interview, the user is always asked for their favorite fruit, even if there is a favorite_fruit preference in the prefsdict storage area.

A user can have any number of unique keys in the database. Typically, it makes sense to use a single key to store a number of different objects. For example, you can store a DAObject and keep different pieces of information in the attributes, or you can store a DADict and keep different pieces of information in the values of the dictionary.

By default, information stored in this database is encrypted, so that only the user who stored the information can retrieve it. An exception will be raised if an attempt is made to access an encrypted record using the incorrect encryption key. As with the interview answers, the encryption key is based on the user’s password (or a randomly-generted key if the user is not logged in).

Assume you have a DAStore object called mystore.

  - mystore: DAStore

If you call mystore.get('fruit'), you will retrieve the object from storage that is stored under the key 'fruit'. If no such object exists, None will be returned.

If you call mystore.set('fruit', favorite_fruit), you will save the object favorite_fruit under the key 'fruit'.

If you call mystore.delete('fruit'), it will delete the record from the database for the key 'fruit'. No error is raised if the record did not exist.

If you call mystore.defined('fruit'), it will return True if an object is stored under the key 'fruit' and False otherwise.

If you call mystore.is_encrypted(), it will return True or False depending on whether encryption is enabled for the data store.

If you call mystore.keys(), it will return a list of keys that exist in the data store.

The operations of the DAStore object can be configured using two optional attributes: base and encrypted.

docassemble stores DAStore data in a SQL table where each record is identified by a “key” that is a string (similarly to the way Redis works). The key that you pass to the get(), set(), delete(), and defined() methods makes up part of this key, but it is not the only part of it; there is a prefix that comes before it. The base attribute determines what this prefix is, and also determines whether the object should be encrypted by default. For a storage object mystore, you can set mystore.base to:

  • 'user' - The prefix will be based on the user’s ID. (If the user is not logged in, but then registers, the key will be automatically re-assigned to the logged-in user’s ID.) By default, the objects will be encrypted.
  • 'interview' - The prefix will be based on the interview name (e.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml). By default, the objects will not be encrypted. Using 'interview' as the prefix can be helpful if users on your server use interviews created by multiple interview developers. It will avoid a situation where, for example, two developers both use 'prefs' as the key for a common data store, and there are conflicts between the way that the objects are used.
  • 'session' - The prefix will be based on a combination of the interview name (e.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml) and the session ID. By default, the objects will be encrypted. In this mode, the objects will be specific to the session, meaning that if the user presses the back button, the value of the objects will be preserved. However, if the user restarts the session, the session ID will change, so the saved objects will be unavailable.
  • 'global' - Effectively, this means there is no prefix. From any interview on your server, regardless of who the user is, calling mystore.get('fruit') will retrieve the same object.
  • A string of your own choosing. For example, if you have a collection of family law interviews and a collection of consumer law interviews, and the key names you are using overlap between these two collections, but you want the data to be separate for each collection, you could use 'family' as the base in the family law interviews, and 'consumer' as the base in the consumer law interviews. Then the data would be isolated between the two collections, but common within each collection. By default, encryption is disabled when you use a string of your own choosing as the base.

If you do not specify a .base, the 'user' method will be used. This is why, in the example above, the unique key was specific to the user.

If you want to override the defaults on whether the objects are encrypted, you can set the encrypted attribute to True if you want encryption, and False if you do not want encryption.

You can set these attributes when you initialize the object:

  - mystore: DAStore.using(base='global')

If you want to use different settings for different keys, you can include more than one DAStore variable in your interview.


The DAGlobal is a type of DAObject that stores its attributes in a global, unencrypted area of the SQL database rather than in the interview answers. A DAGlobal object can be used to share a Python object across multiple sessions. With a DAGlobal object, you do not need to manually retrieve and save (as you do with a DAStore); the “retrieve” happens automatically when the server loads the interview answers, and the “save” happens automatically when the server saves the interview answers (similar to the way a SQLObject works).

Here is an example interview that lets you explore how the DAGlobal object works.

  - g: DAGlobal.using(base=the_base, key=the_key)
  - g.fruits: DAList.using(object_type=Thing)
question: |
  In what scope should the object `g` be global?
field: the_base
  - User: user
  - Interview: interview
  - Global: global
question: |
  Under what key in the `${ the_base }` scope should the object `g` be
subquestion: |
  Note: you can see what keys already exist by calling
  `DAGlobal.keys(${ repr(the_base) })`.

  You can test to see if a key is defined by calling
  `DAGlobal.defined(${ repr(the_base) }, some_key)`. It will return
  `True` if the key is defined and `False` otherwise.

  The result of `DAGlobal.keys(${ repr(the_base) })` is:
  `${ repr(DAGlobal.keys(the_base)) }`.
  - Key: the_key
    maxlength: 50
question: |
  Now we will gather a list of fruit into `g.fruits`.
continue button field: g.fruits.there_are_any
question: |
  What is the name of the ${ ordinal(i) } fruit?
  - Fruit: g.fruits[i].name.text
question: |
  Besides ${ g.fruits }, are there any more fruits in the list?
yesno: g.fruits.there_is_another
mandatory: True
question: |
  The list of fruits from `g.fruits`
subquestion: |
  `g` is an object of class `DAGlobal` with `g.base` set to
  `${ repr(g.base) }` and `g.key` set to `${ repr(g.key) }`.
  This list of fruits, known as `g.fruits` in the interview answers,
  is stored as the `fruits` attribute of an object in global object
  storage on the SQL server, separate from the interview answers.

  The fruits are:

  % for fruit in g.fruits:
  * ${ fruit }
  % endfor
  Because you set `g.base` to `${ repr(g.base) }`,
  % if g.base == 'user':
  `g.fruits` will be the same for the current user, regardless of the
  interview and regardless of the session, any time `g.key` is set to
  `${ repr(g.key) }`. The data will only be deleted if someone runs
  `g.delete()` or the user deletes their account.
  % elif g.base == 'interview':
  `g.fruits` will be the same in this interview,
  `${ user_info().filename }`, regardless of the user and regardless
  of the session, any time `g.key` is set to `${ repr(g.key) }`.
  The data will not be deleted unless someone runs `g.delete()`.
  % else:
  `g.fruits` will be the same on this server, regardless of the user,
  session, or interview, any time `g.key` is set to
  `${ repr(g.key) }`.  The data will not be deleted unless someone
  runs `g.delete()`.
  % endif

  The attributes of `g` do not live in the interview answers; they
  live in a separate, global area. Every time the interview answers
  load, the attributes of `g` are fetched from the separate area of
  the database, and every time the interview answers are saved, the
  attributes of `g` are saved to that separate area of the database.

  Unlike the interview answers, this separate area of the database
  does not use versioning. Thus, your use of `DAGlobal` objects may
  interfere with the way that the "Back" button works. You may wish to
  use `prevent going back: True` strategically throughout your
  interview so that the user is not confused.
  - Restart: restart
Screenshot of daglobal example

The DAGlobal object takes two attributes, which should be defined at the time the object is created (e.g., with .using()):

  • key - the textual identifier for the object. The default is a random alphanumeric string, but that is not very useful so you should always specify a key of your own.
  • base - can be one of 'global', 'interview', or 'user'. This indicates the scope in which the key will operate. The default is 'user'.

The 'global' scope indicates that the DAGlobal object is “global” across the entire server. If the base is 'global', then regardless of what interview is being used, who the user is, and what the session is, DAGlobal objects with the same key will always have the same attributes.

The 'interview' scope indicates that the DAGlobal object is “global” across sessions in the current interview (the YAML file for starting the interview). If a user has multiple sessions in the current interview, and another user also has a session of their own in the same interview, then even though these are all separate sessions, the DAGlobal object will be the same across them all.

The 'user' scope indicates that the DAGlobal object is “global” across all sessions belonging to the current user.

If you want to use custom scopes, you can adopt a convention of adding prefixes to your key. (Internally, this is what the base attribute does inside the DAGlobal class.)

The data associated with a DAGlobal object will persist if the interview answers are deleted. Objects with the base of 'user' will be deleted if the user deletes their account. To delete the data associated with a DAGlobal object, you can call the .delete() method on it. This will delete the object from storage and also delete all of the attributes of the Python object.

The DAGlobal class supports some helpful class methods.

Calling DAGlobal.keys(the_base) will return a list of defined keys for the given base ('global', 'interview', or 'user').

Calling DAGlobal.keys(the_base, the_key) will return True or False depending on whether the given key is defined within the given base.

Note that these are class methods, not instance methods.

Since the data associated with a DAGlobal object is not stored in the interview answers, but is stored instead on a “global” area, there is no versioning as there is with the regular interview answers. There is always just one copy of the data. As a result, using a DAGlobal object in your interview logic can cause unexpected behavior when the user presses the back button. Pressing the back button restores the previous version of the interview answers, which ordinarily results in the user seeing the screen they saw before. However, since the DAGlobal data is always retrieved from a global area, rather than from the interview answers, the attributes of the DAGlobal object will be the same despite the back button.

It is generally advisable to use DAGlobal objects for things the user might expect to be unaffected by the back button, such as a “user profile.” Here is an example of an interview that provides an interface for editing a “profile” for the user.

  - profile: DAGlobal.using(key='profile')
  - profile.user: Individual
  - profile.preferences: DADict
mandatory: True
code: |
  multi_user = True
  screen = {item: True for item in ['name', 'address', 'preferences']}
mandatory: True
question: |
  This is interview A.
subquestion: |
  Go to your [Profile](${ url_action('profile_page') }).
  - Restart: restart
event: profile_page
question: |
  Your profile
  - label: Edit
    field: screen['name']
    button: |
      #### Name
      % if defined('profile.user.name.first'):
      ${ profile.user }
      % else:
      <span class="text-body-secondary">Your name has not been defined.</span>
      % endif
  - label: Edit
    field: screen['address']
    button: |
      #### Address

      % if defined('profile.user.address.address'):
      ${ profile.user.address.block() }
      % else:
      <span class="text-body-secondary">You have not yet provided your address.</span>
      % endif
  - label: Edit
    fields: screen['preferences']
    button: |
      #### Preferences

      % if defined('profile.preferences.favorite_fruit'):
      Favorite fruit: ${ profile.preferences.favorite_fruit }.

      Favorite vegetable: ${ profile.preferences.favorite_vegetable }.

      Screen mode: ${ profile.preferences.screen_mode }.
      % else:
      <span class="text-body-secondary">Your preferences have not been set yet.</span>
      % endif
skip undefined: False
question: |
  Your name
  - First name: profile.user.name.first
  - Middle name: profile.user.name.middle
    required: False
  - Last name: profile.user.name.last
continue button field: screen['name']
question: |
  Your address
  - Address: profile.user.address.address
    address autocomplete: True
  - Unit: profile.user.address.unit
    required: False
  - City: profile.user.address.city
  - State: profile.user.address.state
    code: |
  - Zip: profile.user.address.zip
continue button field: screen['address']
question: |
  - Favorite fruit: profile.preferences.favorite_fruit
  - Favorite vegetable: profile.preferences.favorite_vegetable
  - Screen mode: profile.preferences.screen_mode
      - Dark
      - Light
continue button field: screen['preferences']
Screenshot of globalprofile example

After you complete the above interview, if you go into a separate interview that has a DAGlobal object with the same base and key, you will see the same data.

  - profile: DAGlobal.using(key='profile')
  - profile.user: Individual
  - profile.preferences: DADict
mandatory: True
code: |
  multi_user = True
  screen = {item: True for item in ['name', 'address', 'preferences']}
mandatory: True
question: |
  This is interview B.
subquestion: |
  Go to your [Profile](${ url_action('profile_page') }).
  - Restart: restart
Screenshot of globalprofile2 example

Note that if you restart your session in one of these interviews (which deletes the interview answers of the current session and starts a new session), you can see that your data in the DAGlobal object persists.

The above interview uses a review screen based on continue button field variables to take the user to different screens. This style is used because it maintains the back button functionality that users expect. If the interview had been written without continue button field variables, it would have looked like this:

  - profile: DAGlobal.using(key='profile')
  - profile.user: Individual
  - profile.preferences: DADict
mandatory: True
code: |
  multi_user = True
mandatory: True
question: |
  This is interview A.
subquestion: |
  Go to your [Profile](${ url_action('profile_page') }).
  - Restart: restart
event: profile_page
question: |
  Your profile
  - label: Edit
    field: profile.user.name.first
    button: |
      #### Name

      ${ profile.user }
  - label: Edit
    field: profile.user.address.address
    button: |
      #### Address

      ${ profile.user.address.block() }
  - label: Edit
    fields: profile.preferences.favorite_fruit
    button: |
      #### Preferences

      Favorite fruit: ${ profile.preferences.favorite_fruit }.

      Favorite vegetable: ${ profile.preferences.favorite_vegetable }.

      Screen mode: ${ profile.preferences.screen_mode }.
skip undefined: False
question: |
  Your name
  - First name: profile.user.name.first
  - Middle name: profile.user.name.middle
    required: False
  - Last name: profile.user.name.last
question: |
  Your address
  - Address: profile.user.address.address
    address autocomplete: True
  - Unit: profile.user.address.unit
    required: False
  - City: profile.user.address.city
  - State: profile.user.address.state
    code: |
  - Zip: profile.user.address.zip
question: |
  - Favorite fruit: profile.preferences.favorite_fruit
  - Favorite vegetable: profile.preferences.favorite_vegetable
  - Screen mode: profile.preferences.screen_mode
      - Dark
      - Light
Screenshot of globalprofile3 example

In this example, the review screen with skip undefined: False will cause profile.user.name.first, profile.user.address.address, and profile.preferences.favorite_fruit to be defined before the user can see the review screen. This works as long as the user only goes forward. But if you try pressing the back button after defining one of these variables, you will see that the screen does not change.

Here are some possible applications of a DAGlobal object:

  • Storing basic information about the user in a form that follows them from session to session, using a DAGlobal object with 'user' as the base. You could develop an editing interface for this basic information, package it in a YAML file, and then include that YAML file into all of your interviews, so that the user can edit their basic information from inside of any session.
  • Aggregating responses to questions in a given interview. For example, you could conduct a poll by incrementing integer attributes of a DAGlobal object with 'interview' as the base. You could make one of the attributes of a DAGlobal object a Python set and .add() items to it, building a “crowdsourced” set of items that could be used as the choices in a multiple choice question.
  • Track usage statistics across your server by incrementing integer attributes of a DAGlobal object with 'global' as the base.

Note that the DAGlobal object, like the DAStore object, is not meant to be a replacement for a database. If you need to maintain a large database, storing large amounts of data in a pickled object is not a good idea. Instead, you should call the API of third-party database software, or use a SQLObject tied to a real SQL database.


The DACloudStorage object allows you to access low-level functionality of cloud storage using Amazon S3 or Azure blob storage, using the boto3 and azure.storage.blob libraries, respectively.

Suppose you include the following in your interview:

  - cloud: DACloudStorage

If you have enabled s3 in your Configuration, then:

  • cloud.conn will return a boto3.resource('s3') object initialized according to the s3 configuration.
  • cloud.client will return a boto3.client('s3') object initialized according to the s3 configuration.
  • cloud.bucket will return a Bucket object for the bucket defined in the s3 configuration.
  • cloud.bucket_name will return the name of the bucket defined in the s3 configuration.

If you have enabled azure in your Configuration, then:

  • cloud.conn will return a BlockBlobService() object initialized according to the azure configuration.
  • cloud.container_name will return the name of the container defined in the azure configuration.

In some circumstances, you might not be using s3 or azure for persistent storage, or you may wish to access a different bucket or container. In that case, you can initialize the DACloudStorage object so that it uses a different directive in the Configuration.

For example, if you have an S3 bucket called mybucket-example-com, and your Configuration contains the following:

  access key id: AGJBRKYM3T4FY7HYWNBQ
  secret access key: BkwEQeg+yeC3EJ2MoCDwY8jbiWrtKdLf4q3++EBd
  bucket: mybucket-example-com

Then you can initialize a DACloudStorage object as follows:

  - cloud: DACloudStorage.using(provider='s3', config='mybucket')

Then, you can use the cloud object to access the contents of the mybucket-example-com bucket in your interview. For example:

question: |
  How to seek help
subquestion: |
  ${ cloud.bucket.Object('markdown_files/help.md').get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') }

In this example, the subquestion incorporates the contents of a file called help.md located in the markdown_files folder of the mybucket-example-com bucket.

For more information on how to use these objects, see the documentation for boto3 and azure.storage.blob.

The DACloudStorage object simply provides a convenient way to obtain an authenticated API connection to Amazon S3 or Azure blob storage. If you do not use a DACloudStorage object, you can still use the boto3 and azure.storage.blob packages; the only added complication is that you have to handle authentication yourself. You can use the get_config() function to retrieve custom values from your Configuration.

For example, here is a Python module that defines a function that retrieves a list of object names from an existing S3 bucket.

import boto3
import docassemble.base.util

s3_config = docassemble.base.util.get_config('manual s3 configuration')

def list_keys(prefix):
    conn = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1', aws_access_key_id=s3_config['access key id'], aws_secret_access_key=s3_config['secret access key'])
    client = boto3.client('s3', region_name='us-east-1', aws_access_key_id=s3_config['access key id'], aws_secret_access_key=s3_config['secret access key'])
    bucket = conn.Bucket('example-com-data-bucket')
    output = list()
    for item in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix, Delimiter='/'):
    return output

This assumes you have a custom directive in your Configuration that looks like this:

manual s3 configuration:
  secret access key: RGERG34eeeg3agwetTR0+wewWAWEFererNRERERG


The DAOAuth objects facilitates using OAuth2 authentication in the context of an interview.

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args)
initial: True
code: |
  if not user_logged_in():
    message("Test Google Sheets Integration", "Sorry, you must be logged in to test this interview.")
mandatory: True
question: |
  Here is some data.
subquestion: |
  `${ google.test() }`
Screenshot of oauth-test example

Although OAuth2 is fairly complicated, the way that docassemble handles it is fairly simple. There are two main things that the DAOAuth object does: first, it uses the response() function to trigger a browser redirect to the third-party OAuth2 process if the user has missing or invalid credientials; second, the OAuth2 site redirects the user back to the interview (at /interview on the docassemble site, or whatever the base URL returned by interview_url() is) and the url_args dictionary is used to retrieve the access token obtained during the OAuth2 process.

In the above example, the user needs to be logged in because the OAuth2 credentials are stored globally using Redis using the user’s e-mail address as part of the key. However, a later example will demonstrate how to use identifiers other than the user’s e-mail address.

To follow this example and use a DAOAuth object to connect to Google, you need to use the Google Developers Console and enable the “Google Sheets API.” Under Credentials, create an “OAuth client ID” for a “web application.” Assuming your server is at https://interview.example.com, add https://interview.example.com to the “Authorized JavaScript origins.” Then, under “Authorized redirect URIs,” add https://interview.example.com/interview (or https://interview.example.com/run/yourshortcut if you are using a shortcut). Make a note of the “Client ID” and the “Client secret” because you will need to plug those values into the Configuration

The module oauthsheets.py contains the following:

from docassemble.base.util import DAOAuth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

__all__ = ['GoogleAuth']

class GoogleAuth(DAOAuth):
    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)
        self.appname = 'mygoogle'
        self.token_uri = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token"
        self.auth_uri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
        self.scope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets"
    def test(self):
        service = build('sheets', 'v4', http=self.get_http())
        SAMPLE_SPREADSHEET_ID = '1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms'
        SAMPLE_RANGE_NAME = 'Class Data!A2:E'
        sheet = service.spreadsheets()
        result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=SAMPLE_SPREADSHEET_ID,
        values = result.get('values', [])
        return values

This example connects to Google, but note that OAuth2 is a general protocol used by a number of authentication providers.

The GoogleAuth class is a subclass of DAOAuth. The following four attributes must be defined:

  • appname - This is a name that you choose. Credentials will be stored based on this application name as well as the user’s e-mail address. In this example, the application name is mygoogle.
  • token_uri - This is the URL for obtaining the OAuth2 token. It should be provided in the documentation for the OAuth2 API.
  • auth_uri - This is the URL for OAuth2 authorization. It should be provided in the documentation for the OAuth2 API.
  • scope - This is the scope of access you are requesting. The format should be documented in the documentation for the OAuth2 API.

Since the application name is mygoogle, you need to edit your Configuration to add the “Client ID” and “Client secret” under the oauth directive as follows:

    id: 18761224589-4t28ji14udf7pa39hd5ssqdttebt959y.apps.googleusercontent.com
    secret: UnDdE_EBOft7wYU8rmCFXTdy

Note that in the interview, the object was defined with .using(url_args=url_args), and that the “redirect URI” was /interview. This is all necessary because after the OAuth2 process, the OAuth2 provider will redirect back to your interview with the URL parameters state and code. The DAOAuth object needs to have a reference to the url_args so that it can read these URL parameters.

Note that if the user has opened sessions in multiple different interviews, when the user is redirected to /interview, they may resume a different session. To avoid this, use /start/ URLs to start interview sessions and /run/ URLs to resume interview sessions. This is a limitation of OAuth2, which does not allow URL parameters in the URL to which the user is redirected.

If you need to modify the way DAOAuth works, you can copy and paste the code for DAOAuth out of docassemble.base.util into your own module.

The methods of DAOAuth that are useful are:

  • .get_credentials() - this returns credentials in the format used by oauth2client.client.
  • .get_http() - this returns a httplib2.Http() object that has been modified so that it contains the necessary OAuth2 credentials. If the user it not authorized, this will cause authorization to be requested.
  • .ensure_authorized() - this does not return anything, but it will cause authorization to be requested if there are no stored credentials or if the stored credentials are invalid.
  • .active() - this will return True if there are stored credentials in the system for the user. It will not test if the credentials are valid.
  • .is_authorized() - this will return True if there are stored credentials in the system for the user and the credentials are valid. It will not cause authorization to be requested.
  • .delete_credentials() - this will delete the stored credentials from the system.

Here is a longer version of the interview above, demonstrating how to add a menu item that allows the users to manage their credentials.

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args)
initial: True
code: |
  if not user_logged_in():
    message("Test Google Sheets Integration", "Sorry, you must be logged in to test this interview.")
    menu_items = []
question: |
  You need to connect with Google Sheets.
subquestion: |
  Press Continue to connect.
field: intro_screen
code: |
  if google.active():
    intro_screen = True
initial: True
code: |
  menu_items = [ action_menu_item('Manage Credentials', 'manage_credentials') ]
mandatory: True
question: |
  Here is some data.
subquestion: |
  `${ google.test() }`
question: |
  Manage credentials
subquestion: |
  You do not have any stored credentials.
field: manage_credentials
continue button label: Resume
if: google.active()
question: |
  Manage credentials
subquestion: |
  If you want to delete your credentials, you can do so.

  ${ action_button_html(url_action('delete_credentials'), label="Delete credentials", color="danger") }

  Otherwise, you can go back to the interview.
continue button label: Resume
field: manage_credentials
event: delete_credentials
code: |
Screenshot of oauth-test-2 example

By default, the DAOAuth object will remember the user’s credentials for six months. To set a different period, you can set the expires attribute to an integer number of seconds or to None if the credentials should be remembered forever. Here is an example of storing credentials for one week:

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args, expires=60*60*24*7)

The examples above have demonstrated using the logged-in user’s e-mail address as the identifier for storing the credentials. This is the default behavior. The advantage is that a given user only needs to go through the oauth process once and then they will connect automatically in the future, even in different sessions and interviews.

However, you might want to use an OAuth2 process for a non-logged-in user, or you might want a different unique ID than the user’s e-mail address. You can set a custom unique_id to be used instead.

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args, unique_id=process_number)
code: |
  process_number = some_custom_api_call()

You might use this in a situation where an external server initializes the session using the API and populates the unique ID as a variable in the interview answers. In this situation, you would need to prevent users from initiating a session if that unique ID was not defined. Here is one way to do it.

# get the session ID of a new session
r = requests.get(server + '/api/session/new', params={'key': api_key, 'i': interviewname})
session_id = r.json()['session']

# pre-populate the user_id variable in the interview answers of the session
r = requests.post(server + '/api/session', data={'key': api_key, 'i': interviewname, 'session': session_id, 'variables': json.dumps({'initialized': true, 'user_id': user_id})})

# obtain a URL for directing the user to the session
r = requests.post(root + '/api/resume_url', data={'key': key, 'i': interviewname, 'session': session_id})
url = r.json()

The interview would then use the initialized variable to control whether a user can have access.

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args, unique_id=user_id)
mandatory: True
code: |
  multi_user = True
  if not initialized:
code: |
  initialized = False
event: kick_out
question: Go away
mandatory: True
code: |
question: |
  You need to connect with Google Sheets.
subquestion: |
  Press Continue to connect.
field: intro_screen
code: |
  if google.active():
    intro_screen = True

If you only need the OAuth2 connection to survive for the duration of the session, you can set use_random_unique_id=True in the configuration, and a randomly-generated unique_id will be set.

  - google: GoogleAuth.using(url_args=url_args, use_random_unique_id=True)
Screenshot of oauth-test-3 example

If you set a custom unique_id or you set use_random_unique_id to true, then the default expiration time for the credentials is 24 hours rather than six months.

If you are using a DAWeb for communication with an API that requires OAuth2 authentication, you can add something like the following to the top of your YAML:

  - auth: MyAuth.using(url_args=url_args)
  - api: DAWeb
initial: True
code: |

Here, auth is an instance of your DAOAuth subclass, and api is an instance of the DAWeb class. Running auth.authorize(api) will perform the OAuth2 process if necessary, and then it will define a default header in your DAWeb instance that will authorize requests to the API. It is important that .authorize() always run in the same screen load as any calls to the web API. This interview achieves this by running .authorize() every time the screen loads (with initial: True). This means that if the token has expired, it will be refreshed.


The DAWeb object facilitates making requests to APIs.

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.spacexdata.com/latest')
code: |
  launch_info = web.get('launches/latest')
code: |
  rocket_info = web.get('rockets/' + launch_info['rocket'])
code: |
  ship_info = web.get('ships',
                      data={'ship_type': 'Tug'})
Screenshot of daweb example

In this example, the .get() method makes GET requests to API that provides information about the SpaceX company. The two API URLs that are called are:

You could make these calls yourself in code using the requests module, which is very easy to use. The DAWeb object is effectively a front end for requests. The purpose of DAWeb is to allow you to call APIs from within interviews while keeping your code readable. The DAWeb object lets you set default values for things like the base URL of the API and what headers or cookies to use, so that your calls to the APIs can be written in succinct code.

A single DAWeb object can be re-used throughout your interview to call different API endpoints. The object stores default values and provide methods that you can call.

The following methods are supported:

  • .get() - makes a GET request
  • .post() - makes a POST request
  • .delete() - makes a DELETE request
  • .put() - makes a PUT request
  • .patch() - makes a PATCH request
  • .options() - makes a OPTIONS request
  • .head() - makes a HEAD request

Each of these methods has a single required parameter, which is the URL. You can give it a full URL:

  - web: DAWeb
code: |
  launch = web.get("https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/latest")

If you set the base_url attribute of the object, you can call the .get() method with an easier-to-read URL fragment, and keep the https:// part in your object initializer:

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url="https://api.spacexdata.com/v3")
code: |
  launch = web.get("launches/latest")

You do not have to worry about putting a / at the end of the base_url or at the beginning of a relative URL; whether you include a / or not, it will figure out what the correct URL should be.

The methods also accept a number of optional keyword parameters. The most import optional keyword parameter is data. Set this to a dict or DADict containing the URL parameters or form fields that you want to include in the request.

code: |
  launch = web.get('ships', data={'ship_type': 'Tug'})

This results in a GET request to the URL https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/ships?ship_type=Tug. The URI encoding of the parameters is handled automatically.

The data parameter is also used to pass data when making POST requests:

code: |
  result = web.post('https://api.example.com/new_user', data={'name': 'Fred'})

The data parameter will be converted to JSON and passed as the body of the POST request using application/json as the content type. If the API cannot accept data in this format, you can set json_body to False. With json_body set to False, the more traditional method of sending form data is used, where the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. In this case, the data parameter must be a dictionary.

code: |
  result = web.post('https://api.example.com/new_user', data={'name': 'Fred'}, json_body=False)

To upload a file, set the files keyword parameter to a dictionary where the keys are the names of the fields the server is expecting and the values are references to files. You can refer to docassemble file-like objects (e.g., DAFile, DAStaticFile) or references to files in a package (e.g., 'picture_of_fred.png' or 'docassemble.missouri:data/static/picture_of_fred.png'). File system paths are not accepted.

question: |
  Please upload a picture of ${ user }.
  - Picture: user.portrait
    datatype: file
code: |
  result = web.post('https://api.example.com/image',
                    data={'name': user.name.full()},
                    files={'portrait': user.portrait})

In this case, the API at the /image POST endpoint is expecting to receive a file upload using the field name portrait.

When using GET, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS, you can only pass information to the API using URL parameters, but when using POST, PUT, and PATCH, you can use both URL parameters and form data to send information to the API. If you need to set URL parameters when sending form data with .post(), .patch(), or .put(), you can set the params parameter to a dictionary of URL parameters, while setting the data parameter to a dictionary of information that you want to send in the body of the request.

code: |
  result = web.post('https://api.example.com/user', params={'action': 'new'}, data={'name': 'Fred'})

You can also use the keyword parameter params instead of data when using .get(), .delete(), etc.

You can set a default value for the json_body keyword argument by setting the json_body attribute of the object:

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url="https://api.example.com", json_body=False)

All of the keyword parameters (except for data, params, and files) work the same way; if you want to set a default value for a parameter, you just set the attribute of the object, and then the value will be used in every method call you make. Thus, the method calls you make in your interview can be succinct and free of repetition. If you ever need to override the default value in a special case, you can just set the keyword parameter when calling the method.

With the headers attribute (or keyword parameter), you can add special headers to a request. For example, if you want to masquerade as a Firefox browser, you can set the User-Agent header.

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.spacexdata.com/v3',
                   headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0'})

If your API uses Basic Auth or Digest Auth, you can pass your credentials using the auth attribute (or keyword parameter). It should refer to a dictionary with three keys: type, username, and password.

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.example.com', auth={'type': 'basic', 'username': 'jsmith', 'password': 'xxsecret'})

To use Basic Auth, set type to 'basic'. To use Digest Auth, set type to 'digest'. If you don’t specify a type, 'basic' is assumed.

Similarly, if your API uses bearer token authentication, you can set auth to a dictionary where 'type' is 'bearer' and 'token' is your bearer token.

  - web: |
                  auth={'type': 'bearer',
                        'token': 'uweoDS0iBfirGwesB.8d29230fa55b5c5deb2f87a82b3f6d2f4ab25c2b7e34b563d3b8fb84532c254b'})

It is generally a good idea not to put passwords in source code. You can store your credentials in the Configuration and use the get_config() function to retrieve them. You can put this in your Configuration:

example.com credentials:
  type: basic
  username: jsmith
  password: xxsecret

This YAML specifies a dictionary. When you call get_config('example.com credentials'), it will return the dictionary {'type': 'basic', 'username': 'jsmith', 'password': 'xxsecret'}. Thus, you can write:

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.example.com', auth=get_config('example.com credentials'))

If the API you are calling relies on a cookie being set, you can set the cookies attribute to a dictionary containing your cookie values.

  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.example.com', cookies={'X-Auth-Secret': '5tTy34SfTeG3e'})

If you set a cookies attribute, then every time the API is called, any new cookies set by the server will be updated in the cookies attribute, so that the next time you use the DAWeb object to call the API, these cookies will be sent. This can be useful if the server needs its own cookies in order to function correctly. By contrast, if you only set the cookies in a keyword parameter when calling a method, then the cookies attribute will not be updated.

If you are using an API that uses OAuth2 authentication, see the authorize() method of the DAOAuth class, discussed at the end of the previous section.

The value returned by the method depends on whether the HTTP request succeeded and the format of the data returned by the server. Most API servers return a JSON data structure. The DAWeb methods will convert that JSON data structure into a Python data structure and return it. If a request is not successful, None is returned.

By default, a request will be considered successful if the status code returned by the server is between 200 and 299. You can change this by setting success_code to a specific value, or a list (or tuple) of values:

code: |
  result = web.post('new_user',
                    data={'name': 'Fred'},

In this case, if the POST request results in a response with status code 200, it will be treated as unsuccessful.

code: |
  result = web.post('new_user',
                    data={'name': 'Fred'},
                    success_code=[200, 204])

In this case, if the POST request results in a response with a status other than 200 or 204, it will be treated as unsuccessful.

One of the dangers of calling APIs in interviews is that you might mistakenly call the API repeatedly. Like the send_email() function, DAWeb methods can mark a task as successful if the request is successful. You indicate the task by setting the task keyword parameter.

code: |
  if task_not_yet_performed('user_created'):
    web.post('new_user', data={'name': 'Fred'}, task='user_created')

If you set a task, you can optionally set the “persistence” of the task by setting the task_persistent keyword parameter to True or False. The default is False. For more information, see the documentation for the task-related functions.

You can control what is returned if a request is unsuccessful by setting the on_failure attribute (or keyword parameter). If you set on_failure to {'success': False}, then that dictionary will be returned in case of an error. The default value is None, meaning that None is returned in case the request is not successful.

There are special values of on_failure that you might want to use:

  • if you set on_failure to 'text', then the UTF-8-decoded text response is returned.
  • if you set on_failure to 'content', then the raw (not UTF-8 decoded) response is returned.
  • if you set on_failure to 'raise', then if the request is unsuccessful, an exception of type DAWebError is raised, which you can trap:
  - web: DAWeb.using(base_url='https://api.example.com', on_failure='raise')
code: |
    result = web.get('status')
  except DAWebError as e:
    log("Uh oh, the API returned status code " + str(e.status_code))
    result = False

The DAWebError object has the following attributes:

  • url: the full URL to which the request was made
  • method: the HTTP method that was used for the request
  • params: the URL parameters that were sent in the request
  • data: the data that were were sent in the body of the request (if applicable)
  • task: the task that would have been marked as completed if the request was successful
  • task_persistent: the value of task_persistent used during the call.
  • headers: the headers that were sent in the request
  • status_code: the status code of the response, or -1 if there no response (e.g., because of a network error)
  • response_text: the raw text of the response
  • response_json: the data structure of the response, if it was in JSON format
  • response_headers: a dictionary containing the response headers
  • exception_type: the name of the exception class, if a call to requests returned an exception
  • exception_text: the text of the exception, if a call to requests returned an exception
  • cookies_before: a dictionary containing the cookies that were sent with the request
  • cookies_after: the cookies that were returned in the response
  • success: True or False indicating whether the request was successful

Similarly, you can also control what is returned when the request is successful by setting on_success to a value. If you set on_success to True, then True will be returned if the request was successful.

There are three special values of on_success that you might want to use:

  • if you set on_success to text, then the UTF-8-decoded text response is returned. You may want to use this if you don’t want docassemble to attempt to convert the response to JSON, and you just want the plain text of the response
  • if you set on_success to content, then the raw (not UTF-8 decoded) response is returned. You may want to use this if the request might return a binary file, such as an image or a PDF file. For example, you could download a file by setting on_success=content and then passing the result to the write() method of the DAFile class, along with binary=True.

The on_success feature also supports the special 'raise' result, in case you want to inspect the output of a successful call. Although if you are this interested in inspecting the results of a successful call, you should probably be writing custom methods that call requests directly.


The DAGoogleAPI object provides convenient access to Google’s APIs through a Google service account that you set up in the Google Developers Console and enable in the docassemble Configuration.

The DAGoogleAPI object can be used with the low-level Google API and also with higher-level API packages like gspread or the Cloud Translation API Client Library.

The benefit of the DAGoogleAPI object is that it streamlines the process of authenticating to Google’s servers. It also provides a standard way to keep service account authentication information in the Configuration.

Setup process

In order for your site to communicate with Google, you will need to create an account on the Google Developers Console and create an “app.” Within this app, you will need to create a service account. Then set the service account credentials directive in the Configuration to the credentials for this service account. For more information on how to do this, see the documentation for the service account credentials directive.

Finally, you need to use the Google Developers Console to enable the APIs that you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Google Drive API, you need to explicitly enable the Google Drive API for your app.


Suppose you define api to be a DAGoogleAPI object:

  - api: DAGoogleAPI

There are two categories of methods available. The first is for the low-level Google API available through the google-api-python-client package. This can be used to control any of the Google APIs.

The scope can be a single scope like 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive', or it can be a list of scopes, like ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-vision']. You can browse Google’s directory of scopes.

Here is an example of a Python module that uses the .drive_service() method of the DAGoogleAPI object to provide convenience functions for reading and writing to a Google Drive folder:

from docassemble.base.util import DAGoogleAPI, DAFile
import apiclient

api = DAGoogleAPI()

__all__ = ['get_folder_names', 'get_files_in_folder', 'write_file_to_folder', 'download_file']

def get_folder_names():
    service = api.drive_service()
    items = list()
    page_token = None
    while True:
        response = service.files().list(spaces="drive",
            fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)",
            q="mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and sharedWithMe"
        for the_file in response.get('files', []):
        page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
        if page_token is None:
    return [item['name'] for item in items]

def get_folder_id(folder_name):
    service = api.drive_service()
    response = service.files().list(spaces="drive",
        fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)",
        q="mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and sharedWithMe and name='" + str(folder_name) + "'").execute()
    folder_id = None
    for item in response.get('files', []):
        folder_id = item['id']
    return folder_id

def get_file_id(filename, folder_name):
    folder_id = get_folder_id(folder_name)
    if folder_id is None:
        raise Exception("The folder was not found")
    service = api.drive_service()
    file_id = None
    response = service.files().list(spaces="drive",
        fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)",
        q="mimeType!='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and '" + str(folder_id) + "' in parents and name='" + str(filename) + "'").execute()
    for item in response.get('files', []):
        file_id = item['id']
    return file_id

def get_files_in_folder(folder_name):
    folder_id = get_folder_id(folder_name)
    if folder_id is None:
        raise Exception("The folder was not found")
    service = api.drive_service()
    items = list()
    page_token = None
    while True:
        response = service.files().list(spaces="drive",
            fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)",
            q="mimeType!='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed=false and '" + str(folder_id) + "' in parents"
        for the_file in response.get('files', []):
        page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
        if page_token is None:
    return [item['name'] for item in items]

def write_file_to_folder(path, mimetype, filename, folder_name):
    folder_id = get_folder_id(folder_name)
    if folder_id is None:
        raise Exception("The folder was not found")
    service = api.drive_service()
    file_metadata = { 'name': filename, 'parents': [folder_id] }
    media = apiclient.http.MediaFileUpload(path, mimetype=mimetype)
    the_new_file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata,
    return the_new_file.get('id')

def download_file(filename, folder_name):
    file_id = get_file_id(filename, folder_name)
    if file_id is None:
        raise Exception("The file was not found")
    the_file = DAFile()
    service = api.drive_service()
    with open(the_file.path(), 'wb') as fh:
        response = service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id)
        downloader = apiclient.http.MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, response)
        done = False
        while done is False:
            status, done = downloader.next_chunk()
    return the_file

To use this module, log in to Google Drive using a normal Google account and create a folder. Then share that folder with the e-mail address of your service account. Then, when you call get_folder_names(), the name of this folder will be part of the list that is returned.

Here is an interview that uses this module to access a Google Drive folder called “DADemo”. It assumes the module is a file called google_drive.py in the same package as the interview.

  - .google_drive
mandatory: True
code: |
question: |
  Files in your Google Drive
subquestion: |
  % for item in get_files_in_folder('DADemo'):
  * ${ item } ${ download_file(item, 'DADemo') }
  % endfor
field: first_screen
question: |
  Please upload a file.
  - File: uploaded_files
    datatype: files
code: |
  for the_file in uploaded_files:
    (path, mimetype) = path_and_mimetype(the_file)
    write_file_to_folder(path, mimetype, the_file.filename, 'DADemo')
  files_copied_to_google_drive = True
event: final_screen
question: Names of files in folder
subquestion: |
  % for item in get_files_in_folder('DADemo'):
  * ${ item }
  % endfor

You can use any Google API, not just the Google Drive API. The .drive_service() method is provided only as a convenience. You can create your own services by running something like:

import apiclient
import docassemble.base.util

api = docassemble.base.util.DAGoogleAPI()
http = api.http('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-translation')

service = apiclient.discovery.build('translate', 'v2', http=http)

Note that while the api object can safely persist in your users’ interview session dictionary, a variable like service cannot be pickled, so if you store it in your interview file, you will get an error. Ideally, you should always use Python modules for functions that access APIs, so that there is no danger of an error if docassemble tries to pickle an object that cannot be pickled.

The second category of methods is for Google Cloud packages like google.cloud.storage and google.cloud.translate. If a Google service is available both through google-api-python-client and through one of the Google Cloud packages, the Google Cloud packages are probably preferable because they are newer and easier to use. Most of these packages are not installed in the docassemble system by default and will need to be installed with “Package Management” if you want to use them. Whatever package name Google tells you to use with pip, you can type into the “Package on PyPI” field in “Package Management.”

The methods of the DAGoogleAPI object that can be used with the Google Cloud packages include the following:

  • api.cloud_credentials(scope) - this returns a Credentials object from the google.oauth2.service_account module, initialized for the given scope.
  • api.project_id() - this returns the ID of the “app” in which the service account is configured. This ID, which is just a text string, is required by some API methods.
  • google_cloud_storage_client() - this returns a google.cloud.storage.Client object that can be used to access the Google Cloud Storage API.
  • google_cloud_vision_client() - this returns a google.cloud.vision.ImageAnnotatorClient object that can be used to access the Google Cloud Vision API.

Here is an example of a Python module that uses the Google Cloud Storage API (the google.cloud.storage Python package):

import docassemble.base.util

__all__ = ['make_bucket', 'get_bucket', 'make_blob']

api = docassemble.base.util.DAGoogleAPI()
client = api.google_cloud_storage_client()

def make_bucket(bucket_name):
  return client.create_bucket(bucket_name)

def get_bucket(bucket_name):
  return client.get_bucket(bucket_name)

def make_blob(bucket_name, blob_name, blob_content):
  bucket = get_bucket(bucket_name)
  blob = bucket.blob(blob_name)
  return blob


The DABreadCrumbs object facilitates displaying “breadcrumbs” in the user interface to show the user where they are when the current question is the result of an action within an action.

In the following example interview, after reaching the “Thank you for your answers!” page, the user can launch an action within an action within an action by doing the following:

  1. Click the “edit your answers” link
  2. Click “Edit” on one of the table items
  3. Click the “types of fruit” link on the page that asks for a person’s favorite fruit.

When the user enters a nested action like this, a “breadcrumbs” display may help make clear how the question they are seeing relates to the original action they launched.

  - bc: DABreadCrumbs
default screen parts:
  pre: |
    ${ bc.show() }
breadcrumb: Edit person
question: |
  Who is the ${ ordinal(i) } person?
  - First Name: person[i].name.first
  - Last Name: person[i].name.last
breadcrumb: Edit fruit
question: |
  What is ${ person[i].possessive('favorite fruit') }?
subquestion: |
  Make sure you indicate
  ${ person[i].possessive('most favorite fruit') },
  taking into account all of the
  [types of fruit](${ url_action('explore_fruit') }) that exist in the
  - Fruit: person[i].favorite_fruit
breadcrumb: Edit answers
question: |
  Edit your answers
  - note: |
      % if len(person):
      The people are:

      ${ person.table }

      ${ person.add_action() }
      % else:
      There are no people.

      ${ person.add_action("I would like to add one.") }
      % endif
event: review_interview
breadcrumb: Fruit types
question: Types of fruit
subquestion: |
  There are several types of fruit, including:

  * apple
  * orange
  * grapes
  * peach
  * lemon
  * grapefruit
  * pear
  * lime
  * mango
  * tomato
  * melon
continue button field: explore_fruit
Screenshot of breadcrumbs example

A “breadcrumbs” display may be particularly helpful when you have a review screen that allows the user to spot-edit answers in a lengthy interview. When an interview is long, it is a best practice to avoid having a very lengthy review screen and to instead allow the user to navigate through sub-screens to the field they want to edit. For example, clicking an edit button on the main review screen could open a subsidiary review screen, on which clicking an edit button launches a process of editing several variables in series. In a scenario like this, the breadcrumbs will help the user see the path they took from the original review screen.

A DABreadCrumbs object does not store any data; it is simply a mechanism for accessing and displaying the actions that are currently active. The core method of DABreadCrumbs is .get_crumbs(), which returns a Python list of breadcrumb names of the “parent” questions, followed by the current question. By default, the breadcrumb name of a question is the text indicated by the question specifier. However, this can be overridden by attaching a breadcrumb modifier to the question. If the question the user is seeing is not the result of an action, then .get_crumbs() returns an empty list.

The .show() method returns raw HTML for displaying the breadcrumbs in Bootstrap format. If there are no breadcrumbs to display, the .show() method returns the empty string.

In the above example interview, the breadcrumbs are inserted into the pre screen part, but you can place them anywhere you want.

Because DABreadCrumbs is a Python class, you can use Python to customize how it works. Here is code you can copy and paste into your own module file and then customize as you see fit.

from docassemble.base.util import DABreadCrumbs

__all__ = ['MyBreadCrumbs']

class MyBreadCrumbs(DABreadCrumbs):
    def show(self):
        crumbs = self.get_crumbs()
        if len(crumbs) < 2:
            return ''
        last_indexno = len(crumbs) - 1
        return self.container(self.inner(item['breadcrumb'], indexno == last_indexno) for indexno, item in enumerate(crumbs))
    def container(self, items):
        return '<nav class="da-breadcrumb mt-2" aria-label="' + word('breadcrumb') + '"><ol class="breadcrumb">' + ''.join(items) + '</ol></nav>\n'
    def inner(self, label, active):
        if active:
            return '<li class="da-breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-item">' + label + '</li>'
            return '<li class="da-breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">' + label + '</li>'

Classes for information about people and things


If pet_rock is a Thing, it will be an object with one attribute:

  • pet_rock.name (object of class Name)

If you include ${ pet_rock } in text, the name of the Thing will be inserted. docassemble will look for a definition of pet_rock.name.text.

If you set the name attribute of a Thing to text, the .name.text attribute will be set to the text you provided.


An Event is a type of DAObject with the following attributes initialized by default:

There may be many other attributes you want to use for an Event, but they are up to you to choose.


The Person class encompasses Individuals as well as legal persons, like companies, government agencies, etc. If you create an object of type Person by doing:

  - opponent: Person

then you will create an object with the following built-in attributes:

Referring to a Person in the context of a Mako template will return the output of .name.full().

If you set the name attribute of a Person to text, the .name.text attribute will be set to the text you provided.

The following attributes are also used, but undefined by default:

The following methods can be used:


Calling defendant.possessive('fish') returns “ABC Corporation’s fish” or “your fish” depending on whether defendant is the user.


Calling defendant.identified() returns True if defendant.name.text has been defined. The version for Individuals is different.


Calling defendant.pronoun_objective() returns “it,” while calling defendant.pronoun_objective(capitalize=True) returns “It.”


Calling defendant.object_possessive('fish') returns “defendant’s fish.”


Calling defendant.is_are_you() returns “are you” if defendant is the user, and otherwise returns “is defendant.” Calling defendant.is_are_you(capitalize=True) returns “Are you” or “Is defendant.”


Calling defendant.is_user() returns True if the defendant is the user, and otherwise returns False.


Calling defendant.address_block() will return the name followed by the address, in a format suitable for inclusion in a document. For example:

[FLUSHLEFT] ABC Corporation [NEWLINE] 1500 Market Street [NEWLINE] Philadelphia, PA 19102

See markup for more information about how this will appear in documents.


Calling defendant.do_question('testify') returns “do you testify” if the defendant is the user, or otherwise it uses the defendant’s name, as in “does ABC Corporation testify.”


Calling defendant.did_question('testify') returns “did you testify” if the defendant is the user, or otherwise it uses the defendant’s name, as in “did ABC Corporation testify.”


Calling defendant.were_question('guilty') returns “were you guilty” if the defendant is the user, or otherwise it uses the defendant’s name, as in “was ABC Corporation guilty.”


Calling defendant.have_question('lied') returns “have you lied” if the defendant is the user, or otherwise it uses the defendant’s name, as in “has ABC Corporation lied.”


Calling defendant.does_verb('testify') returns “testify” if the defendant is the user, but otherwise returns “testifies.” The method accepts the optional keyword arguments present and past, which are expected to be set to True or False. For example, defendant.does_verb('testify', past=True) will return “testified.”


The .did_verb() method is like the .does_verb() method, except that it conjugates the verb into the past tense.


The .subject() method returns “you” if the person is the user, but otherwise returns the person’s name.


Calling defendant.email_address() will return the person’s name followed by the person’s e-mail address, in the standard e-mail format. E.g., 'ABC Corporation <[email protected]>'. If the name is not yet defined, the e-mail address by itself ([email protected]) will be returned.

If you want to force docassemble to ask for the recipient’s name, set the optional keyword parameter include_name to True.

You can suppress the inclusion of the person’s name by setting include_name to False.


Calling defendant.sms_number() will return defendant.mobile_number if the .mobile_number attribute exists; it will not cause the question to be asked. If the .mobile_number attribute does not exist, it will use defendant.phone_number.

The method formats the phone number in E.164 format. The method accepts an optional keyword parameter country, which will be used to format the phone number, since the E.164 format contains the international country calling code of the phone number. If a country is not provided, defendant.country is used, If the .country attribute is not defined, .address.country will be tried, but if that is not defined either, the method will call get_country(). The country is expected to be a two-letter, capitalized abbreviation of a country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format).

If a mobile_number attribute exists and a uses_whatsapp number also exists and is True, then WhatsApp will be used to send messages to the number.


An Organization is a subclass of Person. It has the attribute .office, which is an object of type OfficeList.

It uses the following attributes, which by default are not defined:

  • handles: refers to a list of problems the organization handles.
  • serves: refers to a list of counties the organization serves.

The .will_handle() method returns True or False depending on whether the organization serves a given county or handles a given problem. It takes two optional keyword arguments: problem and county. For example, you could call agency.will_handle(problem='Divorce', county='Hampshire County').


The Individual is a subclass of Person. This class should be used for persons who you know are human beings.

If you create an object of type Individual by doing:

  - president: Individual

then you will create an object with the following built-in attribute:

In addition, the following attributes will be defined by virtue of an Individual being a kind of Person:

The following attributes are also used, but undefined by default:

  • age - this can be set to a number. It is used by the age_in_years() method.
  • birthdate - this can be the result of a date field, or a datetime object. It is used by the age_in_years() method if the age attribute has not been defined.
  • gender - this should be set to 'male', 'female', or 'other'. It is used by a variety of methods such as pronoun().
  • use_familiar - set this to True if you want the individual to be referred to by their first name when the individual’s name is reduced to text. By default, the full name is used.

A number of useful methods can be applied to objects of class Individual. Many of them will respond differently depending on whether the Individual is the user or not. If you use these methods, be sure to inform docassemble who the user is by inserting the following initial block:

initial: True
code: |

(If you include the basic-questions.yml file, this is done for you.) See the documentation for the set_info() function for more information.


Returns True if the individual’s name has been defined yet, otherwise it returns False.


user.age_in_years() returns the user’s age in years as a whole number.

There are two optional arguments that modify the method’s behavior:

  • user.age_in_years(decimals=True) returns the user’s age in years with the fractional part included.
  • user.age_in_years(as_of="5/1/2015") returns the user’s age as of a particular date.

To determine the user’s age, this method first looks to see if there is an attribute age. If there is, the value of this attribute is returned. However, the age_in_years() method will not cause the interview to seek out this attribute.

If the age attribute is not defined, this method will calculate the individual’s age based on the birthdate attribute, which will be interpreted as a date. The birthdate attribute can be a date expressed in text, as it would be if it was defined by a date field, or it can be a datetime object.


The age_in_months() method is like age_in_years(), except the age attribute is not considered, and the result is a number of months instead of a number of years.

.first_name_hint() and .last_name_hint()

When you are writing questions in an interview, you may find yourself in this position:

  • You are asking for the name of a person;
  • That person whose name you need may be the user;
  • The user may be logged in;
  • The user, if logged in, may have already provided his or her name on the user profile page; and
  • It would be repetitive for the user to retype his or her name.

In this situation, it would be convenient for the user if the user’s name was auto-filled on the page. The .first_name_hint() and .last_name_hint() methods accomplish this for you. You can ask for an individual’s name as follows:

generic object: Individual
question: |
  What is ${ x.object_possessive('name') }?
  - First Name: x.name.first
    default: ${ x.first_name_hint() }
  - Middle Name: x.name.middle
    required: False
  - Last Name: x.name.last
    default: ${ x.last_name_hint() }
  - Suffix: x.name.suffix
    required: False
    code: |

For an explanation of how .object_possessive() works, see the Person class.


If client is an Individual and the individual’s name is “Adam Smith,” client.possessive('orange') returns “Adam Smith’s orange.” But if the individual is the current user, this returns “your.” (See the note above.)


Depending on the gender attribute, the .salutation() method returns “Mr.” or “Ms.” This can be helpful when writing letters.

template: letter_to_client
content: |
  ${ client.salutation() }
  ${ client.name.last }:

  I hope this letter finds you well.

  Blah, blah, blah.

  ${ client.salutation(with_name=True) }:

  I hope this letter finds you well.

  Blah, blah, blah.

  ${ client.salutation(with_name_and_punctuation=True) }

  I hope this letter finds you well.

  Blah, blah, blah.
Screenshot of salutation example

The function takes some optional keyword arguments:

  • client.salutation() returns Mr.
  • client.salutation(with_name=True) returns Mr. Jones
  • client.salutation(with_name_and_punctuation=True) returns Mr. Jones:

This function relies on a few attributes, which it looks for but does not assume exist:

  • If .salutation_to_use is set, .salutation() uses its value as the salutation instead of 'Mr.' or 'Ms.'.
  • If .is_doctor is set to a true value, the salutation “Dr.” is used.
  • If .is_judge is set to a true value, the salutation “Judge” is used.
  • If .name.suffix is 'MD' or 'PhD', the salutation “Dr.” is used.
  • If .name.suffix is 'J', the salutation “Judge” is used.
  • If .is_friendly is set to a true value, a comma will be used in place of a colon when with_name_and_punctuation is true.

The operation of this function can be customized with docassemble.base.util.update_language_function(). Use the function name 'salutation' and provide a function that takes an object of class Individual as an argument. For reference, here is the default function (from docassemble.base.functions):

def salutation_default(indiv, with_name=False, with_name_and_punctuation=False):
    """Returns Mr., Ms., etc. for an individual."""
    used_gender = False
    if hasattr(indiv, 'salutation_to_use') and indiv.salutation_to_use is not None:
        salut = indiv.salutation_to_use
    elif hasattr(indiv, 'is_doctor') and indiv.is_doctor:
        salut = 'Dr.'
    elif hasattr(indiv, 'is_judge') and indiv.is_judge:
        salut = 'Judge'
    elif hasattr(indiv, 'name') and hasattr(indiv.name, 'suffix') and indiv.name.suffix in ('MD', 'PhD'):
        salut = 'Dr.'
    elif hasattr(indiv, 'name') and hasattr(indiv.name, 'suffix') and indiv.name.suffix == 'J':
        salut = 'Judge'
    elif indiv.gender == 'female':
        used_gender = True
        salut = 'Ms.'
        used_gender = True
        salut = 'Mr.'
    if with_name_and_punctuation or with_name:
        if used_gender and indiv.gender not in ('male', 'female'):
            salut_and_name = indiv.name.full()
            salut_and_name = salut + ' ' + indiv.name.last
        if with_name_and_punctuation:
            if hasattr(indiv, 'is_friendly') and indiv.is_friendly:
                punct = ','
                punct = ':'
            return salut_and_name + punct
        elif with_name:
            return salut_and_name
    return salut

If you wanted a simpler function, you could include something like this in a Python module that you include in your interview:

def my_salutation(indiv):
    if indiv.is_powerful:
        return "Your excellency"
        return "Hey you"

docassemble.base.util.update_language_function('*', 'salutation', my_salutation)


If the individual is client, then client.pronoun_possessive('fish') returns “your fish,” “his fish,” “her fish,” or “their fish” depending on whether client is the user (see the note above) and depending on the value of client.gender. client.pronoun_possessive('fish', capitalize=True) returns “Your fish,” “His fish,” “Her fish,” or “Their fish.”

If you want to refer to the individual in the third person even if the individual is the user, write client.pronoun_possessive('fish', third_person=True).

For portability to different languages, this method requires you to provide the noun you are modifying. In some languages, the possessive pronoun may be different depending on what the noun is.


Returns “you,” “him,” “her,” or “them,” depending on whether the individual is the user (see the note above) and depending on the value of the gender attribute. If called with capitalize=True, the word will be capitalized (for use at the beginning of a sentence).


For the Individual class, pronoun_objective() does the same thing as pronoun. (Other classes returns “it.”) If called with capitalize=True, the output will be capitalized.


Returns “you,” “he,” “she,” or “they,” depending on whether the individual is the user (see the note above) and depending on the value of the gender attribute.

You can call this method with the following optional keyword arguments:

  • third_person=True: will use “he” or “she” even if the individual is the user.
  • capitalize=True: the output will be capitalized (for use at the beginning of a sentence)


Returns “yourself” if the individual is the user (see the note above), but otherwise returns the person’s name. If called with the optional keyword argument capitalize=True, the output will be capitalized.


The Name is the base class for names of things, such as Person. For example, if plaintiff is a Person, plaintiff.name is an object of type Name. If plaintiff is an Individual, plaintiff.name is an object of type IndividualName, which is a subtype of Name. (The IndividualName is defined in the next section.)

Objects of the basic Name class have just one attribute, text. To set the name of a Person called company, for example, you can do something like this:

question: |
  Do you wish to sue ${ company }?
yesno: user_wants_to_sue
Screenshot of name-company-question example

There are multiple ways to refer to the name of an object, but the best way is to write something like this:

question: |
  Do you wish to sue ${ company }?
yesno: user_wants_to_sue
Screenshot of name-company example

Multiple ways of referring to the name of a Person are illustrated in the following interview:

question: |
  What are you fighting?
field: opponent.name.text
  - the Empire
  - the Rebel Alliance
mandatory: True
question: |
  You are fighting
  ${ opponent.name.full() }.
subquestion: |
  Your enemy is ${ opponent.name }.

  Your opponent is ${ opponent }.
Screenshot of name example

Note that ${ opponent.name.full() }, ${ opponent.name }, and ${ opponent } all return the same thing. This is because a Person in the context of a Mako template returns .name.full(), and a Name returns .full().

The reason a name is not just a piece of text, but rather an object with attributes like text and methods like .full(), is that some objects have names with multiple parts that you will want to express in multiple ways. You might have a list of parties in a case, where the parties can be companies or individuals. It helps to have a common way of referring to the names of these objects.

The Name and IndividualName objects support the following methods:

  • .full() - e.g., “John E. Smith, Jr.”
  • .firstlast() - e.g., “John Smith, Jr.”
  • .lastfirst() - e.g., “Smith, John Jr.”
  • .middle_initial() - e.g., “E.”
  • .middle_initial(with_period=False) - e.g., “E”
  • .familiar() - e.g., “John”

Applied to an IndividualName object, these methods return different useful expressions of the name. Applied to a Name object, these methods all return the same thing – the .text attribute (except for middle_initial(), which returns the empty string). This is useful because you can write things like this, which lists the names of the parties in a bullet-point list:

template: client_letter
content: |
  We need to be prepared to bring a lawsuit against the following:

  % for party in enemy:
  * ${ party.name.lastfirst() }
  % endfor
  enemy: PartyList
mandatory: True
code: |
  enemy[0].name.first = "Darth"
  enemy[0].name.last = "Vader"
  enemy[1].name.text = "Death Star Corporation"
  enemy[2].name.first = "Kylo"
  enemy[2].name.last = "Ren"
  enemy.gathered = True
Screenshot of lastfirst example

In this template, the developer does not need to worry about which parties are companies and which parties are individuals; the name will be listed in the bullet-point list in an appropriate way. For individuals, the last name will come first, but for non-individuals, the regular name will be printed.

The Name and IndividualName objects also support the method:

  • .defined()

This returns True if the necessary component of the name (.text for a Name, first for an IndividualName) has been defined yet. Otherwise it returns False.


The Individual class is a subclass of Person. It defines the name attribute as an IndividualName rather than a Name. An IndividualName uses the following attributes, which are expected to be text:

  • first
  • middle
  • last
  • suffix

In the context of a Mako template, a reference to an IndividualName on its own will return .full().

The full() method attempts to form a full name from these components. Only first is required, however. This means that if you refer to an IndividualName in a Mako template, e.g., by writing ${ applicant.name }, docassemble will attempt to return applicant.name.full(), and if applicant.name.first has not been defined yet, docassemble will look for a question that defines applicant.name.first.

Here is how full() and other methods of the IndividualName work:

  • applicant.full(): “John Q. Adams”
  • applicant.full(middle="full"): “John Quincy Adams”
  • applicant.firstlast(): “John Adams”
  • applicant.lastfirst(): “Adams, John”
  • applicant.defined(): Returns True if the .first attribute has been defined yet.

The IndividualName also uses the attribute .uses_parts, which is True by default. If .uses_parts is set to False, then the methods of the object fall back on the methods of Name, and the individual’s name is stored in the attribute .text.

If you set the name attribute of an Individual to text, the .uses_parts attribute will be set to False and .name.text will be set to the text you provided.


An Address has the following text attributes:

  • address: e.g., “123 Main Street”
  • unit: e.g., “Suite 100”
  • city: e.g., “Springfield”
  • state: e.g., “MA”
  • zip: e.g. “01199”
  • country: e.g., ‘US’ (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
  • city_only: defaults to False. See City, below.

Instead of zip, you can use postal_code.

It also has an attribute location, which is a LatitudeLongitude object representing the GPS coordinates of the address.

If you refer to an address in a Mako template, it returns .block().

The .block() method returns a formatted address. At a minimum, the attribute city is required.

  address: Address
question: |
  What is your address?
  - Address: address.address
  - Unit: address.unit
    required: False
  - City: address.city
  - State: address.state
    required: False
  - Postal Code: address.postal_code
    required: False
  - Country: address.country
    code: |
    required: False
mandatory: True
question: Your address block
subquestion: |

  ${ address }

  Showing the country:

  ${ address.block(show_country=True) }


  ${ address.block(international=True) }
Screenshot of address-block example

The optional keyword argument language will affect the translation of the word “Unit” if the address contains a suite number like '2000'. (See the .formatted_unit() method.)

The optional keyword argument show_country can be set to True if you always want the country to be shown. Set it to False if you never want the country to be shown. The default value is None, which means the country is shown only if the .country attribute of the address differs from the default country.

The optional keyword argument international can be set to True if you want the address to be formatted according to Google’s internationalization standards.

The .formatted_unit() method returns the .unit attribute (or the .floor or .room) attributes, formatted appropriately. For example, if the unit attribute is '2000', this will return 'Unit 2000'. But if the unit attribute is 'Suite 2000', this method will return 'Suite 2000'. By default, if the .unit attribute is not defined, this method will return ''. However, if it is called as .formatted_unit(require=True) and neither .unit nor .floor nor .room is defined, it will seek the definition of the unit attribute. It takes an optional keyword argument language, which will affect the translation of the word “Unit.”

The .geocode() method determines the latitude and longitude of the address and stores it in the attribute location, which is a LatitudeLongitude object. It uses the geopy.geocoders.GoogleV3 class. To use this, you will need an API key for the Google Maps Geocoding API, which you will need to add to the configuration as the api key subdirective under the google directive.

In previous versions of docassemble, this method was called .geolocate(). The .geolocate() method and its associated attributes (.geolocated, .geolocate_success, .geolocate_response) will continue to function until the next minor version update.

The following methods are available to query the status of geocoding:

  • myaddress.was_geocoded(): this will return True if the geocoding process has been performed (whether it was successful or not). If myaddress.was_geocoded() returns True, then calling .geocode() again will not call the API again; rather, it will immediately return with whatever result was obtained the first time .geocode() was called. In previous versions of docassemble, the attribute myaddress.geocoded was used instead of this method.
  • myaddress.was_geocoded_successfully(): if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will return True; otherwise, this will return False. In previous versions of docassemble, the attribute myaddress.geocode_success was used for this purpose.
  • myaddress.get_geocode_response(): if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will return the raw results returned from the Google Maps Geocoding API. In previous versions of docassemble, the attribute myaddress.geocode_response was used for this purpose.

If you call .geocode() on an Address object called myaddress, the following attributes will be set:

  • myaddress.location.gathered: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to True.
  • myaddress.location.known: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to True.
  • myaddress.location.latitude: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to the latitude of the address.
  • myaddress.location.longitude: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to the latitude of the address.
  • myaddress.location.description: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to the value of myaddress.block().
  • myaddress.one_line: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to the address as the geocoder would format it to be expressed on one line.
  • myaddress.norm: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to an Address object containing normalized names of the address components.
  • myaddress.norm_long: if .geocode() was able to successfully call the API and get a result, this will be set to an Address object containing long-form normalized names of the address components. (E.g., “1234 Main Street” instead of “1234 Main St” and “California” instead of “CA.”)

In addition, the following attributes will be set if the attribute was not already set, and if .geocode() was able to successfully determine the value by calling the API:

  • myaddress.street_number - the street number (e.g., 123).
  • myaddress.street - the street name (e.g., Main St).
  • myaddress.city - the city (known as (locality).
  • myaddress.county - the county (known as administrative_area_level_2).
  • myaddress.state - the state (known as administrative_area_level_1).
  • myaddress.zip - the Zip code (known as postal_code).
  • myaddress.country - the country (e.g., US) in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

In addition, the following attributes will be set to the “long” form of the values returned from the Google Maps Geocoding API, if applicable:

  • myaddress.administrative_area_level_1
  • myaddress.administrative_area_level_2
  • myaddress.administrative_area_level_3
  • myaddress.administrative_area_level_4
  • myaddress.administrative_area_level_5
  • myaddress.colloquial_area
  • myaddress.floor
  • myaddress.intersection
  • myaddress.locality
  • myaddress.neighborhood
  • myaddress.post_box
  • myaddress.postal_code
  • myaddress.postal_code_prefix
  • myaddress.postal_code_suffix
  • myaddress.postal_town
  • myaddress.premise
  • myaddress.room
  • myaddress.route
  • myaddress.sublocality
  • myaddress.sublocality_level_1
  • myaddress.sublocality_level_2
  • myaddress.sublocality_level_3
  • myaddress.sublocality_level_4
  • myaddress.sublocality_level_5
  • myaddress.subpremise

Here is an example that illustrates how the .geocode() method works:

question: |
  Enter an address
  - Address: the_address.address
  - Unit: the_address.unit
    required: False
  - City: the_address.city
  - State: the_address.state
    code: states_list()
  - Zip: the_address.zip
    required: False
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  Information about your address
subquestion: |
  The address you provided is:
  ${ the_address }

  As JSON, this is:

  ${ indent(json.dumps(the_address.as_serializable(), indent=2)) }

  % if the_address.was_geocoded_successfully():
  The normalized version is:

  ${ the_address.norm }

  As JSON, this is:

  ${ indent(json.dumps(the_address.norm.as_serializable(), indent=2)) }
  The long-form normalized
  version is:

  ${ the_address.norm_long }

  As JSON, this is:

  ${ indent(json.dumps(the_address.norm_long.as_serializable(), indent=2)) }

  The latitude and longitude are
  ${ the_address.location.latitude }
  ${ the_address.location.longitude }.

  % if hasattr(the_address, 'neighborhood'):
  The address is located in the
  ${ the_address.neighborhood }
  % endif

  % if hasattr(the_address, 'county'):
  The address is located in
  ${ the_address.county }.
  % endif

  ${ map_of(the_address) }

  % else:
  The address could not be
  % endif
Screenshot of geocode example

There is a also a second use of the geocode() method, which is to populate the attributes of an empty Address object using an address expressed as one line of text:

  - the_address: Address
question: |
  Enter an address
  - Address: address_one_line
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  Information about your address
subquestion: |
  % if the_address.was_geocoded_successfully():
  The address you provided is:
  ${ the_address }

  The address is located in
  ${ the_address.city }.

  The latitude and longitude are
  ${ the_address.location.latitude }
  ${ the_address.location.longitude }.
  % else:
  That address could not be geocoded.
  % endif
Screenshot of geocode-from-address example

If this is used on an Address that already has populated attributes, the attributes of the existing address will be overwritten.

Normally, calling geocode() on an object (without an address parameter) after geocoding has been performed has no effect. This allows you to safely insert a call to geocode() in your interview logic without running up a large bill for your Google API usage. However, if you call geocode(reset=True), the old geocoding information will be deleted and the geocoding will be performed again. If your interview allows the user to edit an address after it has been geocoded, you will want to make sure that your interview logic will re-run the geocoding after the address is edited. The reset=True parameter can help you ensure that this geocoding is redone.

  - the_address: Address
mandatory: True
code: |
  - the_address.county
question: |
  Enter an address
  - Address: the_address.address
  - Unit: the_address.unit
    required: False
  - City: the_address.city
  - State: the_address.state
    code: states_list()
  - Zip: the_address.zip
    required: False
question: |
  In what county is ${ the_address }
  - County: the_address.county
sets: the_address.county
code: |
question: |
  Information about your address
subquestion: |
  The address you provided is:
  ${ the_address }

  The address is located in
  ${ the_address.county }.
continue button field: saw_address
code: |
  saw_address_again = True
event: final_screen
question: |
  Done with the interview
Screenshot of geocode-reset example

You can also use the .reset_geocoding() method to delete the geocoding information.

The .normalize() method uses the results of .geocode() to standardize the formatting of the parts of the address. This will overwrite the attributes of the object. This method takes an optional keyword parameter long_format, which defaults to False. If this parameter is True, the address will be normalized using the long form of the normalization. (E.g., “California” instead of “CA.”)

  - the_address: Address
question: |
  Enter an address
  - Address: the_address.address
  - Unit: the_address.unit
    required: False
  - City: the_address.city
  - State: the_address.state
  - Zip: the_address.zip
    required: False
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  The normalized address
subquestion: |
  ${ the_address }
Screenshot of normalize example

Note that if you want to access a normalized version of the address, but you don’t want to overwrite the original attributes of the object, you can simply run .geocode() and then, if it is successful, access the .norm attribute or the .norm_long attribute, both of which will be fully populated Address objects, with normalized attributes.

If you need to redo the geocoding after the original address is edited, you can call .reset_geocoding() on the Address object and all of the geocoding information will be deleted. This has the same effect as calling geocode() with reset=True.

This method was previously called .reset_geolocation(). The old name still works but will be removed in the next minor version.

The .line_one() method returns the first line of the address, including the unit, if the unit is defined.

The .line_two() method returns the second line of the address, consisting of the city, state, and zip code.

The .on_one_line() method returns the address, consisting of the city, state, and zip code, as a single line of text.

It takes two optional keyword parameters:

  • include_unit - Default value is True. Set to False if you don’t want the unit number to be included.
  • show_country - Default value is None. Set to True if you always want the country to be shown. Set to False if you never want the country to be shown. Set to None if you want the country to be shown only if the .country differs from the default country.

Address autocomplete

If you have defined a google maps api key in the Configuration, you can use the Place Autocomplete feature of the Google Places API to help your users enter addresses. Address suggestions will be provided as the user begins to type. To use this feature, modify the street address (.address) field by setting address autocomplete to True. Then, when the user selects an address, the other components of the address will be filled in with the values obtained from Google. This will only work if the address components are part of the same Address object. For example, if the street address field is client.address.address, the other fields must be called client.address.city, client.address.state, etc. You do not need to include all of these attributes; any attributes not included in the front end of the page will be ignored.

For this feature to work, your google maps api key will need to be associated with an app for which the following APIs are enabled:

  • Google Places API Web Service
  • Google Maps JavaScript API

Here is an example that illustrates how the address autocomplete feature works:

question: |
  What is the address of the adverse
  - Address: defendant.address.address
    address autocomplete: True
  - City: defendant.address.city
  - State: defendant.address.state
    code: |
  - Zip: defendant.address.zip
    required: False
  - County: defendant.address.county
Screenshot of address-autocomplete example


A City is a type of Address for which the attribute .city_only is set to True. Functions that display the address will only display the city, the state, and (if set) the zip code.


A LatitudeLongitude object represents the GPS coordinates of an address or location. LatitudeLongitude objects have the following attributes:

  • latitude: the latitude of the location.
  • longitude: the longitude of the location.
  • description: a textual description of the location.
  • known: whether the GPS location is known yet.
  • gathered: whether a determination of the GPS location has been attempted yet.

One use for the LatitudeLongitude object is for mapping the coordinates of an address. The Address object has a method .geocode() for this purpose.

Another use for the LatitudeLongitude object is storing the GPS location of the user’s device. Many web browsers, particularly those on mobile devices, have a feature for determining the user’s GPS coordinates. Usually the browser asks the user to consent to the sharing of the location information. To support this feature, the LatitudeLongitude object offers the method .status().

The following example shows how to gather the user’s latitude and longitude from the web browser.

  - basic-questions.yml
initial: True
code: |
  track_location = user.location.status()

Alternatively, if you do not want to include all of the questions and code blocks of the basic-questions.yml file in your interview, you can do:

  - user: Individual
initial: True
code: |
  set_info(user=user, role='user_role')
  track_location = user.location.status()

If all goes well, the user’s latitude and longitude will be gathered and stored in user.location.latitude and user.location.longitude. You can control when this happens in the interview by controlling when track_location is set. For example, you may wish to prepare the user for this:

initial: True
code: |
  set_info(user=user, role='user_role')
  if user_ok_with_sharing_location:
    track_location = user.location.status()
question: |
  We would like to gather information about your current location
  from your mobile device.  Is that ok with you?
yesno: user_ok_with_sharing_location

track_location is a special variable that tells docassemble whether or not it should ask the browser for the user’s GPS coordinates the next time a question is posed to the user. If track_location is True, docassemble will ask the browser to provide the information, and if it receives it, it will make it available for retrieval through the user_lat_lon() function.

The .status() method looks to see if a latitude and longitude were provided by the browser, or in the alternative that an error message was provided, such as “the user refused to share the information,” or “this device cannot determine the user’s location.” If the latitude and longitude information is conveyed, .status() stores the information in user.location.latitude and user.location.longitude. The .status() method returns False in these situations, which means “we already asked for the latitude and longitude and got a response, so there is no longer any need for the browser to keep asking for it.” Otherwise, it returns True, which means “the browser has not yet been asked for the location information, so let’s ask it.”

Classes for currency


A Value is a subclass of DAObject that is intended to represent a currency value that may or may not need to be asked for in an interview.

For example, suppose you want to have a variable that represents the value of the user’s real estate holdings. But before you ask the value of the user’s real estate holdings, you will want to ask if the user has real estate holdings at all.

A Value has two attributes, both of which are initially undefined:

  • .value: intended to be a number
  • .exists: a boolean value representing whether the value is applicable

The .exists attribute facilitates asking questions about values using two screens: first, ask whether the value exists at all, then ask for the value. For example:

  - real_estate_holdings: Value
question: |
  Do you have real estate holdings?
yesno: real_estate_holdings.exists
question: |
  How much real estate do you own?
  - Value: real_estate_holdings.value
    datatype: currency
Screenshot of exists example

The FinancialList object, explained below, represents a list of Values. When computing a total of the values (with .total()), it checks the .exists attributes of each Value to be defined. This causes questions to be asked about whether the Value is applicable to the user’s situation before the value itself is requested.

To access the value of a Value object, you can use the .amount() method. If the .exists attribute is False, it will return zero without asking for the .value.

Referring to a Value in a Mako template will show the .amount(). The value of .amount() is also returned when you pass a Value to the currency() function. For example:

question: |
  The value of your real estate holdings is
  ${ currency(real_estate_holdings) }.

  An identical way of writing this number is
  ${ currency(real_estate_holdings.amount()) }.


A PeriodicValue is a Value that has an additional attribute, period, which is a number representing the number of times per year the value applies.

  - user_salary: PeriodicValue
question: |
  Do you make money from working?
yesno: user_salary.exists
question: |
  What is your salary?
  - Amount: user_salary.value
    datatype: currency
  - Period: user_salary.period
    default: 1
      - Annually: 1
      - Monthly: 12
      - Per week: 54
mandatory: True
question: |
  % if user_salary.exists:
  You make ${ currency(user_salary) }
  per year.
  % else:
  Get a job!
  % endif
Screenshot of periodic-value example

To access the value of a PeriodicValue object, you can use the .amount() method. If the .exists attribute is False, it will return zero without asking for the .value. By default, it returns the value for the period 1 (e.g., in the example above, period of 1 represents a year). That is, it will return the .value multiplied by the .period.

Referring to a PeriodicValue in a Mako template will show the .amount(). The value of .amount() is also returned when you pass a PeriodicValue to the currency() function.

Classes for lists of things


This is a subclass of DAList.

It is indended to contain a list of Persons (or Individuals, which are a type of Person) who are parties to a case.


This is a subclass of DAList.

It is indended to contain a list of Individuals who are children.


The FinancialList is intended to collect a set of financial items, such as an individual’s assets. It is a DADict object with an object_type of Value. The exists attribute of each Value item is set by default to True.

The FinancialList has three methods:

  • .total(): tallies up the total value of all Values in the list for which the exists attribute is True. A reference to .total() will cause docassemble to ask the questions necessary to gather the full list of items.
  • .existing_items(): returns a list of types of amounts that exist within the financial list.

In the context of a Mako template, a FinancialList returns the result of .total().


This is a subclass of FinancialList that is intended to be used to track assets.

Here is some example code that triggers questions that ask about asset items.

  - decedent: Individual
  - estate: Thing
  - estate.asset: Asset
question: |
  Who is the decedent?
  - First Name: decedent.name.first
  - Last Name: decedent.name.last
code: |
  estate.name.text = "estate of " + decedent.name.full()
question: |
  Does the ${ estate } have
  any assets?
yesno: estate.asset.there_are_any
question: |
  What type of asset does
  the ${ estate } have?
  - Type of asset: estate.asset.new_item_name
    hint: |
      e.g., real estate, 401(k), jewelry
question: |
  What is the value of ${ i }
  in the ${ estate }?
  - Value: estate.asset[i].value
    datatype: currency
question: |
  Is there another asset in
  the ${ estate }?
yesno: estate.asset.there_is_another
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of the ${ estate }.
subquestion: |
  The total value of
  ${ decedent.possessive('estate') }
  ${ currency(estate.asset.total()) }.
Screenshot of assets example


This is a subclass of FinancialList intended to collect a set of financial items that have a periodic nature, such as an individual’s income. Instead of each item being a Value, each item is a PeriodicValue.

The PeriodicFinancialList has the following method:

  • .total(): tallies up the total annual value of all PeriodicValues in the list for which the exists attribute is True.

If you have a PeriodicFinancialList called income, you can have a single question that asks for the item name for a new item, and also the value and period of the new item. Just write a question that sets these three attributes:

  • income.new_item_name
  • income.new_item_value
  • income.new_item_period

In the context of a Mako template, a PeriodicFinancialList returns .total().


This is a subclass of PeriodicFinancialList with no special properties except the name.


Expense is a PeriodicFinancialList representing a person’s expenses. It has no special properties except the name.


An OfficeList object is a type of DAList, the items of which are expected to be Address objects. It is used in Organization objects.

Classes for special purposes


The RoleChangeTracker class is provided to facilitate multi-user interviews with docassemble’s roles system. It facilitates sending e-mails to the participants to let them know when the interview needs their attention. It keeps track of when these e-mails have been sent to make sure that duplicative e-mails are not sent.

It has one method:

  • role_change.send_email() (not to be confused with the send_email() function)

Here is an example that demonstrates its use:

  - client: Individual
  - advocate: Individual
  - role_change: RoleChangeTracker
default role: client
code: |
  if user_logged_in() and \
      advocate.attribute_defined('email') and \
      advocate.email == user_info().email:
    user = advocate
    role = 'advocate'
    user = client
    role = 'client'
  set_info(user=user, role=role)
event: role_event
question: You are done for now.
subquestion: |
  % if 'advocate' in role_needed:
  An advocate needs to review your answers before you can proceed.

  Please remember the following link and come back to it when you
  receive notice to do so:

  [${ interview_url() }](${ interview_url() })
  % else:
  Thanks, the client needs to resume the interview now.
  % endif

  % if role_change.send_email(role_needed, advocate={'to': advocate, 'email': role_event_email_to_advocate}, client={'to': client, 'email': role_event_email_to_client}):
  An e-mail has been sent.
  % endif
decoration: exit
  - Exit: leave
template: role_event_email_to_advocate
subject: |
  Client interview waiting for your attention: ${ client }
content: |
  A client, ${ client }, has partly finished an interview.

  Please go to [the interview](${ interview_url() }) as soon as
  possible to review the client's answers.
template: role_event_email_to_client
subject: |
  Your interview answers have been reviewed
content: |
  An advocate has finished reviewing your answers.

  Please go to [${ interview_url() }](${ interview_url() })
  to resume the interview.

The send_email() method’s first argument is the special variable role_needed, a Python list that docassemble defines internally whenever there is a mismatch between the current user’s role and the role required by a question that needs to be asked.

The remaining arguments to send_email() are keyword arguments, where each keyword is the name of a possible role. Each keyword argument must be a Python dictionary containing the following keys:

  • to: this needs to be a Person (or a subclass, like Individual). The person’s email attribute is expected to be defined.
  • email: this needs to a DATemplate containing the subject and body of the e-mail that will be sent.

Special object method using()

If you wanted to initialize the variable possession as a DAList of Things, you could write

  - possession: DAList
mandatory: True
code: |
  possession.object_type = Thing

The DAObject class has a special object method, using(), which can be used to accomplish the same thing in a more compact way, so that you could instead write:

  - possession: DAList.using(object_type=Thing)

You can use using() when indicating an object_type:

  - client: Individual
  - possession: DAList.using(object_type=Thing.using(owner=client))

The result of this will be that possession is a DAList of Things, and each item in the list will be initialized so that the owner attribute is set to client by default.

The result of .using() can be used in a number of contexts, including objects initial blocks, as a parameter in the methods initializeAttribute(), reInitializeAttribute(), appendObject(), and gather(), or as the object_type attribute of a DAList or DADict.

Methods for writing language programmatically

When you write questions in your YAML, you may find that you need to phrase language differently depending on variables. For example:

question: |
  % if defendants.number() > 0:
  When did they first contact you?
  % elif defendants[0].gender == 'male':
  When did he first contact you?
  % elif defendants[0].gender == 'female':
  When did she first contact you?
  % endif

In some situations, writing multiple if statements to make slight language changes is repetitive and inefficient.

docassemble objects have a variety of methods that can simplify this process. For example, the above can be written:

question: |
  When did ${ defendants.pronoun_subjective() } first contact you?

All classes that inherit from DAObject support the methods possessive(), object_possessive(), pronoun(), pronoun_objective(), pronoun_subjective(), pronoun_possessive(), is_are_you(), yourself_or_name(), itself(), is_user(), do_question(), did_question(), were_question(), have_question(), does_verb(), did_verb(), subjective_pronoun_or_name(), pronoun_or_name(), which are demonstrated below.

mandatory: True
  - user: Individual
  - person: Individual
  - thing: Thing
mandatory: True
code: |
  user.name.first = 'John'
  user.name.last = 'Smith'
  user.gender = 'male'
  person.name.first = 'Thomas'
  person.name.last = 'Montague'
  person.gender = 'male'
  thing.name.text = 'apple'
initial: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  Language functions
subquestion: |
  #### `possessive()`

  Don't eat the
  ${ thing.possessive('core') }.

  ${ person.possessive('résumé') }
  is unimpressive.

  #### `object_possessive()`

  Do you understand
  ${ thing.object_possessive('intrinsic nature') }?

  Have you met
  ${ person.object_possessive('dog') } yet?

  #### `pronoun()`

  Look at the ${ thing }, but do
  not stare at ${ thing.pronoun() }.

  Look at ${ person }, but do
  not stare at ${ person.pronoun() }.

  #### `pronoun_objective()`

  Eat the ${ thing }, but not too
  much of ${ thing.pronoun_objective() }.

  May an abundance of ${ thing } be
  granted unto ${ user.pronoun_objective() }.

  Teach ${ person } well, but do not
  bore ${ person.pronoun_objective() }.

  #### `pronoun_subjective()`

  If you polish the ${ thing },
  ${ thing.pronoun_subjective() }
  will be shiny.

  ${ user.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  may win unlimited ${ thing } pie for life
  if you accept this limited time offer.

  If you are nice to ${ person },
  ${ person.pronoun_subjective() } will
  probably not be nice to you in return.

  #### `pronoun_possessive()`

  You can squeeze the ${ thing }, but
  ${ thing.pronoun_possessive('juice') }
  will get all over your hands.

  You have many fireplaces, but all
  ${ user.pronoun_possessive('chimneys') }
  are filled up with insulation.

  ${ person } drives, but
  ${ person.pronoun_possessive('car') }
  is a piece of junk.

  #### `is_are_you()`

  ${ thing.is_are_you(capitalize=True) }

  ${ user.is_are_you(capitalize=True) }

  #### `yourself_or_name()`

  Give the ${ thing } to
  ${ user.yourself_or_name() }.

  Give the ${ thing } to
  ${ person.yourself_or_name() }.

  #### `itself()`

  The ${ thing } can speak for
  ${ thing.itself() }.

  You can speak for
  ${ user.itself() }.

  ${ person } can speak for
  ${ person.itself() }.

  #### `is_user()`

  % for item in (thing, user, person):
    % if item.is_user():
  ${ item } is the user.
    % endif
  % endfor

  #### `do_question()`

  ${ thing.do_question('exist', capitalize=True) }?

  ${ user.do_question('exist', capitalize=True) }?

  ${ person.do_question('exist', capitalize=True) }?

  #### `did_question()`

  ${ user.did_question('invest', capitalize=True) }
  in real estate?

  ${ person.did_question('invest', capitalize=True) }
  in real estate?

  #### `were_question()`

  ${ user.were_question('present', capitalize=True) }
  at the scene of the crime?

  ${ person.were_question('present', capitalize=True) }
  at the scene of the crime?

  #### `have_question()`

  ${ user.have_question('followed', capitalize=True) }
  the news about the ${ thing } festival?

  ${ person.have_question('followed', capitalize=True) }
  the news about the ${ thing } festival?

  #### `does_verb()`

  ${ user.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  ${ user.does_verb('eat') }
  like a pig.

  ${ person.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  ${ person.does_verb('eat') }
  like a pig.

  #### `did_verb()`

  ${ user.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  ${ user.did_verb('go') }
  to the park.

  ${ person.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  ${ person.did_verb('go') }
  to the park.

  #### `subjective_pronoun_or_name()`

  ${ user.subjective_pronoun_or_name(capitalize=True) }
  will not disappoint me again.

  ${ person.subjective_pronoun_or_name(capitalize=True) }
  will not disappoint me again.

  #### `pronoun_or_name()`

  I gave the ${ thing } to ${ user.pronoun_or_name() }.

  I gave the ${ thing } to ${ person.pronoun_or_name() }.
Screenshot of daobject-language-functions example

Methods for group objects

The classes DAList, DADict, and DASet support these methods as well. If a list has just one element, calling the method on the list has the same effect as calling the method on the first element of the list. Otherwise, appropriate words are used recognizing the plural nature of the object.

Suppose plaintiffs is a DAList with two items, where the textual representation is 'Dick and Jane'. Then:

  • plaintiffs.itself() returns 'themselves'.
  • plaintiffs.do_question('accept service') returns 'do Dick and Jane accept service'
  • plaintiffs.did_question('accept service') returns 'did Dick and Jane accept service'
  • plaintiffs.were_question('informed') returns 'were Dick and Jane informed'
  • plaintiffs.have_question('claimed') returns 'have Dick and Jane claimed'
  • plaintiffs.does_verb('claim') returns 'Dick and Jane claim'
  • plaintiffs.did_verb('claim') returns 'Dick and Jane claimed'
  • plaintiffs.pronoun_possessive('assertion') returns 'their assertion'.
  • plaintiffs.pronoun() returns 'them'.
  • plaintiffs.pronoun_objective() returns 'them' (same as pronoun()).
  • plaintiffs.pronoun_subjective() returns 'they'.

The DAList, DADict, and DASet classes also support some additional language methods.

  • plaintiffs.as_noun() returns 'plaintiffs', but if there was only one plaintiff, it would return 'plaintiff'.
  • plaintiffs.as_noun('ox') returns 'oxen', but if there was only one plaintiff, it would return 'ox'.
  • plaintiffs.as_singular_noun() returns plaintiff regardless of how many elements are in the list.
  • plaintiffs.number_as_word() returns 'two'.
  • plaintiffs.quantity_noun('ox') returns 'two oxen', but if there was only one plaintiff, it would return 'one ox'.

Point of view

The methods possessive(), is_are_you(), yourself_or_name(), itself(), pronoun_possessive(), pronoun(), pronoun_objective(), pronoun_subjective(), do_question(), did_question(), were_question(), have_question(), does_verb(), did_verb(), subjective_pronoun_or_name(), pronoun_or_name() use the “second person” point of view if the object represents the user. You indicate whether the object represents the user by calling set_info().

  - client: Individual
initial: True
code: |

This must be done every time the screen loads (which is what initial: True means) because the interview might be a multi-user interview and who the user is may depend on who the current user is.

The point of view can also be controlled manually. Each of the above methods accepts the keyword argument person, which can be set to one of the following values:

  • '1' or 1 indicates “first person” (i.e. “I am”, “me”, “my apple”).
  • '1p' indicates “first person plural” (i.e. “we are”, “us”, “our apple”).
  • '2' or 2 indicates “second person” (i.e. “you are”, “you”, “your apple”).
  • '2p' indicates “second person plural” (same as “second person” in English).
  • '3' or 3 indicates “third person” (i.e. “George is”, “George,” “George’s apple”). This is the default.

For example, if client is an individual named John Smith:

  • client.pronoun_possessive('apple', person=1) returns 'my apple'.
  • client.pronoun_possessive('apple', person='1p') returns 'our apple'.
  • client.pronoun_possessive('apple', person=2) returns 'your apple'.
  • client.pronoun_possessive('apple', person='2p') returns 'your apple'.
  • client.pronoun_possessive('apple', person=3) returns 'his apple'.

You can also set the special attribute _point_of_view on the object itself to one of these values, and then that point of view will be used as the default any time one of these language methods is called on the object.

For example, if you write:

  - company: Person.using(_point_of_view='1p')

then company.pronoun_possessive('address') will return 'our address'.

The following example demonstrates the different ways text can vary based on the object and its point of view.

mandatory: True
  - helper: Thing.using(_point_of_view='1')
  - user: Individual
  - user_alias: Individual.using(_point_of_view='2')
  - other_user: Individual
  - company: Person
  - other_company: Person
  - thing: Thing
  - single_list: DAList.using(object_type=Individual)
  - multiple_list: DAList.using(object_type=Individual)
  - users: DAList.using(_point_of_view='2p')
  - helpers: DAList.using(_point_of_view='1p')
  - single_dict: DADict.using(object_type=Thing)
  - multiple_dict: DADict.using(object_type=Thing)
  - single_set: DASet
  - multiple_set: DASet
mandatory: True
code: |
  helper.name.text = "Robot"
  user.name.first = "Ursula"
  user.name.last = "User"
  user.gender = 'female'
  user_alias.name.first = "Ursie"
  user_alias.name.last = "User"
  user_alias.gender = 'female'
  other_user.name.first = "Harold"
  other_user.name.last = "User"
  other_user.gender = 'male'
  users.gathered = True
  company.name.text = "ABC, Inc."
  other_company.name.text = "DEF, Inc."
  thing.name.text = "apple tree"
  single_list[0].name.first = "Fred"
  single_list[0].name.last = "Smith"
  single_list[0].gender = 'male'
  single_list.gathered = True
  multiple_list[-1].name.first = "Sally"
  multiple_list[-1].name.last = "Jones"
  multiple_list[-1].gender = 'female'
  multiple_list[-1].name.first = "Peter"
  multiple_list[-1].name.last = "Roberts"
  multiple_list[-1].gender = 'male'
  multiple_list.gathered = True
  single_dict['a'].name.text = 'Single thing in a dictionary'
  single_dict.gathered = True
  multiple_dict['a'].name.text = 'First thing in a dictionary'
  multiple_dict['b'].name.text = 'Second thing in a dictionary'
  multiple_dict.gathered = True
  single_set.add('single set item')
  single_set.gathered = True
  multiple_set.add('first item in a set')
  multiple_set.add('second item in a set')
  multiple_set.gathered = True
  helpers.gathered = True
initial: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: Test of language methods
subquestion: |
  % for item in [helper, user, user_alias, other_user, company, thing, single_list, multiple_list, users, helpers]:
  Variable name is ${ item.object_name() }.
  ${ item.object_possessive('string representation', capitalize=True) } is ${ item }.
  ${ item.is_are_you(capitalize=True) } going to the ball?
  ${ item.pronoun_possessive('favorite fruit', capitalize=True) } is apple.
  The apple should be given to ${ item.pronoun() }.
  The orange should be given to ${ item.pronoun_objective() }.
  ${ item.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) } ${ item.does_verb('belong') }
  in an apple orchard and
  ${ item.did_verb('visit') }
  an orange farm once.
  ${ item.possessive('favorite vegetable', capitalize=True) } is turnips.
  % if isinstance(item, DAList):
  Please fetch ${ item.quantity_noun('apple') }
  for ${ item }, since there are
  ${ item.number_as_word() }.
  % endif
  % if item.is_user():
  ${ item } is the user.
  % else:
  ${ item } is not the user.
  % endif
  ${ item.do_question('eat', capitalize=True) } fruit?
  ${ item.did_question('eat', capitalize=True) } mushrooms last Tuesday?
  ${ item.were_question('present', capitalize=True) }
  at the ball last month?
  ${ item.have_question('befriended', capitalize=True) }
  the cows in the field?
  The subject is ${ item.subjective_pronoun_or_name() }.
  The object is ${ item.pronoun_or_name() }.
  ${ item.pronoun_subjective(capitalize=True) }
  ${ item.did_verb('return') }
  the radishes to ${ item.yourself_or_name() }.
  ${ item }
  ${ item.did_verb('return') }
  the potatoes to ${ item.itself() }.
  % endfor
Screenshot of language-functions example

How docassemble objects are different

For most purposes, docassemble objects behave just like Python objects. However, they have special properties that facilitate the automatic asking of questions. You may need to be mindful of these special properties if you do anything fancy in your code.

In contrast to Python objects in general, docassemble objects are aware of their first-given names. All docassemble objects have an .instanceName attribute. So if you do:

  - user: Individual

then user.instanceName will be 'user', and user.name.instanceName will be 'user.name'.

You can also initialize user in standard Python fashion:

code: |
  user = Individual()

In this circumstance, docassemble uses some magic to set .instanceName to user. However, the magic has its limits. For example, the following does not work:

code: |
  (user, advocate) = (Individual(), Individual())

If you ever get an error message in docassemble referring to variables with a name like qjAMyvGQYnyK, and you are sure you did not create such a variable, then you have an object that was unable to determine its given name.

If you want to initialize objects using expressions more complicated than variable_name = ObjectName(), you can – you just need to include the variable name as an argument to the object name. For example:

code: |
  (user, advocate) = (Individual('user'), Individual('advocate'))

Attribute initialization does not have this limitation.

Always keep in mind that objects are given .instanceName attributes as early as possible, and once an .instanceName is assigned, it will not be overwritten unless you explicitly overwrite it. For example, if you do:

code: |
  user.name = IndividualName()

then user.name.instanceName will return 'user.name', as you would expect. But if you do:

code: |
  cool_name = IndividualName()
  cool_name.first = 'Groovy'
  cool_name.last = 'Jones'
code: |
  user.name = cool_name()

then user.name.instanceName will be 'cool_name', not 'user.name'.

You can manually correct this:

code: |
  user.name = cool_name()
  user.name.instanceName = 'user.name'

The .instanceName is not simply an internal attribute; it is used by the .object_possessive() method to refer to the object in human-readable format.

Writing your own classes

If you know how to write your own Python code, it is pretty easy to write your own classes.

For example, you could create your own package for interviews related to cooking.

You would start by using the package system to create a docassemble package called cooking, the full name of which would be docassemble.cooking (interview packages are subpackages of the docassemble namespace package).

You would create a module file within this package called objects.py. If you are using the Playground, you would create this file in the Modules folder of the Playground. Otherwise, you would create this file in the docassemble/cooking directory in your package. You would set the contents of objects.py to the following:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def summary(self):
        return "#### Ingredients\n\n" + self.ingredients + "\n\n#### Instructions\n\n" + self.instructions

Your class Recipe needs to “inherit” from the basic docassemble object called DAObject. If you did not do this, docassemble would not be able to ask questions to define attributes of Recipe objects.

The purpose of the summary() method is to summarize the contents of the recipe. It makes use of the attributes ingredients and instructions.

If you are not familiar with Python, \n inside quotation marks indicates a line break and + in the context of text indicates that the text should be strung together. In Markdown, #### at the start of a line indicates that the line is a section name.

You can use your class in an interview like this:

  - .objects
  - submission: Recipe
mandatory: True
question: |
  Recipe for ${ submission.name }
subquestion: |
  ${ submission.summary() }
generic object: Recipe
question: |
  What do you want to cook?
  - Food: x.name
generic object: Recipe
question: |
  What are the ingredients in
  ${ x.name }?
  - no label: x.ingredients
    input type: area
generic object: Recipe
question: |
  What are the instructions
  for cooking ${ x.name }?
  - no label: x.instructions
    input type: area
Screenshot of testcooking example

Note that the modules block refers to .objects, which is a relative module name. The . at the beginning means “in the current package.” You could also have written docassemble.cooking.objects. The relative module name works so long as the interview file is in the same package as the module.

By the way, there is way to write the summary() method that is more friendly to other interview developers:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject, word

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def summary(self):
        return "#### " + word('Ingredients') + "\n\n" + self.ingredients + "\n\n#### " + word('Instructions') + "\n\n" + self.instructions

If you use the word() function in this way, interview developers will be able to translate the “cooking” interview from English to another language without having to edit your code. All they would need to do is include the words Ingredients and Instructions in a translation YAML file referenced in a words directive in the docassemble configuration.

Initializing object attributes

In the example above, all the attributes of the Recipe object were plain text values. What if you want attributes of your objects to be objects themselves?

Suppose you want the ingredients attribute to be a DAList.

There are several ways that ingredients can be initialized. In the interview itself, you can do:

  - docassemble.cooking
  - dinner: Recipe
  - dinner.ingredients: DAList

Or, you could use sets in combination with initializeAttribute():

  - docassemble.cooking
  - dinner: Recipe
generic object: Recipe
sets: x.ingredients
code: |
  x.initializeAttribute('ingredients', DAList)

However, it is often cleaner to put the object initialization into the class definition itself:

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        self.initializeAttribute('ingredients', DAList)
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)

Then, you would only need to write this in your interview file:

  - dinner: Recipe

The init() function is a special function that is called on all DAObject objects at the time they are initialized. This is not to be confused with the __init__() function, which is built in to Python; you should use init(), not __init__().

When you write your own init() function for a class, you should (but are not required to) include the super().init(*pargs, **kwargs) line. This will ensure that Recipe objects are initialized properly. For example, if you wrote:

dinner.initializeAttribute('recipe', Recipe, oven_temperature=300)

then dinner.recipe would be a Recipe object and dinner.recipe.oven_temperature would be 300. However, if you included an init() function and failed to include super().init(*pargs, **kwargs), then the oven_temperature variable would not be set. Therefore, it is a good practice to always write your init() methods in this way.

Before you use objects and inheritance, you should buy a Python book and learn how Python handles object orientation. Object oriented programming is an advanced topic and docassemble documentation is not a substitute for Python documentation.

Using global variables in your classes

Normally in Python you can use global variables to keep track of information that your methods need to know but that is not passed in arguments to the methods. For example, if you wanted to keep track of whether to use Celsius or Fahrenheit when talking about temperatures, you might be tempted to write:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

temperature_type = 'Celsius'

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def summary(self):
        return "#### Ingredients\n\n" + self.ingredients + "\n\n#### Instructions\n\n" + self.instructions
    def get_oven_temperature(self):
        if temperature_type == 'Celsius':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °C'
        elif temperature_type == 'Fahrenheit':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °F'
        elif temperature_type == 'Kelvin':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' K'

(The str() function is a Python function that converts something to text. Here, it is necessary because self.oven_temperature may be a number, and Python will complain if you ask it to “add” text to a number.)

Then to change the temperature_type from an interview, you might write:

  - docassemble.cooking.objects
initial: True
code: |
  if user_is_scientist:
    temperature_type = 'Kelvin'
  elif user_country in ['United States', 'Great Britain']:
    temperature_type = 'Fahrenheit'

This would be effective at changing the temperature_type variable because the modules block loads all the names from docassemble.cooking.objects into the namespace of the interview, including temperature_type.

However, this is not thread-safe and it will not work correctly 100% of the time. If your server is under heavy load, users might randomly be advised to turn their ovens to 350 degrees Celsius, which would scorch the food. This is because the variable temperature_type exists at the level of the web server process, and the process might be supporting several users simultaneously (in different “threads” of the process). Between the time one user sets temperature_type to Fahrenheit and tries to use it, another user inside the same process might set temperature_type to Celsius.

Therefore, it is important that you do not use global variables when you write your own classes. The simplest way to get around this problem is to use the set_info() and get_info() functions from docassemble.base.util:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject, get_info

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def summary(self):
        return "#### Ingredients\n\n" + self.ingredients + "\n\n#### Instructions\n\n" + self.instructions
    def get_oven_temperature(self):
        if get_info('temperature_type') == 'Celsius':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °C'
        elif get_info('temperature_type') == 'Fahrenheit':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °F'
        elif get_info('temperature_type') == 'Kelvin':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' K'

Then from your interview you can run set_info() in initial code:

  - docassemble.cooking.objects
initial: True
code: |
  if user_is_scientist:
  elif user_country in ['United States', 'Great Britain']:

The values set by set_info() are forgotten after the user’s screen is prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to run set_info() in an initial code block so that values like temperature_type are put in place before they are needed.

If you are an advanced programmer, you can do what docassemble.base.util does and use Python’s threading module to store global variables.

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject
import threading

__all__ = ['set_temperature_type', 'get_temperature_type', 'Recipe']

this_thread = threading.local

def set_temperature_type(type):
    this_thread.temperature_type = type

def get_temperature_type():
    return this_thread.temperature_type

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def summary(self):
        return "#### Ingredients\n\n" + self.ingredients + "\n\n#### Instructions\n\n" + self.instructions
    def get_oven_temperature(self):
        if this_thread.temperature_type == 'Celsius':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °C'
        elif this_thread.temperature_type == 'Fahrenheit':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °F'
        elif this_thread.temperature_type == 'Kelvin':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' K'

We added an __all__ statement so that a module block including docassemble.cooking.objects does not clutter the namespace with extraneous names like threading. We also added functions for setting and retrieving the value of the “temperature type.”

The temperature type is now an attribute of the object this_thread, which is an instance of threading.local. This attribute needs to be set in initial code that will run every time a screen refreshes.

Now in your interview you can do:

  - docassemble.cooking.objects
initial: True
code: |
  if user_is_scientist:
  elif user_country in ['United States', 'Great Britain']:

Note that you do not need to worry about whether your global variables are thread-safe if they do not change from interview to interview.

For example, if you only wanted to allow people to change the temperature type from the docassemble configuration, you could do the following in your Python module:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

from docassemble.webapp.config import daconfig
temperature_type = daconfig.get('temperature type', 'Celsius')

Then your interviews would not have to do anything with temperature_type.

Also, you could avoid the complication of global variables entirely if you are willing to pass the temperature type as an argument to get_oven_temperature:

from docassemble.base.util import DAObject

class Recipe(DAObject):
    def get_oven_temperature(self, type):
        if type == 'Celsius':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °C'
        elif type == 'Fahrenheit':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' °F'
        elif type == 'Kelvin':
            return str(self.oven_temperature) + ' K'

Then you could have this in your interview:

question: |
  What kind of temperature system do you use?
  - Celsius
  - Fahrenheit
  - Kelvin
field: temperature_type

and then in your question text you could write:

Set your oven to ${ apple_pie.get_oven_temperature(temperature_type) }
and let it warm up.

Extending existing classes

If you want to add a method to an existing docassemble class, such as Individual, you do not need to reinvent the wheel or copy and paste code from anywhere. Just take advantage of inheritance.

For example, if your package is docassemble.missouri_family_law, you could create/edit the file docassemble/missouri_family_law/objects.py and add the following:

from docassemble.base.util import Individual

class Attorney(Individual):
    def can_practice_in(self, state):
        if state in self.bar_admissions and self.bar_admissions[state] is True:
            return True
        return False

Here you are defining the class Attorney as a subclass of Individual. An object that is an instance of the Attorney class will also be an instance of the Individual class. The Attorney class is said to “inherit” from the Individual class. All of the methods that can be used on an Individual can be used on an Attorney.

This allows you to write an interview like the following:

  - docassemble.demo.attorney
  - us
  - lawyer: Attorney
mandatory: True
question: |
  % if lawyer.can_practice_in('MA'):
  ${ lawyer } can practice in Massachusetts.
  % else:
  Sorry, ${ lawyer } cannot practice in Massachusetts.
  % endif
generic object: Attorney
question: |
  In what state(s) ${ x.is_are_you() } admitted to practice?
  - no label: x.bar_admissions
    datatype: checkboxes
    code: |
      us.states.mapping('abbr', 'name')
generic object: Attorney
question: |
  What is the attorney's name?
  - First Name: x.name.first
  - Last Name: x.name.last
Screenshot of attorney example

Note that the lawyer object works just like an Individual object. The is_are_you() method works on the Attorney object just as it works on any Individual.

Note that the can_practice_in() method is only available for Attorney objects. If you added the following to the above interview:

  - user: Individual
mandatory: True
question: |
  % if user.can_practice_in('MA'):
  You can take this case yourself.
  % else:
  You will need to hire a lawyer to take the case.
  % endif

then you would get an error because can_practice_in() is not a valid method for user, which is only an instance of the Individual class and not an instance of the Attorney class.

When subclassing standard docassemble classes, keep in mind that some standard docassemble classes have init() functions that initialize attributes that are themselves standard docassemble classes. For example, when an object of class Individual is created, the attribute name is defined as an object of class IndividualName.

Suppose that you wanted your Attorney objects to have a name attribute that was an AttorneyName rather than an IndividualName. One way to implement this would be to write:

from docassemble.base.util import Individual, IndividualName

class AttorneyName(IndividualName):
    def full(self, middle='initial', use_suffix=True):
        return super().full(middle=middle, use_suffix=use_suffix) + ', Esq.'

class Attorney(Individual):
    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        self.initializeAttribute('name', AttorneyName)
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)

Note that the init() method first initializes name and then calls the parent class init() method. This works because the init() method of the Individual class defines name with the initializeAttribute() method, which returns without doing anything if the attribute is already defined. So the init() method of Individual will not overwrite the name.

There is a second way to customize standard docassemble classes that initialize attributes. The Individual and Person classes have a special class attribute NameClass that is set to IndividualName for the Individual class and Name for the Person class. Thus, all you need to do to to indicate that your Attorney objects should use AttorneyName as the class for the name is to set the class attribute NameClass to AttorneyName:

from docassemble.base.util import Individual, IndividualName

class AttorneyName(IndividualName):
    def full(self, middle='initial', use_suffix=True):
        return super().full(middle=middle, use_suffix=use_suffix) + ', Esq.'

class Attorney(Individual):
    NameClass = AttorneyName

These are the class attributes that standard docassemble objects use:

  • Address, Event, and Person set the class attribute LatitudeLongitudeClass to LatitudeLongitude. This is the class used for the location attribute.
  • Thing and Person set the class attribute NameClass to Name. This is the class used for the name attribute.
  • Event sets the class attribute CityClass to City. This is the class used for the address attribute.
  • Person sets the class attribute NameClass to Name. This is the class used for the name attribute.
  • Person sets the class attribute AddressClass to Address. This is the class used for the address attribute.
  • Individual sets the class attribute NameClass to IndividualName. This is the class used for the name attribute.
  • ChildList sets the class attribute ChildClass to Individual. The object_type attribute is set to this class during the init() method.
  • FinancialList sets the class attribute ValueClass to Value. The object_type attribute is set to this class during the init() method.
  • PeriodicFinancialList sets the class attribute PeriodicValueClass to PeriodicValue. The object_type attribute is set to this class during the init() method.
  • OfficeList sets the class attribute AddressClass to Address. The object_type attribute is set to this class during the init() method.
  • Organization sets the class attribute OfficeListClass to OfficeList. This is the class used for the office attribute.

In docassemble.base.legal:

  • Case sets the class attribute PartyListClass to PartyList. This is the class used for the plaintiff, defendant, petitioner, respondent, appellee, and appellant attributes.
  • Case sets the class attribute CourtClass to Court. This is the class used for the court attribute.

Using mixins

Sometimes it can be useful to define a method that can be used on multiple classes. Python allows you to do this with “multiple inheritance” and “mixin” classes.

Here is an example of overriding the possessive() method of subclasses of Individual and Person. By using a “mixin,” you can avoid writing the same method in two different places.

from docassemble.base.util import Person, Individual

class MyPersonMixin(object):
  def possessive(self, target, **kwargs):
    the_word = str(self)
    if the_word[-1] == 's' and 'plural' not in kwargs:
      kwargs['plural'] = True
    return super().possessive(target, **kwargs)

class MyPerson(MyPersonMixin, Person):
  def some_function(self):
     return 2 + 2

class MyIndividual(MyPersonMixin, Individual):
  def some_other_function(self):
     return 2 + 6

Preventing dependency satisfaction

docassemble’s dependency satisfaction process can be used from inside methods. For example, you have an class Legume with a method .is_tasty(), which references self.savory_index, running .is_tasty() can trigger a question to be asked if the savory_index attribute is needed and is not defined.

class Legume(Thing):
    def is_tasty(self):
        if self.sweet_index > 5 or self.savory_index > 6:
            return True
            return False

However, this feature can also cause confusion, because if you make a mistake when coding a method and refer to a non-existent name, docassemble will try to obtain a definition for that name in the interview itself. Although the namespace of a method is different from the namespace of the interview answers, docassemble doesn’t know the difference. The symptoms of this might be very confusing, because you might see strange behavior instead of an error message.

The automatic dependency satisfaction system can also be a problem when the code in your method needs to run idempotently. For example, if your code appends records to a database, you may find that mysterious duplicate entries are appearing in the database; this can happen if your method references an undefined variable that docassemble’s dependency satisfaction logic is able to define.

You can turn off docassemble’s dependency satisfaction logic for a method by using the prevent_dependency_satisfaction decorator. This decorator is defined in the docassemble.base.util module.

Here is an example module called legume.py that uses the prevent_dependency_satisfaction decorator.

from docassemble.base.util import Thing, prevent_dependency_satisfaction

__all__ = ['Legume']

class Legume(Thing):
    def is_tasty(self):
        if self.sweet_index > 5 or self.savory_index > 6:
            return True
            return False

Here is an interview that uses the legume module and the Legume class:

  - bean: Legume
mandatory: True
code: |
event: final_screen
question: |
  % if bean.is_tasty():
  It is tasty.
  % else:
  It is not tasty.
  % endif
Screenshot of prevent-dependency-satisfaction example

If @prevent_dependency_satisfaction had not been applied to the method, then the savory_index attribute would have been gathered from the user. The prevent_dependency_satisfaction decorator instead forces an exception to be raised.

The code for prevent_dependency_satisfaction is very simple; it basically just wraps the method in a try/except and raises a generic Exception if any exception is raised from inside the method.

Special date/time class DADateTime

When you set a variable with datatype: date, or use one of the date functions that returns a date, the variable is a special object of the class DADateTime. This object is special to docassemble, but it is not a DAObject. You cannot create these with an objects block. (If you want to create one, use as_datetime().)

The DADateTime object is a subclass of datetime.datetime, which is a standard Python class for working with dates and times. This means that anything that you can do with a datetime.datetime object can also be done with a DADateTime object.

The DADateTime object also has some additional functionality that the traditional datetime.datetime object does not have, such as the attributes dow for day of week and week for the week of the year.

If birthday is defined by as_datetime('4/1/2018'), then:

  • birthday.day is 1
  • birthday.month is 4
  • birthday.year is 2018
  • birthday.week is 13
  • birthday.dow is 7 (Sunday)
  • birthday.hour is 0
  • birthday.minute is 0
  • birthday.second is 0
  • birthday.microsecond is 0

The DADateTime object also has methods .plus() and .minus() that allow you to add or subtract periods of time from a date.

  • birthday.plus(weeks=3) returns a DADateTime object representing April 29, 2018.
  • birthday.plus(months=1) returns a DADateTime object representing May 1, 2018.
  • birthday.minus(years=2) returns a DADateTime object representing April 1, 2020.

The available keyword arguments to .plus() and .minus() are:

  • years
  • months
  • days
  • weeks
  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds
  • microseconds

The .plus() and .minus() methods use dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta to calculate dates and times. The date_interval() function can be used to do similar calculations. For example, birthday.plus(weeks=1) is equivalent to doing birthday + date_interval(weeks=1).

The DADateTime object also has methods for formatting dates and times.

  • birthday.format() is 'April 1, 2018'.
  • birthday.format_date() is 'April 1, 2018' (identical to .format())
  • birthday.format_date('MMM') is 'Apr'
  • birthday.format_time() is '12:00 AM'
  • birthday.format_time('h:mm a z') is '12:00 AM EST', or whatever the current time zone is.
  • current_datetime().format_time('h:mm') returns the current time, formatted like '12:00'.
  • current_datetime().format_datetime() returns the current time, formatted like 'January 1, 2018 at 12:00:00 AM EST'.

These functions have the same effect as the format_date(), format_time(), and format_datetime() functions. In fact, birthday.format_date('long') simply calls format_date(birthday, format='long'). The .format() method is the same as .format_date(). See the documentation for the date functions for details. An interview-wide date/time format string can be set in the interview metadata or through the set_parts() function.

When a DADateTime is converted to text, for example when it is included in a Mako template with ${ birthday }, the text conversion is done using format_date().

The .replace() method returns a new DADateTime object that is the same as the original object, except with altered components. For example, birthdate.replace(year=2018) will return the date of a person’s birthday in 2018. The available parameters are year, month, day, hour (0 to 23), minute, second, and microsecond. See datetime.datetime.replace().

A method that is similar to .replace() is .replace_time(), which returns a DADateTime object with all of the time-related values set to those of a given datetime.time object. If you ask the user a question and you use a field with datatype: time, the resulting variable is a datetime.time object. You can combine datatype: date and datatype: time objects using .replace_time():

question: |
  When is your appointment?
  - Date: appt_date
    datatype: date
  - Time: appt_time
    datatype: time
code: |
  appt_datetime = appt_date.replace_time(appt_time)
Screenshot of date-and-time-fields example

If you only want to use the time portion of a DADateTime, use the .time() method, which returns a datetime.time object containing only the time-related information of the original DADateTime object. See datetime.datetime.time().

Special class SQLObject

The SQLObject is a special class that makes an ordinary DAObject automatically synchronize with a SQL database.

Object instances that inherit from this class will have the full functionality of ordinary object instances, but with the added feature that particular attributes (or attributes of sub-objects) will synchronize with a SQL database.

The SQLObject is an expert feature. Using it requires:

  • Knowing how SQL databases work;
  • Knowing how to create a SQL database;
  • Knowing how to use SQLAlchemy;
  • Knowing how object oriented programming works;
  • Knowing how to write custom classes in a Python module file; and
  • Knowing how to use Alembic (potentially).

Here is an example of the use of SQLObject:

  - .demodb
  - customer: Customer
  - bank: Bank
question: |
  What is the customer's SSN?
  - SSN: customer.ssn
    default: 023-43-2412
validation code: |
question: |
  What is the bank's routing number?
  - Routing number: bank.routing
    default: "234234223"
validation code: |
question: |
  What is the name of the bank?
  - Name: bank.name.text
question: |
  What is the customer's name?
  - First Name: customer.name.first
  - Last Name: customer.name.last
question: |
  What is the customer's address?
  - Address: customer.address.address
    address autocomplete: True
  - City: customer.address.city
  - State: customer.address.state
    code: |
  - Zip: customer.address.zip
    required: False
  - County: customer.address.county
mandatory: True
code: |
mandatory: True
question: |
  The bank is
  ${ bank }
  and the customer is
  ${ customer }.
  - Restart: restart
Screenshot of testdatabase example

The Customer and Bank classes are defined in the demodb.py file. Customer is a subclass of Individual and SQLObject (using multiple inheritance). Bank is a subclass of Person and SQLObject. Behind every Customer is a row in a SQL table listing customers. Behind every Bank is a row in a SQL table listing banks. These tables are in a separate SQL database from the database where docassemble’s interview answers are stored. This SQL database can be any database capable of being accessed using SQLAlchemy. The database tables can be pre-existing (e.g., a database for a case management system) or created for the sole purpose of storing data from interviews. If the tables do not exist, SQLAlchemy will create them when the module loads.

In the interview, the user is first asked for a unique identifier (SSN) about the customer. If the the SSN matches the SSN of a record in the customer table in SQL, the attributes of the customer object are populated with the values in SQL, and then the interview doesn’t need to ask the user for the customer’s name and address. If the SSN does not match the SSN of a record in the customer table, a new row is added to SQL table, and the user is asked for the customer’s name and address. After each screen, the SQL table is updated with the information that is acquired.

Then the interview performs a similar process with the bank. The unique identifier for a Bank is a routing number. The interview needs to know the name of the bank.

Finally the interview makes the customer a customer of the bank by adding an entry to a table in SQL that tracks relationships between banks and customers. It does this with a custom method add_customer(), the code for which is in demodb.py.

Here is the code for demodb.py.

# Import any DAObject classes that you will need
from docassemble.base.util import Individual, Person, DAObject
# Import the SQLObject and some associated utility functions
from docassemble.base.sql import alchemy_url, connect_args, upgrade_db, SQLObject, SQLObjectRelationship
# Import SQLAlchemy names
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

# Only allow these names (DAObject classes) to be imported with a modules block
__all__ = ['Bank', 'Customer', 'BankCustomer']

# Create the base class for SQLAlchemy table definitions
Base = declarative_base()

# SQLAlchemy table definition for a Bank

class BankModel(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'bank'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    routing = Column(String(250), unique=True)
    name = Column(String(250))

# SQLAlchemy table definition for a Customer

class CustomerModel(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'customer'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    ssn = Column(String(250), unique=True)
    first_name = Column(String(250))
    last_name = Column(String(250))
    address = Column(String(250))
    unit = Column(String(250))
    city = Column(String(250))
    state = Column(String(250))
    zip = Column(String(250))

# SQLAlchemy table definition for keeping track of which Banks have which Customers

class BankCustomerModel(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'bank_customer'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    bank_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('bank.id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
    customer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('customer.id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)

# Form the URL for connecting to the database based on the "demo db" directive in the Configuration
url = alchemy_url('demo db')

# Build the "engine" for connecting to the SQL server, using the URL for the database.
conn_args = connect_args('demo db')
if url.startswith('postgres'):
    engine = create_engine(url, connect_args=conn_args, pool_pre_ping=False)
    engine = create_engine(url, pool_pre_ping=False)

# Create the tables

# Get SQLAlchemy ready
Base.metadata.bind = engine
DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

# Perform any necessary database schema updates using alembic, if there is an alembic
# directory and alembic.ini file in the package.
upgrade_db(url, __file__, engine, version_table='auto', conn_args=conn_args)

# Define Bank as both a DAObject and SQLObject

class Bank(Person, SQLObject):
    # This tells the SQLObject code what the SQLAlchemy model is
    _model = BankModel
    # This tells the SQLObject code how to access the database
    _session = DBSession
    # This indicates that an object is not ready to be saved to SQL unless the "name" column is defined
    _required = ['name']
    # This indicates that the human-readable unique identifier for the table is the column "routing"
    _uid = 'routing'

    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)
        # This runs necessary SQLObject initialization code for the instance

    # The db_get function specifies how to get attributes from the DAObject for purposes of setting SQL column values
    def db_get(self, column):
        if column == 'name':
            return self.name.text
        if column == 'routing':
            return self.routing
        raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    # The db_set function specifies how to set attributes of the DAObject on the basis of non-null SQL column values
    def db_set(self, column, value):
        if column == 'name':
            self.name.text = value
        elif column == 'routing':
            self.routing = value
            raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    # The db_null function specifies how to delete attributes of the DAObject when the SQL column value becomes null
    def db_null(self, column):
        if column == 'name':
            del self.name.text
        elif column == 'routing':
            del self.routing
            raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    # This is an example of a method that uses SQLAlchemy to return True or False
    def has_customer(self, customer):
        if not (self.ready() and customer.ready()):
            raise Exception("has_customer: cannot retrieve data")
        # this opens a connection to the SQL database
        db_entry = self._session.query(BankCustomerModel).filter(BankCustomerModel.bank_id == self.id, BankCustomerModel.customer_id == customer.id).first()
        if db_entry is None:
            return False
        return True

    # This is an example of a method that uses SQLAlchemy to add a record to the BankCustomer SQL table
    # to indicate that a bank has a customer.  Note that it is designed to be idempotent; it will not add
    # a duplicate record.
    def add_customer(self, customer):
        if not self.has_customer(customer):
            db_entry = BankCustomerModel(bank_id=self.id, customer_id=customer.id)

    # This is an example of a method that uses SQLAlchemy to return a list of Customer objects.
    # It uses the by_id() class method to return a Customer object for the given id.
    def get_customers(self):
        if not self.ready():
            raise Exception("get_customers: cannot retrieve data")
        results = []
        for db_entry in self._session.query(BankCustomerModel).filter(BankCustomerModel.bank_id == self.id).all():
        return results

    # This is an example of a method that uses SQLAlchemy to delete a bank-customer relationship
    def del_customer(self, customer):
        if not (self.ready() and customer.ready()):
            raise Exception("del_customer: cannot retrieve data")
        self._session.query(BankCustomerModel).filter(BankCustomerModel.bank_id == self.id, BankCustomerModel.customer_id == customer.id).delete()

class Customer(Individual, SQLObject):
    _model = CustomerModel
    _session = DBSession
    _required = ['first_name']
    _uid = 'ssn'

    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)

    def db_get(self, column):
        if column == 'ssn':
            return self.ssn
        if column == 'first_name':
            return self.name.first
        if column == 'last_name':
            return self.name.last
        if column == 'address':
            return self.address.address
        if column == 'unit':
            return self.address.unit
        if column == 'city':
            return self.address.city
        if column == 'state':
            return self.address.state
        if column == 'zip':
            return self.address.zip
        raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    def db_set(self, column, value):
        if column == 'ssn':
            self.ssn = value
        elif column == 'first_name':
            self.name.first = value
        elif column == 'last_name':
            self.name.last = value
        elif column == 'address':
            self.address.address = value
        elif column == 'unit':
            self.address.unit = value
        elif column == 'city':
            self.address.city = value
        elif column == 'state':
            self.address.state = value
        elif column == 'zip':
            self.address.zip = value

    def db_null(self, column):
        if column == 'ssn':
            del self.ssn
        elif column == 'first_name':
            del self.name.first
        elif column == 'last_name':
            del self.name.last
        elif column == 'address':
            del self.address.address
        elif column == 'unit':
            del self.address.unit
        elif column == 'city':
            del self.address.city
        elif column == 'state':
            del self.address.state
        elif column == 'zip':
            del self.address.zip

class BankCustomer(DAObject, SQLObjectRelationship):
    _model = BankCustomerModel
    _session = DBSession
    _parent = [Bank, 'bank', 'bank_id']
    _child = [Customer, 'customer', 'customer_id']

    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)
        self.rel_init(*pargs, **kwargs)

    def db_get(self, column):
        if column == 'bank_id':
            return self.bank.id
        if column == 'customer_id':
            return self.customer.id
        raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    def db_set(self, column, value):
        if column == 'bank_id':
            self.bank = Bank.by_id(value)
        elif column == 'customer_id':
            self.customer = Customer.by_id(value)
            raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

    # A db_find_existing method is defined here because the default db_find_existing() method for
    # the SQLObject class tries to find existing records based on a unique identifier column indicated
    # by the _uid attribute.  Since the unique identifier for a bank-customer relationship record is
    # not a single column, but rather the combination of bank ID and customer ID, there is no _uid
    # column for the default db_find_existing() method to use.  But we can write our own method for
    # how to locate an existing record based on Python object attributes (.bank.id and .customer.id).
    def db_find_existing(self):
            return self._session.query(BankCustomerModel).filter(BankCustomerModel.bank_id == self.bank.id, BankCustomerModel.customer_id == self.customer.id).first()
            return None

This example uses the alchemy_url() function to refer to a database configuration called demo db. This assumes that there is a directive called demo db in the Configuration that specifies a connection to a SQL database, following the same layout of the db directive.

demo db:
  name: demo
  user: jsmith
  password: supersecret

The above module file contains the line:


This SQLAlchemy command creates database tables for any models that have been defined in Python code. Thus, the mere loading of this module causes database tables to come into existence if they do not already exist.

While the tables will be created automatically by SQLAlchemy if they do not exist, the database itself (which in this example is named demo) will need to be created beforehand. You also need to make sure that the database user (in the above example, jsmith) has full privileges to the database.

Note that while SQLAlchemy is capable of creating database tables, it is not capable of modifying them if you edit the model classes after the database tables have already been created. If you are the only user of the module that uses SQLObject, you could get around this problem by making the changes to your database tables manually. However, if you have released your module to the public, and someone who is using your module upgrades to your latest version, they will encounter errors because your code will use the new version of the model but the actual database table will be using the earlier version of the model.

Alembic is a version control system for SQLAlchemy that solves this problem. Using Alembic requires adding a configuration file and an alembic folder to the package in which your SQLObject module lives. Thus, you will need to prepare your package from the command line. You cannot do this from within the Playground. If you do not already have your package on your personal computer, you will need to download it.

To get started, install alembic on your personal computer:

pip install alembic

Then, go into the directory where your module file is located. For example, if your package is called docassemble.foobar, do:

cd docassemble-foobar/docassemble/foobar

From here, run the following command to initialize alembic:

alembic init alembic

Whenever you want to create a revision to your database structure, you run a command like:

alembic revision -m "add column for phone"

The Alembic directory structure will look something like this:

|-- docassemble
|   |-- foobar
|   |   |-- alembic.ini
|   |   |-- alembic
|   |   |   |-- env.py
|   |   |   |-- script.py.mako
|   |   |   |-- versions
|   |   |   |   `-- 5627e6ca17d18_add_column_for_phone.py
|   |   |-- data
|   |   |   |-- questions
|   |   |   |   `-- myinterview.yml
|   |   |   |-- static
|   |   |   |   `-- logo.jpg
|   |   |   |-- sources
|   |   |   |   `-- data.yml
|   |   |   `-- templates
|   |   |       `-- mytemplate.docx
|   |   |-- mydb.py
|   |   `-- __init__.py
|   `-- __init__.py
|-- README.md
|-- setup.cfg
`-- setup.py

In this file listing, 5627e6ca17d18_add_column_for_phone.py is a file that was created by running alembic revision. The code 5627e6ca17d18 represents a version. Each “version” file contains a reference to the current version and the previous version, along with code that indicates how to upgrade from the old version to the new version, and how to downgrade from the new version to the old version.

After running alembic revision, you need to edit the resulting “version” file (in this example, 5627e6ca17d18_add_column_for_phone.py) and write SQLAlchemy code in the upgrade() and downgrade() functions to modify the database tables in the appropriate ways to effectuate the change you made to the model.

Alembic keeps track of the current version using a table in the database containing one row and one column. By scanning the files in versions and looking at the current version, Alembic knows which files in the versions directory it needs to run to perform an upgrade.

The above module example contains code that calls Alembic.

upgrade_db(url, __file__, engine, version_table='auto', conn_args=conn_args)

This function calls Alembic to perform any necessary upgrades. When the version_table parameter is set to 'auto', that means that the name of the table in the database that Alembic uses to track the current version will be based on the name of the package. If version_table is set to None, the default name of alembic_version will be used. If the database you are using is already serving as the db database of a docassemble server, there will be a conflict because the docassemble server uses Alembic with alembic_version as the name of its version table. You can also set version_table to a string, in which case the name of the version table will be that string.

For examples of what the Alembic-related files should look like, see the docassemble.demo package and consult the Alembic documentation. The docassemble.webapp package contains version files that you can look at to get a sense of what the upgrade() and downgrade() functions should look like.

How it works

The SQLObject facilitates synchronization of values between “Python land” and “SQL land.” It is important to understand that there are fundamental differences between these two “lands.”

In Python land, there are Python objects with attributes. These can be arbitrarily nested; attributes can be objects themselves, which have their own attributes, and so on. An attribute might be an alias for an object that has an independent existence elsewhere, such as when you declare case.plaintiff = client.

In SQL land, there are database tables made up of rows and columns, where a row represents a single record and the columns are named data values, each of which has a specific data type. SQL tables typically have a column that functions as a “key,” which typically contains an auto-incrementing integer. Columns in a SQL table often have “constraints.” In some columns, uniqueness is enforced; for example, it might be illegal for two rows in a table to have the same value for a column representing an e-mail address.

In Python land, you can add attributes to an object whenever you want. In SQL land, adding a column to a table is something you have to do in advance, and it has imporant implications for the future of your database. In Python land, you can nest objects arbitrarily. In SQL land, creating relationships among objects requires using separate tables: one table for the first object type, a second table for the second object type, and a third table that holds a mapping between first table and the second table.

There are many other differences between what is possible with docassemble interview answers represented as Python objects, and what is possible in SQL tables.

As a result of all of these differences, there is never going to be a perfect one-to-one correspondence between SQL tables and docassemble objects. Going between these two worlds is a process of translation. You need to specify exactly how you want this translation to happen.

The SQLObject system associates a particular Python class with a particular SQL table. Any object of this class in the interview answers will have a corresponding row in the SQL table. Each separate Python class that inherits from SQLObject will get its own separate SQL table. Columns in the SQL table are associated with particular attributes of the object in Python land.

It is not a problem if the objects in Python land have attributes that do not map to columns in SQL land. Likewise, it is not a problem if the tables in SQL land have columns that do not map to information in Python land. The interview answers will still continue to save any “extra” attributes, and any “extra” columns in the SQL database will not disturb Python.

The synchronization process is hooked into docassemble’s existing pickling system. When a screen loads, docassemble reads the pickled interview answers from its database, unpickles them, applies the interview logic to the interview answers, figures out what question to ask, pickles the interview answers, saves the pickled answers to the database again, and then shows the question to the user. In the process of unpickling, if a DAObject that is also a SQLObject is encountered, docassemble will find the row in the SQL table associated with the object type and use the values in each of the columns to change information about the Python object. Likewise, when pickling, docassemble will update the row in SQL if any changes to the relevant information have been made.

When you first create a DAObject, it might have no attributes except for an instanceName. This is enough for the object to be saved in the interview answers, but it isn’t enough to create a new record in SQL. It doesn’t make sense to create a new record in SQL if all the columns are null. Until there is enough information to populate the “required” columns, the object is said to be “nascent.” The object will automatically become non-nascent when the information for the “required” columns is known and the new record is created in the SQL database.

Objects can also become non-nascent if information for the “unique ID” column is gathered, and a record exists for that unique ID. The object will automatically become non-nascent when the columns of the record are read from the SQL database and used to populate attributes of the DAObject. For example, in the interview above, if you create a “customer” with a particular SSN during one interview session, and then in a subsequent interview session you input the same SSN, the remaining attributes of the DAObject will be populated. In other words, all you have to do is create a “shell” object of type Individual with the ssn attribute defined, and then, as part of the automatic synchronization process, all of the other attributes of the Individual will be populated.

For purposes of creating a new record in SQL, the “unique ID” column is treated as one of the “required” columns that must be defined before a new record can be created in the SQL database table. Thus, if you want to use an object in your interview answers but you don’t want it saved to SQL, and the object uses a “unique ID” column, just refrain from defining the information for the “unique ID” column, and it will never synchronize with the SQL table.

The “nascent” stage of an object allows you to use several screens to collect information about an item before writing anything to the SQL database; the information is stored in the interview answers but not in the SQL database. This allows you to use the interview answers as a kind of “staging area” for information before writing it to the SQL database.

If an object is stored both in the interview answers and on the SQL server, and then the columns in the SQL record change, then the next time the interview answers are retrieved, the attributes in the Python objects will be updated with the values in SQL.

However, if the item is deleted from SQL, then when the corresponding Python object is retrieved, it will become a “zombie” object. It will continue to have the attributes that were known the last time the object was synchronized with SQL, but it will be disconnected from the SQL database and will only exist as an ordinary Python object in the interview answers.

The “nascent” quality of an object is tracked internally using the instance attribute _nascent (which will be True or False). The “zombie” quality of an object is tracked using the instance attribute _zombie (which will be True or False).

The “required” attributes are defined by setting the _required attribute of the class. (Note that a class attribute is different from an instance attribute; a class attribute is read-only and is defined in the Python module file, whereas instance attributes can be added, deleted, or modified at any time.) The “unique ID” of a class is defined by setting the _uid attribute of the class. For example, in the above Python module, the _required class attribute was set to 'first_name' and the _uid attribute name was set to 'ssn'.

The mapping between the DAObject characteristics and the values of database columns is controlled by the db_get(), db_set(), and db_null() methods of the class. The db_get() method takes a column name and tries to obtain a value for it from Python land. The db_set() method takes a column name and a value from SQL land and saves that value in Python land. (Think of the verbs “get” and “set” as applying to attributes of the Python object, not columns in the SQL record.) For example, in the above Python module, the first_name column is associated with .name.first attribute of the Customer object. The db_null() method takes a column name and tries to delete the object attribute in Python land that is associated with the given column.

When you initialize an object, you can give it the unique ID, and if a record exists in SQL with that unique ID, then the object will be non-nascent from the start.

  - customer: Customer.using(ssn='928-32-2832')

In addition, every table in SQL has a column called id, which is a unique integer that never changes. The id is set when the record is created in SQL, using an auto-incrementing counter. If you know the id of a record you can use it to initialize your object so that it is non-nascent from the start. For example, here is a way to use a URL parameter (or in the alternative, a question), to get the id for a customer record:

  - customer: Customer.using(id=customer_id)
question: |
  What is the customer ID?
  - ID: customer_id
    datatype: integer
code: |
  if 'id' in url_args:
    customer_id = url_args['id']

If you initialize an object as nascent, but later set its unique ID, and then call db_read() or db_save(), docassemble will look for a record in the database for that unique ID, and if it finds it, it will run db_set() and update information in Python based on the values of the columns in SQL.

For example, assume there is a customer in the SQL database with SSN 122-23-2322, whose first name is John and whose last name is Smith.

  - customer: Customer
mandatory: True
code: |
  customer.ssn = '122-23-2322'
  # customer is still nascent
  # customer is no longer nascent
  # this does not trigger the asking of a question, because
  # customer.name.first is defined as 'John'

For another example, assume there is not a customer in the SQL database with SSN 545-23-6552.

objects: |
  customer: Customer
mandatory: True
code: |
  customer.ssn = '545-23-6552'
  # customer is still nascent
  # this will return without doing anything, because a
  # customer with that SSN does not exist, and the
  # customer's first name is not yet known.
  # The customer is still nascent.
  customer.name.first = 'Jane'
  customer.name.last = 'Smith'
  # Since the required columns are now defined, the customer
  # object is no longer nascent.  The record now exists in the database.

Note that db_read() is called every time the screen starts to load, and db_save() is called as the screen finishes loading. So in many cases, you don’t need to worry about calling these functions manually. However, you will need to call them when results change during the processing of a screen.

It may be helpful to call db_read() in the validation code of a question.

  - customer: Customer
question: |
  What is the customer's SSN?
  - SSN: customer.ssn
validation code: |

Although the validation code here won’t raise a validation_error() to make the user fix something, it is code that runs after customer.ssn has been defined and before the interview logic is evaluated. It “validates” the customer object by populating customer with additional attributes from SQL if there is a record in the SQL table where the ssn column is equal to customer.ssn.

Instead of calling db_read(), you could call db_save(). The difference is that if you set any Python attributes other than ssn, db_save() will overwrite the SQL values with the values that exist in Python. By contrast, db_read() will overwrite the Python values with the values that exist in SQL.

If you call the method ready() on an object, it will try to db_save() the object to SQL if the object is nascent. It will then return False if the object is still nascent (or if it is a zombie), and will return True otherwise.

If you want to test whether a record exists in the database for a particular id or unique ID, you can use the class methods id_exists() and uid_exists().

question: |
  Look up a customer by SSN
  - SSN: ssn
validation code: |
  if not Customer.uid_exists(ssn):
    validation_error("That customer does not exist")

In this example, the _uid of a Customer object is ssn, so the uid_exists() class method will search the ssn column.

Defining tables

For help on writing table definitions, consult the SQLAlchemy documentation.

Every table definition must contain a primary key called id. For example:

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

SQLAlchemy has a feature by which you can define “relationships” between tables. This is not supported by the SQLObject feature.

Representing relationships between two objects in docassemble is best done by creating a separate object that represents the relationship itself. While it is entirely possible in Python to write plaintiff.father = witness[0] and witness[0].child[0] = plaintiff, a problem arises when the user edits relationships. If the user changes plaintiff.father, then you need to make sure that the old plaintiff.father is modified to remove the witness[0].child[0] reference. This is very complicated, while allowing the user to edit the relationship object is simple because the relationship exists in just one place.

If you don’t want to use a separate table, you can represent relationships using class attribute declarations like bank_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('bank.id', ondelete='CASCADE')). In this case, the attribute in Python land will simply be an integer. You can obtain a Python object from this integer using the by_id() class method. But note that objects returned by by_id() will have random instanceNames.

Writing classes

When writing DAObject classes that correspond to SQLAlchemy tables, you must use a multiple inheritance class declaration where the first class is a DAObject class and the second class is SQLObject.

class Bank(Person, SQLObject):

Note that the SQLObject is defined in the docassemble.base.sql package, not in the docassemble.base.util package.

from docassemble.base.sql import SQLObject

For a SQLObject to work, you need to define a few class attributes and include an init() method. Always set _model to the object representing the SQLAlchemy table definition. Always set _session to the object you obtain by calling sessionmaker(bind=engine).

You can set _required to a Python list of column names that must be set before the object can be saved to the SQL table. Until these columns have definitions (as obtained from db_get()), the object will remain nascent. The default value is an empty list.

Always include an init() method that calls init() on the parent class and then calls sql_init().

def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
    super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)

Finally, you must define the methods db_get(), db_set(), and db_null(), which handle getting, setting, and undefining information for columns. For example, in the Bank class in the example, each bank has two columns (not including the id column): name for the name of the bank and routing for the routing number of the bank.

Each of these methods should contain if/else statements that perform the necessary operations depending on what the column name is.

def db_get(self, column):
    if column == 'name':
        return self.name.text
    elif column == 'routing':
        return self.routing
    raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)
def db_set(self, column, value):
    if column == 'name':
        self.name.text = value
    elif column == 'routing':
        self.routing = value
        raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)
def db_null(self, column):
    if column == 'name':
        del self.name.text
    elif column == 'routing':
        del self.routing
        raise Exception("Invalid column " + column)

As the name column demonstrates, a column value in SQL land can correspond to the attribute of an attribute in Python land. In Python land, a name is a Name object, but in SQL land, the name is represented as a collection of attributes.

When the db_get() and db_null() methods are called from SQLObject code, these calls are typically wrapped in try/except, so that if your code triggers an exception (for example because an attribute is not defined) then the SQLObject code will know that the column information does not exist. You do not need to use try/except logic of your own in these methods; just follow the pattern above.


Multiple Python objects associated with a single SQL record

When using SQLObject, make sure that your interview logic does not create multiple separate Python objects associated with the same SQL record. If you do that, then if you change the attributes of one object, but not the other, the two objects will be in conflict with one another. Which attributes are saved to the server will be random, depending on which object is [pickle]d last.

The SQLObject maintains an object cache under the _internal dictionary in the interview answers. When a SQLObject has an id, a reference to that object will be created in the cache. Methods like .filter(), .all(), and .by_id() and .by_uid() return references to this cache if the object is in the cache, rather than create new objects. The cache helps avoid the problem of multiple separate Python objects existing in the interview answers.


Between the time when the screen starts loading (when data are copied from SQL data to Python) and the screen finishes loading (when data are copied from Python to SQL), no lock is placed on the SQL records. Suppose session A copies data from SQL to Python at time 0, session B copies data from the same SQL record to Python at time 1, session B writes changes to the SQL record at time 2, and session A writes changes to the SQL record at time 3. In this scenario, session A’s changes would overwrite the changes that session B made.

The same result would happen if a third-party application made changes to the SQL record instead of session B.

However, suppose session A copies data from SQL to Python at time 0, session B copies data from the same SQL record to Python at time 1, session B writes changes to the SQL record at time 2, and then at time 3 the interview logic of session A finishes without making any changes. In this scenario, session A would not overwrite the changes of session B, because from the perspective of session A, there is no need to take the time to write data to SQL, since nothing changed.

If you expect that SQL records might be altered concurrently, using SQLObjects to synchronize between interview answers and a SQL database might not be sufficiently robust.

Reference guide

Class attributes

The _model class attribute refers to a SQLAlchemy class representing a SQL table.

The _session class attribute refers to a SQLAlchemy object representing a SQL session generator, which can be obtained by calling sessionmaker(bind=engine).

The _required class attribute refers to a list of strings, where each string corresponds to the name of a class attribute of the table definition (i.e. a column in the SQL table). The SQLObject will be considered nascent until each of these columns can be defined. The SQLObject will not trigger the seeking of a definition of any undefined DAObject attributes; your interview logic will need to trigger the asking of the necessary questions or running the necessary code blocks. If you do not specify a _required class attribute, the empty list will be used.

The _uid class attribute refers to a string, where the string corresponds to the name of a class attribute of the table definition (i.e. a column in the SQL table). If you do not specify a _uid attribute, the default value of uid will be used. If you have a column in your SQL table by the name of uid, this will be used as the unique identifier.

Instance attributes

Behind the scenes, the SQLObject code uses attributes of the object to track the state of the object and its relationship to the current state of the SQL table.

If the object is nascent, the _nascent attribute will be set to True. This attribute is True when the object is first initialized, and it is set to False when the object acquires an id.

When the object is connected with the SQL table, the id attribute is set to the integer ID of the record in the SQL table.

If the object has an id but there is no corresponding id in the SQL table, the _zombie attribute is set to True. This can happen if the object in Python land still exists after the underlying record in the SQL table is deleted. You should probably avoid this. Instead of deleting records from SQL, you could use a boolean column called active that is set to False when the record should no longer be used.

When you need to run SQLAlchemy commands, use the _session attribute to access the SQLAlchemy session object.

Instance methods

The db_get() method is called by SQLObject code when it needs to read information from Python land for purposes of populating column values in SQL land. The first and only positional parameter is the name of the column. The method should return the value from Python land that corresponds with the given column name.

The db_set() method is called by SQLObject code when it needs to populate information in Python land based on the values in a row in a SQL table. The two positional parameters are the column name and a data value. Based on the column name, the method should write information to the appropriate place in Python land.

The db_null() method is called by SQLObject code when a value in a record is null for a particular column. In the example code above, db_null() calls del on the object attribute corresponding with the column. You may wish to implement this by setting the value to None. When stored in SQL, a None value will become a null value.

    def db_null(self, column):
        if column == 'spouse':
            self.spouse = None
        elif ...

Then the attribute will be defined for Python purposes; referencing it in your interview will not result in the asking of a question.

Alternatively, you may want to handle this differently depending on whether the attribute was already defined in Python. For example, if your interview had asked the user for a value, but then later the value was nulled in the SQL database, you might not want your interview to ask the same question again. In that case you could write:

    def db_null(self, column):
        if column == 'spouse':
            if hasattr(self, 'spouse'):
                self.spouse = None
        elif ...

That way, the spouse attribute will remain undefined in Python land and null in SQL land until you give it a value in Python land. Then if it is later nulled in SQL land it will become None in Python land.

If you are using a _uid in your DAObject class definition, you don’t need to specify a db_find_existing() method. The example above of the BankCustomer class demonstrates a situation where a db_find_existing() method is appropriate. The return value should either be None or a SQLAlchemy row record.

The save_if_nascent() method runs db_save() if _nascent is True.

The ready() method returns True if the object is connected to a SQL record. It will first try to connect the object to a SQL record if it can. Internally, this method runs save_if_nascent() and then returns True if the object is neither nascent nor a zombie.

The db_save() method tries to save a Python object to SQL. If there is no SQL record yet, it will create one if the “required” information is present. If there is an existing SQL record, the values of the columns will be overwritten with the information from Python if it is different.

The db_read() method tries to update the Python object with information from SQL. If the object is nascent, but there is enough information in Python to connect the object with a SQL record, the Python information will be updated from SQL and the object will be marked as non-nascent. If the object is already non-nascent, but no record can be found in SQL, the object is marked as a zombie.

The db_delete() method deletes the underlying record from the database and marks the object as a zombie.

The sql_init() method needs to be called from the init() method of each class after the call to init() on the parent class.

Class methods

If you have the id of a SQL record and you want to obtain a Python object corresponding to that ID, you can call the by_id() class method. If your class name is Customer, and the id is customer_id, you would call Customer.by_id(customer_id), and the result would be a Customer object. If an object for this id is already present in the interview answers, that object will be returned. If the object does not already exist, a new object will be returned, and its instanceName will be random. If no object could be found, None is returned.

The by_uid() method is similar to by_id(), except it uses the column indicated by _uid instead of the id column. If there is no _uid column in the underlying table, None is returned.

If you want to know whether an object exists in SQL based on its id, you can call the id_exists() class method. If your class name is Customer, and the id is customer_id, you would call Customer.id_exists(customer_id). The result will be True if a record exists in SQL, and False otherwise.

The uid_exists() class method is similar to id_exists(), except it uses the column indicated by _uid instead of the id column. If there is no _uid column in the underlying table, False is returned.

If you know the id of a row in a SQL table and you want to delete that row, call delete_by_id() with the id you want to delete.

The delete_by_uid() class method is similar to the delete_by_id() class method, except it uses the _uid of the table rather than the id.