
Debugging interviews

Errors are a natural part of developing an interview.

There are a variety of tools to help you figure out what went wrong and fix it.

Make sure your Configuration is set up with the debug directive set to True.

If your interview is showing a screen that it shouldn’t, try opening the “Source” tab. This will provide you with a report about how docassemble reached the screen it is showing. (You may need to scroll down to see the report.) At the bottom of the page is a link called “Show variables and values.” If you click this, a browser tab will open and you will see a JSON representation of the variables that had been defined before the error occurred. (If your interview generated an error on the very first screen, however, the variables will not be available.) The location of this screen is /vars?i=docassemble.missouri:data/questions/custody.yml, where docassemble.missouri:data/questions/custody.yml is the name of your interview.

A common debugging technique is to print messages at various points in your code. You can use the log() function to do this. The messages will be available in the file called docassemble.log in the “Logs” interface from the main menu. You can also use log() to log the messages to the browser console or to the screen.

Errors in docx templates

If you are using the docx template file feature and you get an error that relates to your template, it can be difficult to figure out exactly where your error is located. Some tips:

  • Review your interview carefully to make sure that each if statement is matched with an endif statement, and every for statement is matched with an endfor statement. Make sure that every {{ is matched with a }}.
  • Make sure you are using {%p ... %} tags only in contexts where you want the entire current paragraph in Word to be replaced with the contents of the tag. If you are using an inline tag, use {% ... %} instead.

I have a question that defines my variable, why isn’t it being used?

Note that docassemble objects can go by different names, but they are only “self-aware” about having one intrinsic identity.

For example, suppose that you do the following:

  - user.coworkers: DAList
  - user.friends: DAList
code: |
  if user.works_all_the_time:
    user.friends = user.coworkers
question: |
  What is 
  ${ user.friends[i].possessive('birthdate') }?
  - Birthdate: user.friends[i].birthdate
    datatype: date

You might expect that if the interview needs to know the birthday of one of the user’s friends, it will ask the last question. However, the list user.friends was initialized as user.coworkers. This means that if you refer to user.friends[1].birthdate, your interview will actually look for user.coworkers[1].birthdate.

For more information about this issue, see the documentation for the base class of all docassemble objects, DAObject.

Common error messages

Here are some error messages you might encounter in docassemble and how to avoid them.

can’t pickle module objects

Interview variables are stored in a Python dictionary. This dictionary is passed to Mako and exec and becomes the environment of global variables in which templates are assembled and code blocks are executed. The web app uses pickle to serialize this dictionary for storage in a SQL database. Many different types of data are pickleable, but not all are.

If a variable is added to the user dictionary that cannot be pickled, this error will result.

Before pickling a user dictionary, docassemble loops through the keys in the dictionary and removes modules, functions, types, and builtins. For this reason, it is safe (and normal) to import modules and function names into the namespace of the user dictionary.

However, docassemble does not recurse through all of the list items and object attributes of every object it stores, so it is up to you to avoid setting list items or object attributes to values that are not pickleable.

Docassemble has finished executing all code blocks marked as initial or mandatory, and finished asking all questions marked as mandatory (if any). It is a best practice to end your interview with a question that says goodbye and offers an Exit button.

If you see this message, it is because docassemble was able to go through all the questions of your interview and reach the end without encountering any questions to ask of the user.

Perhaps you forgot to mark any questions or code blocks as mandatory. Or perhaps you forgot to create a user-friendly question for the end of the interview.

You can prevent this error from appearing by adding a question such as the following:

question: Goodbye, world!
mandatory: True
  - Exit: exit

AssertionError: A blueprint’s name collision occurred between <flask.blueprints.Blueprint object at 0x7fab5a780850> and <flask.blueprints.Blueprint object at 0x7fab59da1b90>. Both share the same name “flask_user”. Blueprints that are created on the fly need unique names.

If you get this error, try restarting the web server. Normally, “touch”ing the WSGI file succeeds at restarting the server, but sometimes it does not, and this error appears.

If that does not solve the problem, try reinstalling the Flask packages. Also make sure that you do not have multiple versions of Flask installed at the same time (e.g., one version in /usr/lib and another in /usr/local/lib).

Unexplained errors

If you run into a problem where you think you did everything right, but you are getting a strange error, the problem might be that your interview uses a variable name that is being used for some other purpose. See reserved variable names for a list of variable names that you cannot use. If this is the problem, the solution is simply to change the name of your variable to something else.

Get help

To get help from the community of developers and other users, you can submit questions to the docassemble mailing list or chat in real time with other users on the docassemble Slack group.

Report an issue

If you encounter an error that you think is a problem with docassemble rather than with your interview, please create an “issue” on the issues page. The developers will be happy to sort out the problem.