Initial blocks

This section discusses blocks that will typically appear at the beginning of the YAML of your interview.

If you are new to docassemble, you probably will not need to use “initial blocks” until you attempt something more advanced, so you can skip this section and proceed to the section on questions.

Interview title and other metadata

  title: |
    Advice on Divorce
  short title: |
  description: |
    A divorce advice interview
    - name: John Doe
      organization: Example, Inc.
  revision_date: 2015-09-28

A metadata block contains information about the interview, such as the name of the author. It must be a YAML dictionary, but each the dictionary items can contain any arbitrary YAML structure.

If a title is defined, it will be displayed in the main navigation bar in the web app.

If a short title is provided, it will be displayed in place of the title when the size of the screen is small. It is important to specify a short title if your title is more than a few words long, because otherwise the navigation bar may not look good on small screens.

If a logo is defined, it will be displayed in the navigation bar in the web app in place of the title and short title. The content of the logo should be raw HTML. The HTML will be placed inside of a <span> element, so make sure you only use “inline” HTML elements that are compatible with being placed inside of a <span>. You can provide CSS to the interview and reference CSS classes in your logo. If you include an image, you should size it to be about 20 pixels in height. If the logo is too tall, the navigation bar will expand to fit, and you will need to adjust the CSS to specify different values for .da-pad-for-navbar and .da-top-for-navbar. If you include a logo that is much wider than 100 pixels, you should also specify a short logo that is not as wide, so your navigation bar will look good on small screens. Make sure that your raw HTML does not contain any errors, or else the formatting of the page will become corrupted.

If a short logo is defined, it will be used in place of the logo on small screens. Although you may develop and test your interview on a monitor, many of your users will likely use your interviews on a smartphone, so it is important that you keep the needs of smartphone users in mind. Smartphone users want to use the interview you developed and they don’t want your logo taking up half of their screen.

If navigation bar html is provided, the contents will be inserted into the main navigation bar. It will be inserted into a <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> element, so for best results, the HTML should consist of one or more items in a form like <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="/some_link">Label</a></li>. For more information about how these CSS classes work, see the documentation for the Bootstrap Navbar. On small screens, the HTML is shown in the menu when the user clicks the toggler icon. You may wish to use d-none d-md-block classes to hide the HTML when the screen is small. Make sure your HTML does not contain any errors, or else the HTML of the entire screen could be affected.

If a tab title is provided, it will be displayed as the title of the browser tab. Otherwise, the title will be used.

If a subtitle is provided, it will be displayed as the subtitle of the interview in the “Interviews” list available to a logged-in user at /interviews.

If a title url is provided, clicking on the title will open the given URL. Otherwise, the default behavior is that clicking the title does nothing except that when the user is on a help screen, clicking the title takes the user back to the question.

If you provide a title url and you do not want the URL to open in another browser window or tab, set title url opens in other window to False. The default is that the link does open another window or tab.

If a date format is provided, this will be used as the default date format when the format_date() function is called, or the .format_date() method of the DADateTime object is called (which is used when DADateTime objects are reduced to text).

If a datetime format is provided, this will be used as the default date/time format when the format_datetime() function is called, or the .format_datetime() method of the DADateTime object is called.

If a time format is provided, this will be used as the default time format when the format_time() function is called, or the .format_time() method of the DADateTime object is called.

These values can be overridden using the set_parts() function.

The metadata block and the set_parts() function can be used to modify other aspects of the main navigation bar.

If an exit link is provided, the behavior of the “Exit” link can be modified. (The “Exit” menu option is displayed when the show login configuration directive is set to False or the show login metadata specifier in an interview is set to False.) The value can be either exit, leave, or logout. If it is exit, then when the user clicks the link, their interview answers will be deleted from the server, and the user will be redirected to the exit url (see below). If exit link is leave, the user will be redirected to the exit url, and their interview answers will remain intact. (It can be important to keep the interview answers on the server if background tasks are still running.) If exit link is logout, then if the user is logged in, the user will be logged out and then redirected to the exit url, but if the user is not logged in, this will have the same effect as leave. If exit link is exit_logout, the user’s interview answers will be deleted, they will be logged out if they are logged in, and they will be redirected to the exit url.

If an exit url is provided, the user will be redirected to the given URL when they click the “Exit” link. If no exit url is provided, the user will be directed to the exitpage. The exit url also functions as an interview-level default value in place of the system-wide exitpage, which is used by the command() function and used on special pages that show buttons or choices that allows users to exit or leave.

If exit label is provided, the given text will be used in place of the word “Exit” on the “Exit” menu option.

If you set unlisted: True for an interview that has an entry in the dispatch list in your configuration, the interview will be exempted from display in the list of interviews available at /list. For more information about this, see the documentation for the dispatch configuration directive.

If you set hidden: True, then interview sessions for this interview will be omitted from the “My Interviews” listing of sessions. (They will still be deleted by the “Delete All” button, though.)

You can set tags to a list of one or more “tags” as a way of categorizing the interview.

  title: Write your will
    - estates
    - wills

The list of available interviews at /list and the list of interview sessions at /interviews make use of the metadata tags for filtering purposes. Note that the metadata of an interview are static, while the tags of a particular session of an interview are dynamic, and can be changed with session_tags().

If you set sessions are unique to True, then docassemble will resume an existing session for the user, if the user already has an existing session. This requires that the user be logged in, so the user will be redirected to the login screen if they try to access an interview for which sessions are unique is set to True. You can also set sessions are unique to a list of roles, in which case uniqueness will be enforced only if the user has one of the listed roles.

If you set temporary session to to True, then docassemble will delete any existing sessions that the user already has and start a new session.

If you set required privileges to a list of one or more privileges, then a user will only be able to use the interview if they have one of the given privileges. If anonymous is included as one of the required privileges, then users who are not logged in will be able to use the interview. However, note that anonymous is not actually a privilege in docassemble’s privilege management system; only logged-in users actually have privileges. If no required privileges are listed, then the default is that the interview can be used by anybody.

  title: Administrative interview
  short title: Admin
  description: |
    A management dashboard
  sessions are unique: True
  required privileges:
    - admin
    - developer
    - advocate

If there are multiple metadata blocks in the YAML of an interview that set required privileges, the required privileges settings of later metadata blocks will override the required privileges settings of earlier metadata blocks. Setting required privileges: [] will ensure that the interview can be used, notwithstanding the required privileges settings of any earlier metadata blocks.

The required privileges for listing metadata specifier is like required privileges, except it only controls whether the interview will be shown in the list of interviews available at /list. The required privileges metadata specifier also controls whether the interview will be listed. For more information about the /list page, see the documentation for the dispatch configuration directive.

The required privileges for initiating metadata specifier controls whether the user is allowed to initiate a new session. If you set required privileges for initiating: admin, then only users with the admin privilege will be able to start a new session by visiting the URL for the interview. You may want to use this if you use the API to initiate sessions and you want the API to be the exclusive means of initiating a new session. If you set required privileges for initiating: None, then not even the administrator will be able to initiate a session of the interview (except by using the API).

If you set require login to True, then a non-logged-in user will be denied access to the interview. However, if anonymous is one of the required privileges, a non-logged-in user will be able to access the interview regardless of this setting.

You can set an error action if you want your interview to do something substantive in the event that your interview encounters an error that it would otherwise show to the user.

A simple application of error action would be to replace the error screen with a question:

  error action: on_error
event: on_error
question: |
  Sorry, we have encountered an error.
  - Exit: exit
Screenshot of error-action example

When the interview encounters an error, the interview will run the action given by error action. In this case, error action is on_error, and calling this action shows a question to the user. If you would like to use the error message in the action, you can access it by calling action_argument('error_message'). The “How question came to be asked” explanation can be obtained by calling action_argument('error_history'). The result will be None if the server is not a development server, or if the history is unavailable for some reason. The error trace can be obtained by calling action_argument('error_trace').

An action can also run code that changes the interview logic. For example, an error action could skip through the remainder of the questions and present a final screen:

  error action: on_error
event: on_error
code: |
  healthy = False
mandatory: True
code: |
  if not healthy:
event: fail_safe
code: |
  if not defined('favorite_fruit'):
    favorite_fruit = '_________'
  if not defined('favorite_vegetable'):
    favorite_vegetable = '_________'
  if not defined('favorite_number'):
    favorite_number = '____'
Screenshot of error-action-2 example

If the attempt to run the error action also results in an error, the latter error is shown on the screen in the usual fashion.

See error help and verbose error messages for other ways to customize error messages.

The metadata block also accepts specifiers for default content to be inserted into various parts of the screen.

  title: Title
  short title: Short title
  subtitle: |
    This is the subtitle part.
  pre: |
    This is the pre part.
  submit: |
    This is the submit part.
  post: |
    This is the post part.
  under: |
    This is the under part.
  right: |
    This is the right part.
  exit link: leave
  exit label: |
    Exit label
  help label: |
    Help label
  help button color: warning
  continue button label: |
    Continue button label
  continue button color: success
  resume button label: |
    Resume button label
  resume button color: info
  back button label: |
    Back button label
  back button color: danger
  footer: |
    This is the footer part.
Screenshot of metadata-screen-parts example

You can provide different values for different languages by setting each directive to a dictionary in which the keys are languages and the values are content.

    "*": |
      This interview was sponsored in part by a grant from the Example Foundation.
    "es": |
      Esta entrevista fue patrocinada en parte por una beca de la Fundación Ejemplo.

In this example, the text indicated by "*" will be used as the post screen part with question blocks that have no language. The text indicated by "es" will will be used as the post screen part with question blocks that are modified with language: es.

For information about other ways to set defaults for different parts of the screens during interviews, see the screen parts section.

The metadata block also accepts the specifier error help. This is Markdown-formatted text that will be included on any error screen that appears to the user during the interview. You can also provide this text on a server-wide basis using the error help directive in the Configuration.

  error help: |
    We are sorry.
    An error has occurred.
    Please contact
    [the administrator](mailto:[email protected]).
Screenshot of error-help example

To support multiple languages, you can set error help to a dictionary where the keys are language codes and the values are the error text to be shown:

  error help:
    en: |
      We are sorry.
      An error has occurred.
      Please contact
      [the administrator](mailto:[email protected]).
    es: |
      Lo sentimos.
      Se ha producido un error.
      Por favor, póngase en contacto con
      [el administrador](mailto:[email protected]).
Screenshot of error-help-language example

This will not always be reliable, because an error might happen before the user’s language is known.

The metadata block also accepts the specifier show login, which can be true or false. This controls whether the user sees a “Sign in or sign up to save answers” link in the upper right-hand corner during the interview. If show login is not specified in the metadata, the Configuration directive show login determines whether this link is available.

  show login: False
Screenshot of show-login example

By default, all of the functions and classes of docassemble.base.util are imported into the namespace of a docassemble interview. If you want to load names manually using a modules block, you can set suppress loading util to True:

  suppress loading util: True

If suppress loading util is True, the only name that will be imported into your interview is process_action.

You can control the meta tags returned by an interview by setting social.

  title: Social meta tags
  short: Social
    description: |
      A demonstration of meta tags.
    image: court.png
      image: docassemble.demo:data/static/crown.png
      description: A one-page guided interview demonstrating meta tags.
      title: Social meta tag demo
      site: "@docassemble"
      description: |
        An interview that demonstrates meta tags.
      "image:alt": Docassemble logo
Screenshot of social example

This results in the following HTML inside of the <head> tag:

<meta name="image" content="">
<meta name="description" content="A demonstration of meta tags.">
<meta itemprop="description" content="A demonstration of meta tags.">
<meta itemprop="image" content="">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Social meta tags">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Social meta tag demo">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@docassemble">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="An interview that demonstrates meta tags.">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Docassemble logo">
<meta name="og:image" content="">
<meta name="og:description" content="A one-page guided interview demonstrating meta tags.">
<meta name="og:title" content="Social meta tags">
<meta name="og:url" content="">
<meta name="og:site_name" content="docassemble">
<meta name="og:locale" content="en_US">
<meta name="og:type" content="website">

In this example, the docassemble server is, the version of the docassemble.demo package is 1.1.5, the brandname of the server is docassemble, and the locale of the server is en_US.utf8.

The image references are special because if you set them to a reference to a static file, they will be replaced with a full URL to that file. Alternatively, you can provide a full URL. The example contains references to a file within the same package (court.png), a file in a different package (docassemble.demo:data/static/crown.png), and an external URL (

Note that the itemprop="name", twitter: title, and og:title are all set to the title of the page. This can be overridden by setting the top-level name, title under twitter, and title under og.

By default, twitter:card is set to summary, og:url is set to the URL for the interview, og:site_name is set to the value of brandname, og:locale is determined from the locale, and og:type is set to website. These defaults can be specifically overridden.

Server-wide default values for meta tags can be set using the social Configuration directive.

Note that by default, the docassemble server disallows web crawling by returning a restrictive /robots.txt file. That means that as a practical matter, sites will not be able to consume your meta tags. The /robots.txt file can be customized using the allow robots directive so that your meta tags are accessible.

If you look at example interviews that are used in the documentation, you will see example start and example end in the metadata. These indicate the YAML blocks that should be excerpted and included in the documentation. There is a script in the GitHub repository called, which calls, which scans the YAML files in a directory and outputs YAML containing the excerpts, which is then processed by the Jekyll documentation site that is hosted on GitHub Pages.

If you are using the translation files system for translating an interview into multiple languages, you should specify a default language in the metadata. If you wrote the question blocks in English and your translation files translate questions from English into other languages, set default language: en in the metadata. The default language block will override the default language in the metadata, and the language modifier will override the default language block. If you don’t specify a default language in the metadata, docassemble will assume the default language is the language indicated by the language directive in the Configuration. Setting a default language in the metadata ensures that your interview can be installed on a server that uses a different system-wide default language.

It is important to put your metadata directive at the top of your interview YAML (i.e. before question blocks and include directives). The default language in the metadata is only effective for blocks that follow the metadata directive. This means that another default language directive can change the default language of your interview. For example, if your interview starts out with a metadata block that sets the default language to de, but then you have an include block that brings in a YAML file containing a metadata block that sets the default language to es, then all blocks processed afterward will be considered to be written in Spanish (assuming no default language block or language modifier is used). Although this may be what you want, in general, the best way to indicate the default language of a YAML file is the default language block, rather than metadata; the purpose of the metadata is to specify an interview-wide default.

If you have more than one e-mail configuration under mail, you can specify an email config to use in the interview.

  email config: abc

This will affect the functioning of the attachment block’s e-mail feature, as well as the send_email() function.

Effect of multiple metadata blocks

An interview can contain multiple metadata blocks. Values in later blocks override earlier blocks. The values over later metadata blocks are effectively superimposed on top of earlier metadata blocks.

If you write YAML files to be included into other interviews, it is a best practice not to include metadata in YAML files that will be included into other interviews.

Creating objects

  - spouse: Individual
  - Case

An objects block creates objects that may be referenced in your interview. See objects for more information about objects in docassemble.

If your interview references the variable spouse, docassemble will find the above objects block and process it. It will define spouse as an instance of the object class Individual and define as an instance of the object class Case.

The use of objects in docassemble interviews is highly encouraged. However, the objects you use as variables need to inherit from the class DAObject. Otherwise, docassemble might not be able to find the appopriate code blocks or questions necessary to define them. This is because of the way docassemble keeps track of the names of variables.

A code block like this would effectively do the same thing as the objects block above:

code: |
  spouse = Individual('spouse')
  user.initializeAttribute('case', Case)

This code is more complicated than normal Python code for object initialization because the full name of the variable needs to be supplied to the function that creates and initializes the object. The base class DAObject keeps track of variable names.

In some situations, running spouse = Individual() will correctly detect the variable name spouse, but in other situations, the name cannot be detected. Running spouse = Individual('spouse') will always set the name correctly.

Whenever possible, you should use objects blocks rather than code to initialize your objects because objects blocks are clean and readable.

You can also use objects blocks to initialize attributes of the objects you create. For information on how to do this, see the documentation for the using() method.

Importing objects from file

objects from file:
  - claims: claim_list.yml

An objects from file block imports objects or other data elements that you define in a separate YAML or JSON data file located in the sources folder of the current package. If the interview file containing the objects from file block is data/questions/manage_claims.yml, docassemble will expect the data file to be located at data/sources/claim_list.yml.

For more information about how this works, and about how to format the data file, see the documentation for the objects_from_file() function. The example above is equivalent to running claims = objects_from_file('claim_list.yml', name='claims').

If you set use objects to True, then the use_objects keyword parameter of the objects_from_file() function will be used.

use objects: True
objects from file:
  - claims: claim_list.yml

This is equivalent to running claims = objects_from_file('claim_list.yml', name='claims', use_objects=True).

Incorporation by reference: include

  - basic-questions.yml
  - docassemble.helloworld:questions.yml

The include block incorporates the questions in another YAML file, almost as if the contents of the other YAML file appeared in place of the include block. When the included file is parsed, files referenced within it will be assumed to be located in the included file’s package.

When a filename is provided without a package name, docassemble will look first in the data/questions directory of the current package (i.e., the package within which the YAML file being read is located), and then in the data/questions directory of docassemble.base.

You can include question files from other packages by explicitly referring to their package names. E.g., docassemble.helloworld:questions.yml refers to the file questions.yml in the docassemble/helloworld/data/questions directory of that package.

The include block is a special type of block that is only evaluated when the YAML is initially compiled. Modifiers like if and mandatory have no effect on the include block. It is not possible to conditionally include a YAML file because include is a “compile-time” block, not a “runtime” block. If you want the blocks inside of the included YAML file to be conditionally applicable, you need to use if or mandatory modifiers on those blocks.

See the section on combining multiple interviews into one for strategies about how to use include effectively.


With attribution: image sets

image sets:
    attribution: |
      Icon made by [Freepik](
      baby: crawling.svg
      people: users6.svg
      injury: accident3.svg

An image sets block defines the names of icons that you can use to decorate your questions.

The file names refer to files located in the data/static directory of the package in which the YAML file is located.

Since most free icons available on the internet require attribution, the image sets block allows you to specify what attribution text to use for particular icons. The web app shows the appropriate attribution text at the bottom of any page that uses one of the icons. The example above is for a collection of icons obtained from the web site Freepik, which offers free icons under an attribution-only license.

The image sets block must be in the form of a YAML dictionary, where the names are the names of collections of icons. The collection itself is also a dictionary containing terms images and (optionally) an attribution. The images collection is a dictionary that assigns names to icon files, so that you can refer to icons by a name of your choosing rather than by the name of the image file.

For information on how to use the icons you have defined in an image sets block, see decoration in the question modifiers section, buttons in the setting variables section, and “Inserting inline icons” in the markup section.

Without attribution: images

  bills: money146.svg
  children: children2.svg

An images block is just like an image sets block, except that it does not set any attribution information. It is simpler because you do not need to give a name to a “set” of images.

The above images block is essentially equivalent to writing:

image sets:
      bills: money146.svg
      children: children2.svg

Python modules

Importing the module itself: imports

  - datetime
  - us

imports loads a Python module name into the namespace in which your code and question templates are evaluated. The example above is equivalent to running the following Python code:

import datetime
import us

Note that using third-party modules in code blocks could potentially lead to errors relating to the Python pickle module. Variables that are defined in your interview YAML are part of the “interview answers” that persist in the database. Most objects that are created by third-party Python modules are meant to live in the memory of a Python process and are not amenable to being “serialized” by pickle or any other mechanism.

The “interview answers” are a Python dict. This dict is the context in which Python in your YAML is executed or evaluated. This dict is also stored to the SQL database using pickle after each screen in the interview process.

Before pickling this dictionary, docassemble removes any top-level names that refer to modules, functions, and classes, because these variables cannot be pickled. Whenever the screen loads, docassemble restores the dictionary from SQL and then imports names from docassemble.base.util, loads the names of any modules listed in imports blocks, and imports names from the modules listed in modules blocks.

Importing all names in a module: modules

  - datetime

Like imports, modules loads Python modules into the namespace in which your code and question templates are evaluated, except that it imports all of the names that the module exports. The example above is equivalent to running the following Python code:

from datetime import *

If you have a module file in the same package as the YAML file, you can import the names from the module file using Python’s syntax for a relative module reference:

  - .utils

Note that if you use modules to import names from a module of your own, you should make sure to define __all__ in the module to limit which names are imported.

While a modules block can import names of functions, classes, and modules, you should not use modules to import other types of variables. If a name brought in by modules does not refer to a function, class, or module, you will get an error if the name refers to an object that is not pickleable. Even if the object is pickleable, it is not a good idea to bring it into the interview answers, because that would be like doing:

foo = 3
from somemodule import foo

If you have a module that contains constants, it would be better to bring in the name of the module and access constants from the module name:

  - somemodule
code: |
  bar = * 42

Storing structured data in a variable

The data block allows you to specify a data structure in YAML in a block and have it available as a Python data structure.

For example, in this interview we create a Python list and then re-use it in two questions to offer a multiple-choice list.

variable name: fruits
  - Apple
  - Orange
  - Peach
  - Pear
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
field: user_favorite_fruit
  code: fruits
Screenshot of data-simple example

In Python, the variable fruits is this:

['Apple', 'Orange', 'Peach', 'Pear']

You can also use the data block to create more complex data structures. You can also use Mako in the data structure.

variable name: fruits
    description: |
      The apple is a tasty red fruit.

      Everyone on ${ planet } loves
      to eat apples.
    seeds: 5
    description: |
      The orange is, surprisingly,
      orange-colored.  Most people
      on ${ planet } dislike
      eating oranges.
    seeds: 10
    description: |
      The peach is a fragile fruit.

      There are 165,323 peach
      orchards on ${ planet }.
    seeds: 1
    description: |
      The pear is variously yellow,
      green, or brown.

      The planet ${ planet } is
      shaped like a pear.
    seeds: 0
question: |
  On what planet were you born?
  Planet: planet
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
field: user_favorite_fruit
  code: fruits.keys()
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of ${ user_favorite_fruit }
subquestion: |
  ${ fruits[user_favorite_fruit]['description'] }

  The ${ user_favorite_fruit } has
  ${ nice_number(fruits[user_favorite_fruit]['seeds']) }
Screenshot of data example

data blocks do not work the same way as template blocks. The Mako templating in a data block is evaluated at the time the variable indicted by variable name is defined. The text stored in the data structure is the result of processing the Mako templating. The Mako templating is not re-evaluated automatically each time a question is shown.

You can also import data from YAML files using the objects_from_file() function.

Structured data in object form

If you set use objects: True in a data block, then lists in your YAML will become DALists in the resulting data structure, and dictionaries in your YAML will become DADicts. The .gathered attribute of these objects will be set to True.

In addition, when use objects: True is enabled, any dictionaries in the data structure will be transformed into a DAContext object if the keys of the dictionary are a subset of question, document, docx, pdf, and pandoc that has at least two elements.

This is a useful shorthand for creating DAContext objects. For example:

variable name: fruits
use objects: True
  - question: Apple
    document: red fruit
  - question: Orange
    document: fruit that rhymes with nothing
  - question: Peach
    document: juicy fruit
    docx: peachy peach
    pandoc: very juicy fruit
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
    datatype: object
    choices: fruits
Screenshot of context example

If you set use objects: objects, then the data structure under data will be evaluated as though it were a file imported by the objects_from_file() function.

variable name: people
use objects: objects
  object: Individual
  module: docassemble.base.util
    - name:
        object: IndividualName
          first: Fred
          last: Smith
      email: [email protected]
        - peanuts
        - subway tokens
        - guessing pennies
    - name:
        object: IndividualName
          first: Larry
          last: Jones
      email: [email protected]
      allergies: []
        - stapling
        - making ${ 'coffee' }
mandatory: True
question: |
subquestion: |
  % for item in people:
  ${ item } is at ${ } and is good at ${ item.skills }
  but has trouble with ${ item.allergies }.
  % endfor
Screenshot of data-objects example

By default, if objects created with use objects: True or use objects: objects contain DAList or DADict objects, these objects will have their .gathered attributes set to True. If you want to leave .gathered undefined, set gathered: False. In the following interview, gathered: False is set so that the user can be asked to fill in missing items.

variable name: people
use objects: objects
gathered: False
  object: Individual
  module: docassemble.base.util
    - name:
        object: IndividualName
          first: Fred
          last: Smith
      email: [email protected]
        - peanuts
        - subway tokens
        - guessing pennies
    - name:
        object: IndividualName
          first: Larry
          last: Jones
      email: [email protected]
      allergies: []
        - stapling
        - making ${ 'coffee' }
Screenshot of data-objects-gathered example

Storing structured data in a variable using code

The data from code block works just like the data block, except that Python code is used instead of text or Mako markup.

variable name: fruits
data from code:
    description: |
      ', '.join(['red', 'shiny', 'for teachers'])
    seeds: 10/2
    description: |
      capitalize('round') + " and orange"
    seeds: seeds_in_orange
    description: peach_description
    seeds: 10**6
    description: |
      "Like an apple, but not like an apple."
    seeds: 0
question: |
  How many seeds in an orange?
  - no label: seeds_in_orange
    datatype: range
    min: 0
    max: 100
question: |
  How would you describe a peach?
  - no label: peach_description
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
field: user_favorite_fruit
  code: fruits.keys()
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of ${ user_favorite_fruit }
subquestion: |
  ${ fruits[user_favorite_fruit]['description'] }

  The ${ user_favorite_fruit } has
  ${ nice_number(fruits[user_favorite_fruit]['seeds']) }
Screenshot of data-code example

Structured data from code in object form

The use objects modifier can also be used with data from code.

variable name: fruits
use objects: True
data from code:
  - question: |
    document: |
      "red fruit"
  - question: |
    document: |
      "fruit that rhymes " + "with nothing"
  - question: |
    document: |
      "juicy fruit"
    docx: |
      "peachy peach"
    pandoc: |
      "very juicy " + "fruit"
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
    datatype: object
    choices: fruits
Screenshot of context-code example

The data from code block also supports use objects: objects.

variable name: the_object
use objects: objects
data from code:
  object: Thing
  module: docassemble.base.util
      object: Name
      module: docassemble.base.util
        text: |
    size: |
      4 * unit_size
mandatory: True
question: |
  The object is ${ the_object } and its size is
  ${ the_object.size }.
Screenshot of data-code-objects example

The gathered: False modifier is also supported when use objects is set to True or set to objects.

Keeping variables fresh: reset

The reset block will cause variables to be undefined every time a screen loads.

This can be helpful in a situation where a variable is set by a code block and the value of the variable ought to be considered afresh based on the user’s latest input.

  - client_is_guilty
  - opposing_party_is_guilty

Effectively, this causes variables to act like functions.

Another way to use this feature is to set the reconsider modifier on a code block. This will have the same effect as reset, but it will apply automatically to all of the variables that are capable of being assigned by the code block.

The reset block and the reconsider modifier are computationally inefficient because they cause extra code to be run every time a new screen loads. For a more computationally efficient alternative, see the reconsider() function

Running code when a variable changes: on change

If you allow users to go back and change their answers, you may find situations where using depends on is not sufficient to invalidate variables that depend on a variable that has been altered.

In this situation, you can write a block of Python code in an on change block that will be executed when a variable is changed.

on change:
  married: |
    for item in income.complete_elements():
question: |
  Are you married?
yesno: married
question: |
  % if married:
  What is the ${ ordinal(i) } income item
  that you and your spouse earn?
  % else:
  What is your ${ ordinal(i) } income source?
  % endif
  - Name: income[i].name.text
  - Amount per year: income[i].amount
    datatype: currency
Screenshot of on-change example

If the user finishes this interview and then changes his mind about whether he is married (indicated by the variable married), this will invalidate the answers to the questions about income. If he had said at the outset that he was married, the questions would have asked about the income of both himself and his spouse.

Tagging the income[i].amount question with depends on: married would not work because in the context of a change to married, the variable i is not defined.

The on change block states explicitly what should be done if the variable married changes: the .amount attributes should be invalidated and the income list should be reopened for gathering. Calling income.reset_gathered() with mark_incomplete=True will undefine the .complete attributes on each of the income items. This is important because otherwise the existing items would still be considered “complete,” and thus the .amount attributes would not be re-defined by the interview logic.

The on change specifier needs to point to a YAML dictionary in which the keys are variable names and the values are Python code that will be run when the given variable changes value.

The on change code is run not only when the variable is changed, but when the variable is initialized. This is in contrast to depends on, which does not invalidate dependent variables when a variable is initialized, but only when it is changed.

It is important that you write on change code so that it will always run to completion without encountering any undefined variables. This code runs during a different part of the screen loading process than other code. on change code runs before modules and imports blocks have loaded (although the standard docassemble functions from docassemble.base.util, such as undefine() and invalidate(), are available). If you need to refer to names from custom modules, bring them into the namespace manually with a line like from docassemble.missouri import MyObject.

You can have more than one on change block in your interview. If more than one block refers to the same variable, all of the code blocks will be run. The code blocks will be run in the order in which the blocks appear in the YAML file.

Changing order of precedence

As explained in how docassemble finds questions for variables, if there is more than one question or code block that offers to define a particular variable, blocks that are later in the YAML file will be tried first.

If you would like to specify the order of precedence of blocks in a more explicit way, so that you can order the blocks in the YAML file in whatever way you want, you can tag two or more blocks with ids and insert an order block indicating the order of precedence of the blocks.

For example, suppose you have an interview with two blocks that could define the variable favorite_fruit. Normally, docassemble will try the the second block first because it appears later in the YAML file; the second block will “override” the first.

question: |
  What the heck is your favorite fruit?
  Fruit: favorite_fruit
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  Fruit: favorite_fruit
mandatory: True
question: |
  Your favorite fruit is
  ${ favorite_fruit }.
Screenshot of supersede-regular example

However, if you actually want the first block to be tried first, you can manually specify the order in which the blocks will be tried:

  - informal favorite fruit question
  - regular favorite fruit question
id: informal favorite fruit question
question: |
  What the heck is your favorite fruit?
  Fruit: favorite_fruit
id: regular favorite fruit question
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  Fruit: favorite_fruit
mandatory: True
question: |
  Your favorite fruit is
  ${ favorite_fruit }.
Screenshot of supersede-order example

Another way to override the order in which blocks will be tried is by using the id and supersedes question modifiers.

Vocabulary terms and auto terms

Sometimes you will use vocabulary terms that the user may or may not know. Instead of interrupting the flow of your questions to define every term, you can define certain vocabulary words, and docassemble will turn them into hyperlinks wherever they appear in curly brackets. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, a popup appears with the word’s definition.

  creeper: |
    A tall green creature that explodes if
    you get too close.
  zombie pigman: |
    A harmless creature who carries a gold
question: Have you ever met a {creeper}?
subquestion: |
  If you have met a {zombie pigman}, you
  have almost certainly met a creeper.
yesno: met_a_creeper
Screenshot of terms example

If you want the terms to be highlighted every time they are used, whether in curly brackets or not, use auto terms.

auto terms:
  creeper: |
    A tall green creature that explodes if
    you get too close.
  zombie pigman: |
    A harmless creature who carries a gold
question: Have you ever met a creeper?
subquestion: |
  If you have met a zombie pigman, you
  have almost certainly met a creeper.
yesno: met_a_creeper
Screenshot of auto-terms example

Using auto terms can lead to ambiguities, so it is generally better to use terms if you can. If you have two terms, green apple and apple, then auto terms will try to make a term within a term, which will lead to unpredictable behavior.

If you want to refer to a term but you want the text of the hyperlink to be different from the name of the term, you can use the pipe character | and write the alternate text after the |.

question: Have you ever met a {creeper}?
subquestion: |
  If you have met a
  {zombie pigman|zombified pigman}, you
  have almost certainly met a creeper.
yesno: met_a_creeper
Screenshot of terms-alternate example

Alternatively, in your definition of the terms, you can specify that multiple phrases should be associated with a single definition. You write your terms as a list of dictionaries, and if a dictionary has two keys, phrases and definition, where phrases refers to a list of terms and definition refers to a definition, that definition will be used for each of the phrases:

  - phrases:
      - charged creeper
      - creeper
    definition: |
      A tall green creature that explodes if
      you get too close.
  - zombie pigman: |
      A harmless creature who carries a gold

You can also use terms and auto terms as question modifiers, in which case the terms will apply only to the question, not to the interview as a whole. When you use terms and auto terms as initial blocks, you cannot use Mako templating in the definitions, but when you use them as question modifiers, you can use Mako templating.

If you want to define terms using Python code, you can use the update_terms() function.

The template block

The word “template” has a number of different meanings. If you are interested in how to insert variables into the text of your questions or documents using the Mako templating syntax, see markup. If you are interested in document assembly based on forms or document templates, see the Documents section.

A template block allows you to assign text to a variable and then re-use the text by referring to a variable.

template: disclaimer
content: |
  The opinions expressed herein do not
  *necessarily* reflect the views
  of ${ company }.
field: intro_screen
question: Welcome to the interview!
subquestion: |
  Greetings.  We hope you learn something
  from this guided interview.

  ${ disclaimer }

  To get started, press **Continue**.
Screenshot of template example

The content of a template may contain Mako and Markdown.

The name after template: is a variable name that you can refer to elsewhere. The variable gets defined as a special type of object known as a DALazyTemplate.

The template block, like question and code blocks, offers to define a variable. So when docassemble needs to know the definition of disclaimer and finds that disclaimer is not defined, it will look for a question, code, or template block that offers to define disclaimer. If it finds the template block above, it will define the disclaimer variable.

Optionally, a template can have a subject:

template: disclaimer
subject: |
  Please be advised
content: |
  The opinions expressed herein do not
  *necessarily* reflect the views
  of ${ company }.
field: intro_screen
question: Welcome to the interview!
subquestion: |
  Greetings.  We hope you learn something
  from this guided interview.

  To get started, press **Continue**.
under: |
  ### ${ disclaimer.subject }

  ${ disclaimer.content }
Screenshot of template-subject example

You can refer to the two parts of the template by writing, e.g., disclaimer.subject and disclaimer.content.

Note that writing ${ disclaimer } has the same effect as writing ${ disclaimer.content }. You can also write ${ } (for interchangability with images).

To convert the subject and the content to HTML, you can write disclaimer.subject_as_html() and disclaimer.content_as_html(). These methods take the optional keyword argument trim. If True, the resulting HTML will not be in a <p> element. (The default is False.)

template objects are also useful for defining the content of e-mails. See send_email() for more information on using templates with e-mails.

You might prefer to write text in Markdown files, rather than in Markdown embedded within YAML. To facilitate this, docassemble allows you to create a template that references a separate Markdown file.

template: disclaimer
content file:
field: intro_screen
question: Welcome to the interview!
subquestion: |
  Greetings.  We hope you learn something
  from this guided interview.

  ${ disclaimer }

  To get started, press **Continue**.
Screenshot of template-file example

The file is a simple Markdown file containing the disclaimer from the previous example.

The content file is assumed to refer to a file in the “templates” folder of the same package as the interview source, unless a specific package name is indicated. (e.g., content file: docassemble.demo:data/templates/

In the example above, the sample interview is in the file docassemble.base:data/questions/examples/template-file.yml, while the Markdown file is located at docassemble.base:data/templates/

If the content file specifier refers to a dictionary in which the only key is code, the code will be evaluated as Python code, and the result will be used as the file.

code: |
  template_file_to_use = ''
template: disclaimer
content file:
  code: template_file_to_use
field: intro_screen
question: Welcome to the interview!
subquestion: |
  Greetings.  We hope you learn something
  from this guided interview.

  ${ disclaimer }

  To get started, press **Continue**.
Screenshot of template-file-code example

In this example, the code evaluated to the name of a file in the templates folder. The code may also evaluate to a URL, DAFile, DAFileList, DAFileCollection, or DAStaticFile.

For more information about this use of templates, see the section on Inserting multi-line or formatted text into a single field in a DOCX file.

The table block

The table works in much the same way as a template, except its content is a table that will be formatted appropriately whether it is included in a question or in a document.

This block should be used when each row of your table represents an item in a group; that is, you do not know how many rows the table will contain, because the information is in a list, dictionary, or set. If you just want to format some text in a table format, see the documentation about tables in the markup section.

In the following example, the variable fruit is a DAList of objects of type Thing, each of which represents a fruit. Each row in the resulting table will describe one of the fruits.

  - fruit: DAList
mandatory: true
code: |
  fruit.object_type = Thing
mandatory: True
question: |
  Information about fruit
subquestion: |
  Here is a fruity summary.

  ${ fruit_table }
table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name:
  - Seeds: row_item.seeds
Screenshot of table example

The table: fruit_table line indicates the name of the variable that will hold the template for table. The question block includes the table simply by referring to the variable fruit_table.

The rows: fruit line indicates the variable containing the group of items that represent rows in the table. The fruit variable is a DAList that gets populated during the interview.

Next, columns describes the header of each column and what should be printed in each cell under that header. Like a fields list within a question, columns must contain a YAML list where each item is a key/value pair (a one-item dictionary) where the key is the header of the column and the value is a Python expression representing the contents of the cell for that column, for a given row.

In the example above, the header of the first column is “Fruit Name” and the Python expression that produces the name of the fruit is

There are two special variables available to these Python expressions:

  • row_item: this is the item in the group corresponding to the current row.
  • row_index: this is 0 for the first row, 1 for the second row, 2 for the third row, etc.

You can pretend that the Python expressions are evaluated in a context like this:

row_index = 0
for row_item in fruit:
  # evaluation takes place here
  row_index = row_index + 1

In this example, the first column will show name of the fruit ( and the second column will show the number of seeds (row_item.seeds).

The header of each column is plain text (not a Python expression). The header can include Mako and Markdown.

If you have a complicated header, you can use the special keys header and cell to describe the header and the cell separately. (This is similar to using label and field within a fields list.)

code: |
  thing = "Fruit"
table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - header: |
      ${ thing } Name
    cell: |
  - header: |
      Number of Seeds
    cell: |
Screenshot of table-alt example

You can use Python to create cells with content that is computed from the items of a group.

table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: |
  - Number of Seeds: |
      row_item.seeds * 2
Screenshot of table-python example

The above example prints the name of the fruit as a plural noun, and inflates the number of seeds.

Remember that the Python code here is an expression, not a block of code. If you want to use if/then/else logic in a cell, you will need to use Python’s one-line form of if/then/else:

table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: |
  - Number of Seeds: |
      "too many" if row_item.seeds > 20 else row_item.seeds
Screenshot of table-if-then example

When fruit_table is inserted into the question, the result will be a Markdown-formatted table.


question: |
  Information about fruit
subquestion: |
  Here is a fruity summary.

  ${ fruit_table }

will have the effect of this:

question: |
  Information about fruit
subquestion: |
  Here is a fruity summary.

  Fruit Name |Number of Seeds
  Apples     |4
  Oranges    |3
  Pears      |6

For more information about Markdown-formatted tables, see the documentation about tables in the markup section.

Instead of using a table block, you could construct your own Markdown tables manually using a Mako “for” loop. For example:

mandatory: True
question: |
  Information about fruit
subquestion: |
  Here is a fruity summary.

  Fruit Name     |Number of Seeds
  % for item in fruit:
  ${ } | ${ item.seeds }
  % endfor
Screenshot of table-mako example

The advantages of using the table block are:

  • The table block describes the content of a table in a conceptual rather than visual way. In Markdown, simple tables look simple, but complicated tables can look messy. The table block allows you to map out your ideas in outline form rather than squeezing everything into a single line that has a lot of punctuation marks.
  • The table block will attempt to set the relative table widths in a sensible way based on the actual contents of the table. If you create your own tables in Markdown, and the text in any cell wraps, the relative table widths of the columns will be decided based on the relative widths of the cells in the divider row (----|---------). You might not know in advance what the relative sizes of the text will be in each column.

The table block acts like a template block in that the variable it sets will be a docassemble object. The .content attribute will be set to the text of the table in Markdown format.

If the variable indicated by rows is empty, the table will display with only the headers. To suppress this, you can add show if empty: False to the table block. The resulting .content will be the empty string, "".

table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name:
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
show if empty: False
Screenshot of table-empty example

If you would like a message to display in place of the table in the event that there are no rows to display, you can set show if empty to this message. Mako and Markdown can be used. The message will become the .content of the resulting object.

table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name:
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
show if empty: |
  I'm very sorry, but there are no fruits
  to display today.
Screenshot of table-empty-message example

If you include a table in the content of an attachment, you might find that the table is too wide, or not wide enough. Pandoc breaks lines, determines the relative width of columns, and determines the final width of a table based on the characters in the divider row (----|---------).

By default, docassemble will construct a divider row that is no longer than 65 characters. This should work for standard applications (12 point font, letter size paper).

You can change the number of characters from 65 to something else by setting value of table width in a features block.

  table width: 35
table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name:
  - Seeds: row_item.seeds
Screenshot of table-width example

You can also use table blocks with DADict objects:

scan for variables: False
mandatory: True
code: |
  income['employment'].receives = True
  income['employment'].amount = 237
  income['benefits'].receives = False
  income['interest'].receives = True
  income['interest'].amount = 23
table: income.table
rows: income
  - Type: |
  - Receives: |
      'Yes' if row_item.receives else 'No'
  - Amount: |
      currency(row_item.amount) if row_item.receives else ''
mandatory: True
question: |
  Summary of income
subquestion: |
  ${ income.table }
Screenshot of table-dict example

When rows refers to a DADict, then in the columns, row_index represents the “key” and row_item represents the “value” of each item in the dictionary.

By default, the display of a table will require that the table is gathered. If you want to display a table with the items in a group that have been completely gathered so far, you can set require gathered: False in the table definition.

table: fruit.table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: row_item
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
  - Last eaten: row_item.last_eaten
require gathered: False
  - name.text
  - last_eaten
Screenshot of table-require-gathered example

When displaying a table using require gathered: False, an item will not be shown unless it has been completely gathered. If you want to show unfinished items, set show incomplete: True.

table: fruit.table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: row_item
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
  - Last eaten: row_item.last_eaten
show incomplete: True
show if empty: You do not have any fruit.
  - name.text
  - last_eaten
Screenshot of table-show-incomplete example

By default, a column for which information is not known will be displayed as “n/a.” You can customize this by setting not available label. In this example, the label is set to a blank value:

table: fruit.table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: row_item
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
  - Last eaten: row_item.last_eaten
show incomplete: True
show if empty: You do not have any fruit.
not available label: ""
  - name.text
  - last_eaten
Screenshot of table-not-available-label example

Exporting tables to Excel and other formats

You can call the export() method on a table to get a DAFile representation of the table.

For example, this interview provides a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file representation of a table:

  - fruit: DAList
mandatory: true
code: |
  fruit.object_type = Thing
mandatory: True
question: |
  Information about fruit
subquestion: |
  Here is a fruity summary.

  ${ fruit_table }

  You can also [download this information].

  [download this information]: ${ fruit_table.export('fruit.xlsx', title='fruit').url_for() }
table: fruit_table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name:
  - Seeds: row_item.seeds
  - Last eaten: row_item.last_eaten
Screenshot of table-export example

This function uses the pandas module to export to various formats.

The export() method takes a filename, which is parsed to determine the file format you want to use. This can also be provided as the filename keyword parameter. If you omit the filename, you can indicate the file format using the file_format keyword parameter. The default file format is 'xlsx'. The valid file formats include csv, xlsx, and json.

The title keyword parameter indicates the name of the data set. This is used as the name of the Microsoft Excel sheet.

When the xlsx format is used, you can set the freeze_panes keyword parameter to False to turn off the Microsoft Excel “freeze panes” feature.

Here are some examples of usage:

  • fruit_table.export('fruit.xlsx'): returns a Microsoft Excel file called fruit.xlsx.
  • fruit_table.export('fruit.xlsx', title='Fruits'): returns a Microsoft Excel file called fruit.xlsx where the sheet is named “Fruits”.
  • fruit_table.export('fruit.xlsx', title='Fruits', freeze_panes=False): returns a Microsoft Excel file called fruit.xlsx where the sheet is named “Fruits” and the “freeze panes” feature is turned off.
  • fruit_table.export('fruit.csv'): returns a comma-separated values file called fruit.csv.
  • fruit_table.export(file_format='csv'): returns a comma-separated values file called file.csv.
  • fruit_table.export(): returns a Microsoft Excel file called file.xlsx.

The optional keyword parameter output_to can be used to specify a DAFile to which the output of .export() should be written. If omitted, DAFile with a random instance name will be returned.

Converting tables to a pandas dataframe

If you want to work with your table as a pandas dataframe, you can call fruit_table.as_df() to obtain the information for the table as a pandas dataframe object. However, note that objects from the pandas package cannot necessarily be “pickled” by Python, so it is best if you call this method from functions in Python modules, or in such a way that the results do not get saved to variables in the interview.

Using tables to edit groups

You can use a table to provide the user with an interface for editing an already-gathered DAList or DADict.

mandatory: True
question: |
  All done
subquestion: |
  The people are ${ person }.

  Your favorite is ${ favorite }.
  ${ person.table }
  ${ person.add_action() }
table: person.table
rows: person
  - Name: |
  - Fruit: |
  - name.first
  - favorite_fruit
Screenshot of edit-list example

For more information about this feature, see the section on editing an already-gathered list in the section on groups.

Sorting and filtering items in a table

If you have a DAList or a DADict and you want to display a table of some of the items, or display the items sorted in a different way, you can specify sort key and filter options.

In a table definition where rows refers to a DAList, sort key refers to a function that takes a single parameter as input, namely an item in the list, and returns a value that should be used for sorting the list. When Python sorts the list, it will call this function on each item in the list. The sort key is passed to the key parameter of the Python sorted function.

Any function name can be used. For example, writing sort key: str will use the str() function to convert each item in the list to text, and then alphabetize the rows based on that textual representation of each item.

In most cases, though, you will want to write a lambda function. For example:

table: fruit.table
rows: fruit
  - Fruit Name: row_item
  - Number of Seeds: row_item.seeds
  - Last Eaten: row_item.last_eaten
sort key: |
  lambda y: y.last_eaten
sort reverse: True
filter: |
  row_item.seeds > 0
show if empty: |
  You have never eaten any fruit.
  - name.text
  - last_eaten
Screenshot of table-sort example

This example uses

sort key: |
  lambda y: y.last_eaten

The last_eaten attribute is defined by a datatype: date field, so the rows will be presented to the user in date order.

A lambda function is just like a Python function, except it doesn’t have a name. Equivalently, you could load a .py module file that defines the following function:

def get_last_eaten(y):
    return y.last_eaten

and then you could write sort key: get_last_eaten. However, it is easier to just write lambda y: y.last_eaten.

Note that the use of the variable name y is arbitrary. You could use any variable name you want (as long as it isn’t a reserved Python keyword).

In a table definition, sort reverse indicates whether the rows will be sorted in reverse order. In the above example, sort reverse: True is used, which means the table will present the items in reverse chronological order. sort reverse can refer to True, False, or any Python expression. If sort reverse is omitted or it evaluates to a false value, the rows are sorted in forward order.

If you want the table to present a filtered list of the items, you can set filter to a Python expression that should be evaluated to determine if the item should be included or not. In the above example, the expression is row_item.seeds > 0. That means that the table will omit any items in the fruit list where the seeds attribute is zero. Like an item in the columns, the filter expression uses the special variables row_item and row_index. The expression is evaluated for each item in the list, and if the expression evaluates to a true value, the item is included in the table.

If your table is editable, it is important to perform sorting and filtering using sort key, sort reverse, and filter, rather than by passing an expression to rows that returns an altered version of the underlying list. If you give rows an altered version of a DAList object, some of the editing features might not work correctly.

Note that these sorting and filtering features do not alter the underlying DAList in any way; they only affect the way the table representation is displayed.

Sorting and filtering dictionaries

The sort key, sort reverse, and filter features also work if the rows refers to a DADict object. The main difference is that the sort key function is given a Python tuple with two items, the dictionary key and the dictionary value. If you want to sort on the key of a dictionary item, access the first item; if you want to sort on the value of a dictionary item, access the second item.

table: income.table
rows: income
  - Type: |
  - Receives: |
      'Yes' if row_item.receives else 'No'
  - Amount: |
      currency(row_item.amount) if row_item.receives else ''
sort key: |
  lambda y: y[1].amount if y[1].receives else 0.0
filter: |
  row_item.receives is False or row_item.amount < 100
  - receives
delete buttons: False
Screenshot of table-sort-dict example

In this example, the sort key expression is:

lambda y: y[1].amount if y[1].receives else 0.0

Here, y[1] refers to the value of the dictionary item (a DAObject). The income items that are not received are listed as though their amount was zero, and then the other items are listed in amount order.

Defining the sections for the navigation bar

You can use the navigation bar feature or the nav.show_sections() function to show your users the “sections” of the interview and what the current section of the interview is.

Here is a complete example.

  - Introduction
  - About you:
    - Contact info
    - Demographics
  - Preferences
  - Conclusion
  navigation: True
  progress bar: True
mandatory: True
code: |
  menu_items = [ action_menu_item('Roadmap', 'road_map') ]
initial: True
code: |
  if returning_user(minutes=0.5):
mandatory: True
question: |
  Welcome to the interview
subquestion: |
  If you are not on a
  smartphone-sized device,
  you should see a navigation
  bar to the left.
field: sees_nav_bar
mandatory: True
question: |
  I am going to ask you some
  questions about yourself.
field: intro_to_about_you
section: About you
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your name?
  - First Name: first_name
  - Last Name: last_name
section: Contact info
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your e-mail address?
  - E-mail: email_address
    datatype: email
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your gender?
field: gender
  - Male
  - Female
  - Something else
section: Demographics
mandatory: True
question: |
  What kind of belly button
  do you have?
subquestion: |
  To see what a user would
  see after returning to
  the interview after a period
  of absence, try waiting
  thirty seconds, then
  [click into the
  interview](${ interview_url(local=True) }).

  In addition, there is a similar
  screen available on the Menu in the
  upper-right, under "Roadmap."
field: belly_button
  - Innie
  - Outie
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Favorite fruit: favorite_fruit
section: Preferences
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Favorite vegetable: favorite_vegetable
progress: 100
mandatory: True
question: Thank you.
subquestion: |
  ${ first_name },

  Your answers mean a lot to me.
  I am going to go eat some
  ${ favorite_vegetable }
section: Conclusion
event: welcome_back
question: |
  Welcome back!
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to pick up
  where you left off.
  Continue: continue
event: road_map
question: |
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to resume the
  Continue: continue
Screenshot of sections example

Subsections are supported, but only one level of nesting is allowed.

If your interview uses multiple languages, you can specify more than one sections block and modify each one with a language modifier:

language: en
  - Introduction
  - Fruit
  - Vegetables
  - Conclusion
language: es
  - Introducción
  - Fruta
  - Vegetales
  - Conclusión

If no language is specified, the fallback language * is used.

Section headings are not processed as Mako. As a result, the translations system cannot be used to translate section headings. Thus the translation method described above, using the language modifier, must be used to support section headings in multiple languages. (Alternatively, you could use code blocks and the nav.set_sections() to define the sections using template blocks reduced to text.)

In the example above, the section modifier referred to sections using the same text that is displayed to the user. However, in some circumstances, you might want to use a shorthand to refer to a section, and update the actual section names displayed to the user without having to make changes in numerous places in your interview. You can do this by using key/value pairs in your sections block, and using the special key subsections to indicate subsections:

  - intro: Introduction
  - about: About you
      - contact: Contact info
      - demographic: Demographics
  - prefs: Preferences
  - conclusion: Conclusion
  navigation: True
mandatory: True
question: |
  Welcome to the interview
subquestion: |
  If you are not on a
  smartphone-sized device,
  you should see a navigation
  bar to the left.
field: sees_nav_bar
mandatory: True
question: |
  I am going to ask you some
  questions about yourself.
field: intro_to_about_you
section: about
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your name?
  - First Name: first_name
  - Last Name: last_name
section: contact
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your e-mail address?
  - E-mail: email_address
    datatype: email
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your gender?
field: gender
  - Male
  - Female
  - Something else
section: demographic
mandatory: True
question: |
  What kind of belly button
  do you have?
field: belly_button
  - Innie
  - Outie
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Favorite fruit: favorite_fruit
section: prefs
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Favorite vegetable: favorite_vegetable
mandatory: True
question: Thank you.
subquestion: |
  ${ first_name },

  Your answers mean a lot to me.
  I am going to go eat some
  ${ favorite_vegetable }
section: conclusion
Screenshot of sections-keywords example

The keywords for section names need to be valid Python names. When choosing keywords, make sure not to use the names of variables that already exist in your interview.

This is because the keywords can be used to make the left-hand navigation bar clickable. If a keyword for a section is a variable that exists in the interview, clicking on the section will cause an action to be launched that seeks a definition of that variable.

The recommended way to use this feature is to set up review blocks that have event set to the keyword of each section that you want to be clickable.

  - intro: Introduction
  - about: About you
      - contact: Contact info
      - demographic: Demographics
  - prefs: Preferences
  - conclusion: Conclusion
event: contact
section: contact
question: |
  Review contact information
  - Edit name: first_name
    button: |
      Name: ${ first_name } ${ last_name }
  - Edit e-mail: email_address
    button: |
      E-mail: ${ email_address }
event: demographic
section: demographic
question: |
  Review demographic information
  - Edit gender: gender
    button: |
      Gender: ${ gender }
  - Edit belly button: belly_button
    button: |
      Belly button: ${ belly_button }
event: prefs
section: prefs
question: |
  - Edit fruit: favorite_fruit
    button: |
      Favorite fruit: ${ favorite_fruit }
  - Edit vegetable: favorite_vegetable
    button: |
      Favorite vegetable: ${ favorite_vegetable }
Screenshot of sections-keywords-review example

Note that if you use review blocks in an interview with sections, every question should have a section defined. Otherwise, when your users jump around the interview, their section may not be appropriate for the question they are currently answering. Alternatively, you could use code blocks and the nav.set_section() function to make sure that the section is set appropriately.

By default, users are only able to click on sections that they have visited. If you want users to be able to click on any section at any time, set progressive to False:

  - intro: Introduction
  - about: About you
      - contact: Contact info
      - demographic: Demographics
  - prefs: Preferences
  - conclusion: Conclusion
progressive: False
event: intro
code: |
event: about
code: |
event: contact
code: |
  force_ask('first_name', 'email_address')
event: demographic
code: |
  force_ask('gender', 'belly_button')
event: prefs
code: |
  force_ask('favorite_fruit', 'favorite_vegetable')
event: conclusion
code: |
  navigation: True
Screenshot of sections-non-progressive example

By default, subsections are not shown until the user has entered one of the subsections. If you want subsections to be opened by default, set auto open to True.

  - Introduction
  - About you:
    - Contact info
    - Demographics
  - Preferences
  - Conclusion
auto open: True
Screenshot of sections-auto-open example

Note that docassemble’s logic system is very different from that of SurveyMonkey or TypeForm, where defining a sequence of questions and dividing those questions into sections is straightforward. In docassemble, the question that is asked at any given time is based on the interview logic. The interview logic is evaluated and if a necessary piece of information is undefined, docassemble will ask a question (or run a code block) to get a definition of that piece of information. This is convenient when working toward an end goal, because the interview developer can focus on specifying correct rules, without worrying about the complexities of designing an interview process. The downside is that the sequence of questions might be different from one interview to another, and the sequence might not be easy to fit into well-defined sections. Once variables are defined, the sequence of questions that led to those variables being defined is lost and cannot be repeated. Nor should the original interview process be repeated, necessarily, because if the user makes changes that impact the logic, the sequence should be different.

Given the way that docassemble’s interview logic works, if you want to let the user revisit a section they have already completed, you need to specify a process for that. Clicking on a section heading and going to a special review screen is one of the ways you can specify a process.

The idea of a review screen for a section is that you can give the user an overview of the information they already entered. If users can see their information from a summary perspective, it helps them notice what might be incorrect or inconsistent. The review screen can be divided into subsections with headings indicated in Markdown. You can embed Mako logic in the text and explain to the user the significance of what they have entered.

A review screen should ideally not have one button per variable, but rather have one button for a sequence of one or more screens that the user might want to revisit, after which they are returned to the review screen and they can see what has changed. If the user has entered information into groups, you can show the user a table of the information they entered and let them add, edit, or delete items.

Assisting users with interview help

interview help:
  heading: How to use this web site
  content: |
    Answer each question.  At the end, you will get a prize.

An interview help block adds text to the “Help” page of every question in the interview. If the question has help text of its own, the interview help will appear after the question-specific help.

You can also add audio to your interview help:

interview help:
  heading: How to use this web site
  audio: answer_each_question.mp3
  content: |
    Answer each question.  At the end, you will get a prize.

You can also add video to help text using the video specifier.

See the question modifiers section for an explanation of how audio and video file references work.

You can also provide a label as part of the interview help. This label will be used instead of the word “Help” in the main navigation bar as a label for the “Help” tab.

interview help:
  label: More info
  heading: More information about this web site
  content: |
    If you are not sure what the right answer is, provide
    your best guess.

    You are answering these questions under the pains and
    penalties of perjury.  Your answers will be
    shared with the special prosecutor.

Note that if you provide question-specific help, and you include a label as part of that help, that label will override the default label provided in the interview help (except if question help button is enabled).

Mako functions: def

def: adorability
mako: |
  <%def name="describe_as_adorable(person)"> \
  ${ person } is adorable. \

A def block allows you to define Makodef” functions that you can re-use later in your question or document templates. You can use the above function by doing:

question: |
  ${ describe_as_adorable(spouse) } Am I right?
yesno: user_agrees_spouse_is_adorable
 - adorability

Due to the way docassemble parses interviews, the def block needs to be defined before it is used.

Note the \ marks at the end of the lines in the mako definition. Without these marks, there would be an extra newline inserted. You may or may not want this extra newline.

Setting the default role

default role: client
code: |
  if user_logged_in() and user_has_privilege('advocate'):
    user = advocate
    role = 'advocate'
    user = client
    role = 'client'
  set_info(user=user, role=role)

If your interview uses the roles feature for multi-user interviews, the default role specifier will define what role or roles will be required for any question that does not contain an explicit role specifier.

When you use the roles feature, you need to have some way of telling your interview logic what the role of the interviewee is.

If you include code within the same block as your default role specifier, that code will be executed every time the interview logic is processed, as if it was marked as initial. For this reason, any default role specifier that contains code should be placed earlier in the interview file than any mandatory questions or code blocks.

In the example above, the interview has two roles: “client” and “advocate”. The special variable role is set in the code block, which is executed every time the interview logic is processed.

In addition, the set_info() function is called. This lets the linguistic functions know who the user is, so that questions can ask “What is your date of birth?” or “What is John Smith’s date of birth” depending on whether the current user is John Smith or not.

Setting the default language

default language: es

This sets the language to use for all of the remaining questions in the file for which the language modifier is not specified. The purpose of this is to save typing; otherwise you would have to set the language modifier for each question. Note that this does not extend to questions in included files.

If your interview only uses one language, it is not necessary to (and probably not a good idea to) set a default language.

See language support for more information about how to create multi-lingual interviews. See question modifiers for information about the language setting of a question.

Translation files

One way that docassemble supports multi-lingual interviews is through the language modifier on a question and the default language block, which sets a default value for the language modifier. Your interview can contain questions in English that don’t have a language modifier, and questions in French that have the language: fr modifier set. If the current language in an interview (as determined by the set_language() function) is French (fr), then when docassemble seeks a block to set a given variable, it will search the French blocks first.

This method of creating multi-lingual interviews is good if the person who translates text from English to French is someone who understands how docassemble YAML files work.

There is another method of creating multi-lingual interviews that may be preferable if the translator is someone who does not understand how docassemble YAML files work. This second method extracts the phrases from an interview (specifically, everywhere in the YAML where Mako templating is allowed) and lists them all in an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can then be given to a French translator, and the translator fills out a column in the spreadsheet with the translation of each phrase. Then the completed spreadsheet can be stored in the sources folder of a package and referenced in an interview using the translations block:

  - custody.xlsx

Then, if the current language in an interview is French, the interview will use the French version of each phrase.

This allows you to support multi-lingual interviews while having a code base that is all in one language.

To obtain such a spreadsheet for a given interview, visit the Utilities.

The translations block is only capable of defining translations for blocks that come after the translations block. Therefore, it is a good practice to make sure that the translations block is placed as one of the very first blocks in your interview YAML file.

Since the translations block only translates phrases in which Mako templating is allowed, there are some parts of the YAML that are not translatable through a translations block. For example, sections blocks do not use Mako and thus do not use the translations system.

For more information about using translation files, read the section Download an interview phrase translation file. See language support for more information about how to create multi-lingual interviews. See question modifiers for information about the language setting of a question. See also the default language block and the default language specifier under metadata.

Default screen parts

The default screen parts allows you to write Mako and Markdown to create text that will appear by default in parts of the screen on every page.

default screen parts:
  under: |
    You have seen
    ${ quantity_noun(counter, 'screen') }
    of this interview so far.
  help label: |
  help button color: warning
  back button label: |
  back button color: secondary
  continue button label: |
    Go to next step
  continue button color: success
  subtitle: |
    A _groovy_ interview
  pre: |
    The text below **does not**
    constitute legal advice.
  submit: |
    Please re-read the question
    before moving forward.
  post: |
    This interview was generously
    sponsored by Example, Inc.
  css class: normalquestion
Screenshot of default-screen-parts example

When using this, make sure you do not cause your interview to go into an infinite loop. If any of your screen parts require information from the user, your interview will need to pose a question to the user to gather that information, but in order to pose the question, it will need the information. To avoid this, you can use the defined() function, the showifdef() function, or other methods.

In a multi-lingual interview, you can use multiple default screen parts blocks with different language modifiers. If you are using a translations block, the screen parts in a default screen parts block can be translated through the XLSX or XLIFF files that your translations block references.

For information about other ways to set defaults for different parts of the screens during interviews, see the screen parts section.

Custom validation messages

The docassemble user interface uses the jQuery Validation Plugin to pop up messages when the user does not enter information for a required field, or if a number does not meet a minimum, or if an e-mail address is not valid, and other circumstances.

The messages that are displayed can be customized in a number of ways.

On a server-wide level, the messages can be customized the same way other built-in phrases in docassemble can be customized: using the words directive in the Configuration to make a “translation table” between the built-in text to the values you want to be used in their place.

On an interview-wide level, the messages can be customized using a default validation messages block:

default validation messages:
  required: |
    I would really like to know this.
    Please tell me!
  max: |
    No more than %s, please!
Screenshot of default-validation-messages example

Within an individual field in a question, you can use the validation messages field modifier to define what validation messages should be used. These will override the default validation messages.

Each validation message has a code. In the above example, the codes used were required and max. The complete list of codes is:

  • required for This field is required. There is a default text transformation for language en that translates this to “You need to fill this in.” This is the standard message that users see when they fail to complete a required field.
  • multiple choice required for You need to select one. This is shown for multiple-choice fields.
  • combobox required for You need to select one or type in a new value. This is shown for combobox fields.
  • checkboxes required for Check at least one option, or check "%s" This is shown for checkboxes fields with a “None of the above” option. It is also used for yesno fields with uncheck others set, which is shown when the user does not check any of the yesno fields. %s is a code that is replaced with the label of the “None of the above” choice.
  • minlength for You must type at least %s characters. This is shown when there is a minlength field modifier.
  • maxlength for You cannot type more than %s characters. This is shown when there is a maxlength field modifier.
  • checkbox minmaxlength for Please select exactly %s. This is shown when there is a checkboxes field with a minlength field modifier that is the same as the maxlength field modifier.
  • checkbox minlength for Please select at least %s. This is shown when there is a checkboxes field with a minlength field modifier set to something other than 1.
  • checkbox maxlength for Please select no more than %s. This is shown when there is a checkboxes field with a maxlength field modifier.
  • multiselect minmaxlength for Please select exactly %s. This is shown when there is a multiselect field with a minlength field modifier that is the same as the maxlength field modifier.
  • multiselect minlength for Please select at least %s. This is shown when there is a multiselect field with a minlength field modifier set to something other than 1.
  • multiselect maxlength for Please select no more than %s. This is shown when there is a multiselect field with a maxlength field modifier.
  • date for You need to enter a valid date. This is shown for date fields when the text entered is not an actual date.
  • date minmax for You need to enter a date between %s and %s. This is shown for date fields with min and max set.
  • date min for You need to enter a date on or after %s. This is shown for date fields with min set.
  • date max for You need to enter a date on or before %s. This is shown for date fields with max set.
  • time for You need to enter a valid time. This is shown for time fields.
  • datetime for You need to enter a valid date and time. This is shown for datetime fields.
  • email for You need to enter a complete e-mail address. This is shown for email fields.
  • number for You need to enter a number. This is shown for numeric fields (number, currency, float, and integer) when the input is not valid.
  • min for You need to enter a number that is at least %s. This is shown for numeric fields with a min field modifier.
  • max for You need to enter a number that is at most %s. This is shown for numeric fields with a max field modifier.
  • file for You must provide a file. This is shown for file upload fields.
  • accept for Please upload a file with a valid file format. This is shown for file upload fields with an accept field modifier.

Machine learning training data

If you use machine learning in your interviews, then by default, docassemble will use training data associated with the particular interview in the particular package in which the interview resides.

If you would like your interview to share training data with another interview, you can use the machine learning storage specifier to point to the training data of another interview.

For example, suppose you have developed an interview called child_custody.yml that uses machine learning, and you have built rich training sets for variables within this interview. Then you decide to develop another interview, in the same package, called child_support.yml, which uses many of the same variables. It would be a lot of work to maintain two identical training sets in two places.

In this scenario, you can add the following block to the child_support.yml interview:

machine learning storage: ml-child_custody.json

ml-child_custody.json is the name of a file in the data/sources directory of the package. This file contains the training data for the child-custody.yml interview. The naming convention for these data files is to start with the name of the interview YAML file, add ml- to the beginning, and replace .yml with .json.

Now, both the child-custody.yml and child-support.yml interviews will use ml-child_custody.json as “storage” area for training data. In the Training interface, you will find this data set under the name child_custody.

If you had run the child-support.yml interview before adding machine learning storage, you may still see a data set called child-support in the Training interface. If you are using the Playground, you may see a file called ml-child-support.json in the Sources folder. To get rid of this, go into the Playground and delete the ml-child-support.json file from the Sources folder. Then go into the Training interface and delete any “items” that exist within the child-support interview.

If you want, you can set machine learning storage to a name that does not correspond with an actual interview. For example, you could include machine learning storage: ml-family-law.json in both the child-custody.yml and child-support.yml interviews. Even though there is no interview called family-law.yml, this will still work. If you are using the Playground, a file called ml-family-law.json will automatically be created in the Sources folder.

You can also share “storage” areas across packages. Suppose you are working within a package called docassemble.missourifamilylaw, but you want to take advantage of training sets in a package called docassemble.generalfamilylaw. You can write:

machine learning storage: docassemble.generalfamilylaw:data/sources/ml-family.json

For more information about managing training data, see the machine learning section on packaging your training sets

Optional features

The features block sets some optional features of the interview.

Whether debugging features are available

If the debug directive in the Configuration is True, then by default, the main navigation bar will contain a “Source” link that shows information about how the interview arrived at the question being shown. If the debug directive is False, then this will not be shown.

This can be overridden in the features by setting debug to True or False depending on the behavior you want.

The following example demonstrates turning the debug feature off.

  debug: False
Screenshot of debug-mode example

On the server that hosts the demonstration interviews, the debug directive is True, so the “Source” link is normally shown. Setting debug: False makes the “Source” link disappear.

Note that if you are running an interview in the Playground, the “Source” link is always shown, because the Playground is a development and testing environment. You will need to install your package to see the effect of the debug feature.

Whether interview is centered

If you do not want your interview questions to be centered on the screen, set centered to False.

  centered: False
Screenshot of centered example

Widening the screen when right is used

If you want the effect of centered: False when there is text in the right screen part, set wide side by side to True.

  wide side by side: True

Progress bar

The progress bar feature controls whether a progress bar is shown during the interview. You can use the progress modifier or the set_progress() function to indicate the setting of the progress bar.

  progress bar: True
Screenshot of progress-features example

If you want the progress bar to display the percentage, include show progress bar percentage: True:

  progress bar: True
  show progress bar percentage: True
Screenshot of progress-features-percentage example

By default, if you do not set the progress modifier on a question, then each time the user takes a step, the progress bar will advance 5% of the way toward the end.

The 5% figure is known as the progress bar multiplier and it is configurable:

  progress bar: True
  progress bar multiplier: 0.01

The default is 0.05.

If you set progress bar method: stepped, the progress bar advances a different way when there is no progress modifier.

  progress bar: True
  progress bar method: stepped

Instead of advancing toward 100%, it advances toward the next greatest progress value that is defined on a question in the interview. (Note that docassemble cannot predict the future, so whether the question with the next highest progress value will actually be reached is unknown; docassemble just looks at all the questions in the interview that have progress values defined.) The amount by which it advances is determined by progress bar multiplier.

To use the default method for advancing the progress bar, omit progress bar method, or set it to default.

  progress bar: True
  progress bar method: default

By default, the progress bar will not regress if the progress specifier of the current question has a lower value than the current progress value. You can turn off this limit by setting progress can go backwards to True:

  progress bar: True
  progress can go backwards: True

The navigation feature controls whether a secondary navigation bar is shown during the interview to show users the sections of the interview. You can use the sections initial block or the nav.set_sections() function to define the sections of your interview. The section modifier or the nav.set_section() function can be used to change the current section.

  - Introduction
  - About you:
    - Contact info
    - Demographics
  - Preferences
  - Conclusion
  navigation: True
  progress bar: True
mandatory: True
code: |
  menu_items = [ action_menu_item('Roadmap', 'road_map') ]
initial: True
code: |
  if returning_user(minutes=0.5):
mandatory: True
question: |
  Welcome to the interview
subquestion: |
  If you are not on a
  smartphone-sized device,
  you should see a navigation
  bar to the left.
field: sees_nav_bar
mandatory: True
question: |
  I am going to ask you some
  questions about yourself.
field: intro_to_about_you
section: About you
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your name?
  - First Name: first_name
  - Last Name: last_name
section: Contact info
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your e-mail address?
  - E-mail: email_address
    datatype: email
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your gender?
field: gender
  - Male
  - Female
  - Something else
section: Demographics
mandatory: True
question: |
  What kind of belly button
  do you have?
subquestion: |
  To see what a user would
  see after returning to
  the interview after a period
  of absence, try waiting
  thirty seconds, then
  [click into the
  interview](${ interview_url(local=True) }).

  In addition, there is a similar
  screen available on the Menu in the
  upper-right, under "Roadmap."
field: belly_button
  - Innie
  - Outie
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Favorite fruit: favorite_fruit
section: Preferences
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Favorite vegetable: favorite_vegetable
progress: 100
mandatory: True
question: Thank you.
subquestion: |
  ${ first_name },

  Your answers mean a lot to me.
  I am going to go eat some
  ${ favorite_vegetable }
section: Conclusion
event: welcome_back
question: |
  Welcome back!
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to pick up
  where you left off.
  Continue: continue
event: road_map
question: |
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to resume the
  Continue: continue
Screenshot of sections example

If you want the secondary navigation bar to be horizontal across the top of the page, set navigation to horizontal:

  navigation: horizontal
  progress bar: True
Screenshot of sections-horizontal example

On small screens, it is not possible for the vertical navigation bar to display, so it is hidden, and the horizontal navigation bar is shown in its place.

The horizontal navigation bar functions differently than the vertical navigation. Subsections are shown if the user is inside a subsection, but otherwise they are not visible. There is no caret symbol for opening and closing subsections.

On smaller screens, the horizontal navigation bar uses less padding and a smaller font. This works well if there are only a few sections, but if there are too many sections, it may be impossible to fit them on the screen.

If you want the navigation bar to be hidden on small screens, set small screen navigation: False in your features:

  - Introduction
  - About you:
    - Contact info
    - Demographics
  - Preferences
  - Conclusion
  navigation: True
  small screen navigation: False
  progress bar: True
mandatory: True
code: |
  menu_items = [ action_menu_item('Roadmap', 'road_map') ]
initial: True
code: |
  if returning_user(minutes=0.5):
mandatory: True
question: |
  Welcome to the interview
field: sees_nav_bar
mandatory: True
question: |
  I am going to ask you some
  questions about yourself.
field: intro_to_about_you
section: About you
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your name?
  - First Name: first_name
  - Last Name: last_name
section: Contact info
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your e-mail address?
  - E-mail: email_address
    datatype: email
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your gender?
field: gender
  - Male
  - Female
  - Something else
section: Demographics
mandatory: True
question: |
  What kind of belly button
  do you have?
subquestion: |
  To see what a user would
  see after returning to
  the interview after a period
  of absence, try waiting
  thirty seconds, then
  [click into the
  interview](${ interview_url(local=True) }).

  In addition, there is a similar
  screen available on the Menu in the
  upper-right, under "Roadmap."
field: belly_button
  - Innie
  - Outie
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Favorite fruit: favorite_fruit
section: Preferences
mandatory: True
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Favorite vegetable: favorite_vegetable
progress: 100
mandatory: True
question: Thank you.
subquestion: |
  ${ first_name },

  Your answers mean a lot to me.
  I am going to go eat some
  ${ favorite_vegetable }
section: Conclusion
event: welcome_back
question: |
  Welcome back!
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to pick up
  where you left off.
  Continue: continue
event: road_map
question: |
subquestion: |
  You are currently in the
  **${ nav.get_section(display=True) }**

  ${ nav }

  Press "Continue" to resume the
  Continue: continue
Screenshot of sections-small-screen-false example

If you want the navigation bar to be converted into a dropdown on small screens, set small screen navigation: dropdown in your features:

  navigation: True
  small screen navigation: dropdown
Screenshot of sections-small-screen-dropdown example

The dropdown version shows all of the sections, including subsections that are not active.

Back button style

By default, there is a “Back” button located in the upper-left corner of the page. (However, the “Back” button is not present when the user is on the first page of an interview, or the prevent_going_back() function has been used, or the prevent going back modifier is in use.)

Whether this back button is present can be controlled using the navigation back button feature. This will hide the “Back” button:

  navigation back button: False

You can also place a “Back” button inside the body of a question, next to the other buttons on the screen, by setting the question back button feature to True (the default is False).

  question back button: True
  navigation back button: False
Screenshot of question-back-button example

You can also place a “Back” button inside the body of a question on some questions but not others, using the back button modifier.

Help tab style

When interview help is available, or the help modifier is present on a question, the “Help” tab will be present in the navigation bar. When the help modifier is present, the “Help” tab is highlighted yellow and marked with a yellow star. When the user presses the help tab, the help screen will be shown.

If you set the question help button to True, users will be able to access the help screen by pressing a “Help” button located within the body of the question, to the right of the other buttons on the page. When question help button is True, the “Help” tab will not be highlighted yellow.

Here is an interview in which the question help button is not enabled (which is the default).

  question help button: False
interview help:
  label: More info
  heading: About this interview
  content: |
    This is an interview about fruit.
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
  label: Huh?
  heading: What is a fruit?
  content: |
    A fruit is a fleshy edible
    part of a plant that has
question: |
  What is your favorite color?
  - Color: favorite_color
  heading: What is a color?
  content: |
    Every photon has a frequency, which
    determines its color.
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Vegetable: favorite_vegetable
Screenshot of question-help-button-off example

Here is the same interview, with the question help button feature enabled:

  question help button: True
interview help:
  label: More info
  heading: About this interview
  content: |
    This is an interview about fruit.
question: |
  What is your favorite fruit?
  - Fruit: favorite_fruit
  label: Huh?
  heading: What is a fruit?
  content: |
    A fruit is a fleshy edible
    part of a plant that has
question: |
  What is your favorite color?
  - Color: favorite_color
  heading: What is a color?
  content: |
    Every photon has a frequency, which
    determines its color.
question: |
  What is your favorite vegetable?
  - Vegetable: favorite_vegetable
Screenshot of question-help-button example

Note that when question help button is enabled, the label for the help tab in the navigation bar always defaults to “Help” or to the label of the interview help, and it is not highlighted yellow when question-specific help is available.

Positioning labels above fields

By default, the docassemble user interface uses Bootstrap’s horizontal form style. If you want your interview to use the Bootstrap’s standard style, set labels above fields to True:

  labels above fields: True

Floating labels

By default, the docassemble user interface uses Bootstrap’s horizontal form style. If you want your interview to use the Bootstrap’s floating labels style, set floating labels to True:

  floating labels: True

If floating labels are used, then the hint field modifier and the help field modifier are unavailable.

Suppress autofill

By default, web browsers try to be helpful by presenting you with a drop-down menu of past values you have used when you filled in a form field. Luckily, it is possible to tell the browser not to autofill form fields. If you want to tell the browser not to autofill, set suppress autofill to True.

  suppress autofill: True

Hiding the standard menu items

By default, the menu in the corner provides logged-in users with the ability to edit their “Profile” and the ability to go to “My Interviews,” which is a list of interview sessions they have started. If you want to disable these links, you can use the hide standard menu specifier:

  hide standard menu: True

If you want to add any of these links manually, or add them with different names, you can do so with the menu_items special variable and the url_of() function.

mandatory: True
code: |
  menu_items = [
    {'label': 'Edit my Profile', 'url': url_of('profile')},
    {'label': 'Saved Sessions', 'url': url_of('interviews')}

Hiding the menu and login interface entirely

The interface in the upper-right corner lets the user log in, or shows a menu, shows the exit button, and/or shows the navigation bar html. This interface can be removed by setting hide corner interface to True.

  hide corner interface: True

Javascript and CSS files

If you are a web developer and you know how to write HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, you can embed HTML in your interview text. You can also bring JavaScript and CSS files into the user’s browser.

For example, the following interview brings in a JavaScript file, my-functions.js, and a CSS file, my-styles.css, into the user’s browser. These files are located in the data/static folder of the same package in which the interview is located.

  javascript: my-functions.js
  css: my-styles.css
mandatory: True
question: |
  A test of Javascript and CSS
subquestion: |
  <span class="groovy"></span>
Screenshot of external_files example

The contents of my-functions.js are:

$(document).on('daPageLoad', function(){
  $(".groovy").html("I am purple");

The contents of my-styles.css are:

.groovy {
  color: purple;

You can write whatever you want in these files; they will simply be loaded by the user’s browser. Note that your JavaScript files will be loaded after jQuery is loaded, so your code can use jQuery, as this example does.

If you have JavaScript code that you want to run after each screen of the interview is loaded, attach a jQuery event handler to document for the event daPageLoad, which is a docassemble-specific event that is triggered after each screen loads. (Since docassemble uses Ajax to load each new screen, if you attach code using jQuery’s ready() method, the code will run when the browser first loads, but not every time the user sees a new screen.) The example above demonstrates this; every time the page loads, the code will replace the contents of any element with the class groovy.

This example demonstrates bringing in CSS and JavaScript files that are located in the data/static directory of the same package as the interview. You can also refer to files in other packages:

  css: docassemble.demo:data/static/my.css

or on the internet at a URL:


Also, if you want to bring in multiple files, specify them with a YAML list:

    - my-styles.css

If you want to include CSS or JavaScript code in a specific question, rather than in all questions of your interview you can use the script and css modifiers.

The HTML of the screen showing a question contains a number of placeholder CSS classes that are not used for formatting, but that are available to facilitate customization:

  • If a question is tagged with an id, the <body> will be given a class beginning with question- followed by the id, except that the id will be transformed into lowercase and non-alphanumeric characters will be converted into hyphens. For example, if the id is Intro screen, the class name will be question-intro-screen.
  • <fieldset>s are tagged with classes like field-yesno and field-buttons.
  • <div>s that contain fields are tagged with classes like field-container, field-container-datatype-area, field-container-inputtype-combobox, and other classes.

For more information, use the DOM inspector in your web browser to see what the class names are and which elements have the class names.

Example use of JavaScript: charting

Here is an example interview that uses a javascript feature and a script modifier to draw a doughnut chart using chart.js.

mandatory: True
question: Your stuff
subquestion: |
  <div class="chart-container" style="position: relative; height:450px; width:100%">
    <canvas id="myChart" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
script: |
    var ctx = $("#myChart");
    var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx, {
     type: 'doughnut',
     data: ${ json.dumps(data) }
code: |
  data = {'datasets': [{'data': [how_many[y] for y in things],
                        'backgroundColor': [color[y] for y in range(len(things))]}],
          'labels': things}
variable name: color
  - '#3366CC'
  - '#DC3912'
  - '#FF9900'
  - '#109618'
  - '#990099'
  - '#3B3EAC'
  - '#0099C6'
  - '#DD4477'
  - '#66AA00'
  - '#B82E2E'
  - '#316395'
  - '#994499'
  - '#22AA99'
  - '#AAAA11'
  - '#6633CC'
  - '#E67300'
  - '#8B0707'
  - '#329262'
  - '#5574A6'
  - '#3B3EAC'
Screenshot of chart example

Here is an example interview that draws a pie chart using Google Charts.

mandatory: True
question: Your stuff
subquestion: |
  <div id="piechart" style="width: 100%; min-height: 450px;"></div>
script: |
  <script type="text/javascript">
    google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});

    function drawChart() {
      var chartwidth = $('#piechart').width();
      var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(${ json.dumps(data) });
      var options = {
        title: ${ json.dumps(title) },
        width: chartwidth,
        chartArea: {width: chartwidth, left: 20, top: 20, height: chartwidth*0.75}

      var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('piechart'));

      chart.draw(data, options);
code: |
  title = "Household stuff"
  data = [['Thing', 'How many']] + [[y, how_many[y]] for y in things]
Screenshot of googlechart example

Disable analytics

By default, if your Configuration enables a segment id, your interviews will send information to Segment, and if it enables an analytics id in the google configuration, it will send information to Google Analytics. To turn this off for a particular interview, set disable analytics to True in the features block.

  disable analytics: True

Bootstrap theme

Using the bootstrap theme feature, you can change the look and feel of your interview’s web interface by instructing your interview to use a non-standard CSS file in place of the standard CSS file used by Bootstrap.

  bootstrap theme: lumen.min.css
Screenshot of bootstrap-theme example

The file can be referenced in a number of ways:

  • lumen.min.css: the file lumen.min.css in the “static” folder of the current package.
  • docassemble.demo:lumen.min.css: the file lumen.min.css in the “static” folder (data/static/) of the docassemble.demo package.
  • docassemble.demo:data/static/lumen.min.css: the same.
  • a file on the internet.

For more information about using custom Bootstrap themes, and for information about applying themes on a global level, see the documentation for the bootstrap theme configuration directive.

Inverted Bootstrap navbar

By default, docassemble uses Bootstrap’s “dark” (formerly known as “inverted”) style of navigation bar so that the navigation bar stands out from the white background. If you do not want to use the inverted navbar, set the inverse navbar feature to False.

  inverse navbar: False
Screenshot of inverse-navbar example

To make this change at a global level, see the inverse navbar configuration directive.

Hiding the navbar

By default, docassemble shows a navigation bar at the top of the screen. To make it disappear, you can set hide navbar: True.

Width of tables in attachments

As explained more fully in the tables section, if you include a table in an attachment and the table is too wide, or not wide enough, you can change the default character width of tables from 65 to some other value using the table width specifier within the features block.

  table width: 75

Disabling document caching

By default, docassemble caches assembled documents for performance reasons. To disable the document caching feature for a given interview, set cache documents to False.

  cache documents: False

Using pdftk to fill in PDF form fields

If you want the PDF files filled in by pdf template file in your interview to be produced by pdftk instead of pikepdf, set pdftk to True.

  pdftk: True

The setting can also be made on a per-attachment basis by setting the pdftk attachment setting.

Producing PDF/A files

If you want the PDF files produced by your interview to be in PDF/A format, you can set this as a default:

  pdf/a: True

The default is determined by the pdf/a configuration directive. The setting can also be made on a per-attachment basis by setting the pdf/a attachment setting.

When using docx template file, you also have the option of creating a “tagged PDF,” which is similar to PDF/A. You can set this as an interview-wide default:

  tagged pdf: True

The default is determined by the tagged pdf configuration directive. This setting can also be made on a per-attachment basis by setting the tagged pdf attachment setting.

Limiting size of uploaded images

If your users upload digital photos into your interviews, the uploads may take a long time. Images can be reduced in size before they are uploaded. To require by default for all uploads in your interview, set maximum image size in the features block of your interview.

  maximum image size: 100
Screenshot of upload-max-image-size-features example

In this example, images will be reduced in size so that they are no taller than 100 pixels and no wider than 100 pixels.

Note that the image file type of the uploaded file may be changed to PNG during the conversion process. Different browsers behave differently.

This is just a default value; you can override it by setting the maximum image size in a field definition.

If you have an interview-wide default, but you want to override it for a particular field to allow full-resolution camera uploads, you can set the maximum image size field modifier to None.

If you want to use a site-side default value, set the maximum image size in the configuration.

Converting the format of uploaded images

If you are using maximum image size, you can also cause images to be converted to PNG, JPEG, or BMP by the browser during the upload process by setting the image upload type to png, jpeg, or bmp.

  maximum image size: 100
  image upload type: jpeg
Screenshot of upload-max-image-size-type-features example

Going full screen when interview is embedded

It is possible to embed a docassemble interview in a web page using an iframe. However, the user experience on mobile is degraded when an interview is embedded.

If you want the interview to switch to “full screen” after the user moves to the next screen in the embedded interview, you can do so. Within a features block, include go full screen: True.

  go full screen: True
question: |
  Let's go on a quest!
subquestion: |
  How exciting would you
  like your quest to be?
field: excitement_level
  - Thrilling
  - Interesting
  - Soporific
question: |
  We are nearing the end of the
field: quest_almost_over
question: |
  We have finished the quest.
  - Return: exit
    url: |
      ${ referring_url() }
  - excitement_level
  - quest_almost_over
mandatory: True
Screenshot of exit-url-referer-fullscreen example

For more information about implementing an embedded interview like this, see the HTML source of the web page used in this example.

Note that in this example, the user is provided with an exit button at the end of the interview that directs the user back to the page that originally embedded the interview. This is accomplished by setting the url of the exit button to the result of the referring_url() function.

If you only want the interview to go full screen if the user is using a mobile device, use go full screen: mobile.

  go full screen: mobile
code: |
  if device().is_mobile or device().is_tablet:
    on_mobile = True
    on_mobile = False
mandatory: True
code: |
  if on_mobile:
question: |
  Let's go on a quest!
subquestion: |
  % if on_mobile:
  I see you are using a mobile
  % else:
  I see that you are not using
  a mobile device.
  % endif
  How exciting would you
  like your quest to be?
field: excitement_level
  - Thrilling
  - Interesting
  - Soporific
question: |
  We are nearing the end of the
field: quest_almost_over
event: final_screen_mobile
question: |
  We have finished the quest.
  - Return: exit
    url: |
      ${ referring_url() }
event: final_screen_desktop
question: |
  We have finished the quest.
Screenshot of exit-url-referer-fullscreen-mobile example

Note that this example provides a different ending screen depending on whether the user is on a desktop or a mobile device. If a desktop user is viewing the interview in an iframe on a web site, the interview should not provide an exit button that takes the user to a web site, because then the user will see a web site embedded in a web site. The interview in this example uses the device() function to detect whether the user is using a mobile device. Note that the interview logic looks both at device().is_mobile as well as device().is_tablet. This corresponds with the functionality of go full screen: mobile, which will make the interview go full screen if the user has either a mobile phone or a tablet.

Infinite loop protection

The infinite loop protection section of the configuration documentation explains how you can change the default limits on recursion and looping for all interviews on the server.

You can also set these limits on a per-interview basis using the loop limit and recursion limit features.

  loop limit: 600
  recursion limit: 600

Customizing buttons on review pages

By default, when you use a review screen that includes buttons, the buttons have the Bootstrap “success” color. You can style these buttons using the review button color and review button icon features.

The review button color can be one of primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, link, and dark. The default is 'success'. The actual colors depend on the Bootstrap theme.

The review button icon can be set to the name of the Font Awesome icon to use at the start of the button. The default is 'pencil-alt'. The icon name is assumed to refer to an icon in the “solid” collection (fas). To use a different collection, specify a name such as fab-fa-windows for the windows icon in the “brand” collection. The default is None, which means no icon is included.

Here is an example that uses the same style as “Edit” buttons within tables.

  review button color: secondary
  review button icon: pencil-alt
Screenshot of review-edit-list-custom-button example

Enabling catchall blocks

If you set use catchall to True, then any variables for which no block is available will be set to a DACatchAll object.

  use catchall: True

For more information about this feature, see the catchall questions subsection.

Default date limits

If you want to set a default min and/or max on a date field, you can use default date min and/or default date max.

  default date min: "1950-01-01"
  default date max: "2029-12-31"
question: |
  What is the date?
  - Date: the_date
    datatype: date
Screenshot of default-date-min example

Mako cannot be used to set these dates inside a features block. If you want to use a computed value, you need to specify a min or max on the field.

Whether data about the question should be sent to the browser

When a docassemble interview loads in a user’s browser, the user typically sees a question. If the user appends &json=1 to the URL, the user can see a JSON representation of the current question. The /api/session/question API endpoint also provides a JSON representation of a question.

If you want this data to be available in the JavaScript environment, you can set send question data in features to True.

  send question data: True

Then, the data structure respresenting the current question will be available as the JavaScript variable daQuestionData.

Popover trigger

By default, when you use terms or auto terms, the definitions pop up when the user clicks the label. The Bootstrap popover feature allows the triggering method to be set to click, hover, focus, or manual, and it allows you to specify multiple methods separated by spaces.

The default trigger method is focus. If you want to set the trigger method to something else, set the popover trigger under features.

  popover trigger: hover

Loading custom datatypes

By default, docassemble will load the JavaScript for any CustomDataType data types that are used in the interview YAML. However, if fields are created by Python code, docassemble cannot detect which CustomDataType data types will be used. In this circumstance, you can manually specify which custom datatypes to load using the custom datatypes to load feature.

  custom datatypes to load:
    - ssn
    - iso639language

This will cause the web application to run the JavaScript for the ssn and iso639language custom data types.

Jinja2 filters to apply automatically

You can write your own custom Jinja2 filters using register_jinja_filter(), but if you would like to apply a text transformation to all Jinja2 variable interpolations automatically, you can use the auto jinja filter feature to specify a Python function that should be used to transform all text being inserted into the document.

For example, suppose you have a Python file, containing this:

import re

__all__ = ['animal']

def animal(text):
    return re.sub(r'\b(dog|fish|turtle)\b', 'cat', text)

Suppose you have a DOCX file animal_testimonial.docx that contains the following:

{{ testimonial }} `

You can then write a YAML file like this:

  - .my_filters
  auto jinja filter: animal
question: |
  Describe to me what your favorite animal is and why you like it so much.
  - Favorite animal essay: testimonal
mandatory: True
question: |
  Final document
  docx template file: animal_testimonial.docx

Any mention of the words “dog,” “fish,” or “turtle” in the testimonal will be replaced by the word “cat” in the output.

The result will be as though you used register_jinja_filter() to make a filter from the animal() function and then your DOCX file contained:

{{ testimonial animal }} `