Many features in docassemble can be controlled through an HTTP-based Application Program Interface (API). All requests must be authenticated using an API key.

Obtaining an API key

In order to call the docassemble API, you need an API key. A user can obtain an API key by clicking “API keys” on the user profile page. Whether a user can obtain an API key depends on the api privileges setting in the Configuration. By default, only users with privileges of admin or developer can obtain API keys.

For security, API keys can be restricted to particular IP addresses or particular HTTP referrers. A user can create more than one API key and give different security restrictions to each key.

An API key is tied to the user; when the API call authenticates, the user effectively logs in. If the API call uses one of the “session” functions, the user in the interview (for purposes of user_info(), etc.) will be the user who owns the API key. As discussed below, it is possible to use the API to access the encrypted interview answers of another user by supplying that user’s username and password. However, even when another user’s secret is used, the identity of the user in the interview will always be that of the owner of the API key.

The holder of an API key can do anything the user can do. However, users with admin privileges have the option of creating API keys that have limited permissions. For example, the user could create an API key that only has the permissions of access_user_info and create_user, and then use this API key for an integration involving the automatic creation of user accounts. Security would be increased because if the API key was compromised, the API key could not be used for accessing the Configuration or installing packages.

How to call the API

The API functions can be called by any method capable of sending HTTP requests.

Here is an example of calling the list API using cURL.

curl http://localhost/api/list?key=H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT

The key is the API key, which provides authentication.


To authenticate with the API, you need to provide an API key. Sending the API key as the URL parameter called key is easy, but it is not recommended, because URLs are often logged.

The best approach is to send the API key in the headers.

You can send the API key in an HTTP header called X-API-Key:

curl -H "X-API-Key: H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT" http://localhost/api/list

In Python, you can set the X-API-Key by passing a headers dictionary to your requests method:

import sys
import requests

r = requests.get('http://localhost/api/list', headers=headers)
if r.status_code != 200:
info = r.json()

You can also pass the API key in the headers as a “bearer token” using the Authorization header, where you prefix the API key with the word Bearer:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT" http://localhost/api/list

“Bearer tokens” traditionally expire after a period of time, and docassemble API keys do not, so using docassemble API keys as “bearer tokens” is somewhat of a misnomer. However, passing a token as a “bearer token” is more of an accepted standard than using X-API-Key as a header, so you may find it easier to use the “bearer token” method of authentication.

If you prefer, you can include the API key in a cookie called X-API-Key:

curl --cookie "X-API-Key=H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT" http://localhost/api/list


For nearly all API endpoints, the output returned is in JSON format. For example, the output of calling /api/list will look something like this:

    "filename": "docassemble.base:data/questions/examples/combobox.yml",
    "link": "http://localhost/interview?i=docassemble.base%3Adata%2Fquestions%2Fexamples%2Fcombobox.yml",
    "metadata": {
      "title": "Combobox"
    "package": "docassemble.base",
    "status_class": null,
    "subtitle": null,
    "subtitle_class": null,
    "tags": [],
    "title": "Combobox"
    "filename": "docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml",
    "link": "http://localhost/interview?i=docassemble.demo%3Adata%2Fquestions%2Fquestions.yml",
    "metadata": {
      "title": "Demonstration interview"
    "package": "docassemble.demo",
    "status_class": null,
    "subtitle": null,
    "subtitle_class": null,
    "tags": [
    "title": "Demonstration interview"

Calling POST endpoints

When making a POST request, the data in the request must be passed in the body of the request, not as URL parameters. (This includes key, the API key, if you are not already passing the API key as a header or cookie.) If the Content-Type header is not set, docassemble assumes that the body of the POST request contains data in the standard form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data) format.

For example, to make a POST request using cURL, you can use form data to send the API key and other parameters:

curl -d key=H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT -d first_name=John -d last_name=Smith http://localhost/api/user

To send the same request using Python, you can do:

import requests
r = requests.get("http://localhost/api/user", data={'key': api_key, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Smith'})
if r.status_code != 204:
    raise Exception("Unable to set user information")

The recommended approach, however, is to always use JSON when sending POST requests instead of sending form data. Many POST API endpoints require several parameters, and it is easy to send these parameters in the form of a JSON object. To do this, set the content type of the request is application/json, and set the body of the POST request to a JSON-formatted object, such as:

{"key": "H3PLMKJKIVATLDPWHJH3AGWEJPFU5GRT", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith"}

The requests module has a convenient built-in feature for sending JSON requests:

import requests
r = requests.get("http://localhost/api/user", json={'key': api_key, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Smith'})
if r.status_code != 204:
    raise Exception("Unable to set user information")

It is much easier to send the data parameters as a single JSON object than to use form data, especially when you are using an endpoint like /api/session, where the parameter variables is an object and the parameter delete_variables is an array. When using form data, you would have to do:

import json
              data={'secret': secret, 'i': i, 'session': session,
                    'variables': json.dumps({'favorite_fruit': 'apple'}),
                    'delete_variables': json.dumps(['favorite_fungi'])},

When sending JSON, however, you simply have to send one nested data structure as the body:

              json={'secret': secret, 'i': i, 'session': session,
                    'variables': {'favorite_fruit': 'apple'},
                    'delete_variables': ['favorite_fungi']},

The only time you cannot use the JSON Content-Type is when you are making a POST request that includes a file upload. In this circumstance, the format of the POST body cannot be JSON, but must be the traditional multipart/form-data format in which text parameters are provided along with file contents, with boundary separators.

Cross-site scripting

By default, all API endpoints return headers to facilitate Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), such as:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, HEAD
Access-Control-Max-Age: 21600
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, origin

However, if you configure cross site domains in your Configuration, the headers indicated by the configuration setting will be sent instead.

Note that the library you use for calling the API may impose CORS limitations on you, which you may need to override, if they can be overridden at all. If you want to send an API key as a cookie, you may need to set cross site domains to a specific domain, because otherwise the library may not allow you to send a cookie. Typically, server-side libraries do not impose these restrictions, but you will encounter them if you try to use them from a web browser.

If you call the API from a web browser, note that the API key will be discoverable by the user. Make sure that the owner of any API key you share in a web browser does not have any special privileges. Possessing the API key of a basic user does not give someone greater privileges than they would have if they used the standard web interface, but it does give the holder an easier way to automate the use of your system. Another way to call the API from a web browser is to use a serverless function that knows the API key and acts as an intermediary. The web browser would make requests to the serverless function, which in turn would make requests to the docassemble server and return results.

Rate limits

docassemble does not enforce any rate limits in the use of the API. It is theoretically possible that you could overtax your docassemble server by making too many API calls in a short period of time, especially if the API calls cause heavy CPU usage. So you may wish to insert pauses in your code that calls the docassemble API.

How to use methods that return paginated results

API endpoints that return a potentially long list of things use pagination. The maximum number of records returns is 100 by default and is configurable with the pagination limit Configuration directive.

When you call an API that uses pagination, the result will be a JSON dictionary containing two items: items, which is a list of the results of the API call, and next_id. If there are no additional records to be retrieved, next_id will be null. If additional records exist and you want to retrieve them, you need to call the API again with the same parameters, but with the next_id parameter set to the value of next_id that the previous call to the API returned.

For example, you could call the API inside of a while loop:

import sys
import requests

all_users = []
next_id = ''
while True:
    r = requests.get('https://docassemble.example.com/api/user_list', params={'next_id': next_id}, headers=headers)
    if r.status_code != 200:
    info = r.json()
    if info['next_id']:
        next_id = info['next_id']

If you set next_id to the empty string or do not set it at all, the API will return the first page of results.

How to poll the server

Some of the API endpoints start a long-running background process or necessitate restarting the web server. These endpoints will return a task_id that you can pass to /api/package_update_status or /api/restart_status in order to see if the process has finished.

Here is an example of a function wait_for() that will wait for the server to be finished with installing a package.

import sys
import time
import requests
from requests.exceptions import Timeout

def wait_for(task_id):
    while True:
            r = requests.get('http://localhost/api/package_update_status',
                             params={'task_id': task_id},
        except Timeout:
        if r.status_code != 200:
        info = r.json()
        if info['status'] == 'completed':

Here is an example of calling wait_for() to wait for the server to restart after installing the PyPI package jsmin.

r = requests.post('http://localhost/api/package', json={'pip': 'jsmin'}, headers=headers)
if r.status_code != 200:
info = r.json()

Note that the wait_for() function makes its GET requests with a timeout of seven seconds, and abandons the request if there is no response in seven seconds. When a busy server is in the process of restarting, pending HTTP requests can sometimes get lost and time out. This does not mean that anything is broken, it just means that the HTTP request arrived at an unlucky time when the server was in the process of restarting and could not respond to the request. Canceling a request after a few seconds and trying again can be more efficient than waiting 60 seconds for the server to cancel the request.

Available API functions

Create a new user

Description: Creates a user with a given e-mail address and password.

Path: /api/user/new

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • username: the user’s e-mail address.
  • password (optional): the user’s password. If a password is not supplied, a random password will be generated.
  • privileges (optional): a JSON array of user privileges (e.g., ['developer', 'trainer']), or a string containing a single privilege (e.g., 'advocate'). If not specified, the new user will have a single privilege, user. The privileges of admin, developer, and advocate can only be added if the owner of the API key has admin privileges. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the array to JSON.)
  • first_name (optional): the user’s first name.
  • last_name (optional): the user’s last name.
  • country (optional): the user’s country code (e.g., US).
  • subdivisionfirst (optional): the user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond (optional): the user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird (optional): the user’s municipality.
  • organization (optional): the user’s organization
  • timezone (optional): the user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').
  • language (optional): the user’s language code (e.g., en).

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • permissions of access_user_info and create_user

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate, or if the owner of the API key lacks admin privileges.
  • 400 “An e-mail address must be supplied.” if the username parameter is missing.
  • 400 “A password must be supplied.” if the password parameter is missing.
  • 400 “List of privileges must be a string or a list.” if the list of privileges could not be parsed.
  • 400 “Invalid privilege name.” if a privilege did not exist in the system.
  • 400 “That e-mail address is already being used.” if another user is already using the given username.
  • 400 “Password too short or too long” if the password has fewer than four or more than 254 characters.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object with the following keys:

  • user_id: the user ID of the new user.
  • password: the password of the new user.

Invite a new user

Description: Creates one or more invitations for new users to register with a given privilege.

Path: /api/user_invite

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • email_addresses: a single e-mail address or a JSON array of e-mail addresses. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the array to JSON.)
  • privilege (optional): a single privilege (e.g., user, customer). The default privilege is user.
  • send_emails (optional): set this to 0 if you do not want e-mail invitations to be sent. If you set send_emails to 0, you can send invitations yourself using the URLs that are returned by this API endpoint. If send_emails is not specified, invitations will be e-mailed.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate, or if the owner of the API key lacks admin privileges.
  • 400 “Invalid privilege name.” if a privilege did not exist in the system.
  • 400 “The email_addresses field did not contain valid JSON.” if the email_addresses field appeared to contain JSON but the field could not be parsed as JSON.
  • 400 “That e-mail address is already being used.” if another user is already using one of the e-mail addresses provided.
  • 400 “One or more ‘email_addresses’ must be supplied.” if the email_addresses field was not provided.
  • 400 “Invalid e-mail address.” if one of the email_addresses was not a valid e-mail address.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON array of objects containing the following keys:

  • email: one of the e-mail addresses you provided in email_addresses
  • invitation_sent: this is False if there was an error when sending the e-mail invitation, and is otherwise True. If there was an error sending the e-mail, the invitation is canceled. This item is not present if send_emails was set to 0.
  • url: the invitation URL for the end user. This is a URL pointing to the user registration endpoint with a special token as a URL parameter. When the end user visits the URL, they will be taken to the registration page and they will be asked to set their password. The url item is always present if send_emails is 0. Otherwise, it will be present if the e-mail was successfully sent (i.e. invitation_sent is True), in case you want to follow up later with a reminder. The url item is absent if sending the e-mail invitation failed, because in that case the invitation is canceled.

List of users

Description: Provides a list of registered users on the system. Since the number of users may be too long to retrieve in a single API call, pagination is used.

Path: /api/user_list

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • include_inactive (optional): set to 1 if inactive users should be included in the list.
  • next_id (optional): the ID that can be provided to retrieve the next page of results. See the pagination section for more information.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON dictionary containing the keys items and next_id. items is a list of objects with the following keys:

  • active: whether the user is active. This is only included if the include_inactive parameter is set.
  • country: user’s country code.
  • email: user’s e-mail address.
  • first_name: user’s first name.
  • id: the integer ID of the user.
  • language: user’s language code.
  • last_name: user’s last name.
  • organization: user’s organization.
  • privileges: list of the user’s privileges (e.g., 'admin', 'developer').
  • subdivisionfirst: user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond: user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird: user’s municipality.
  • timezone: user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').

For instructions on how to use next_id, see the pagination section.

Retrieve user information by username

Path: /api/user_info

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • username: the e-mail address of the user.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.
  • 400 “An e-mail address must be supplied.” if the username parameter was missing
  • 400 “Error obtaining user information” if there was a problem getting user information.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object with the following keys:

  • active: whether the user is active.
  • country: user’s country code.
  • email: user’s e-mail address.
  • first_name: user’s first name.
  • id: the integer ID of the user.
  • language: user’s language code.
  • last_name: user’s last name.
  • organization: user’s organization.
  • privileges: list of the user’s privileges (e.g., 'admin', 'developer').
  • subdivisionfirst: user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond: user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird: user’s municipality.
  • timezone: user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').

Retrieve information about the user

Description: Provides information about the user who is the owner of the API key.

Path: /api/user

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Error obtaining user information” if there was a problem obtaining information about the user.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object with the following keys describing the API owner:

  • country: user’s country code.
  • email: user’s e-mail address.
  • first_name: user’s first name.
  • id: the integer ID of the user.
  • language: user’s language code.
  • last_name: user’s last name.
  • organization: user’s organization
  • privileges: list of the user’s privileges (e.g., 'admin', 'developer').
  • subdivisionfirst: user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond: user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird: user’s municipality.
  • timezone: user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').

Set information about the user

Description: Sets information the user who is the owner of the API key.

Path: /api/user

Method: PATCH


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • first_name (optional): the user’s first name.
  • last_name (optional): the user’s last name.
  • country (optional): the user’s country code (e.g., US).
  • subdivisionfirst (optional): the user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond (optional): the user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird (optional): the user’s municipality.
  • organization (optional): the user’s organization
  • timezone (optional): the user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').
  • language (optional): the user’s language code (e.g., en).
  • password (optional): the user’s new password.
  • old_password (optional): the user’s old password. If this is supplied when password is supplied, the user’s encrypted information will be converted from the old encryption key to the new encryption key.

Required privileges: None, except that API keys with restricted permissions must have edit_user_info to edit user information and edit_user_password to edit the password

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit a user’s information” if the API key has limited permissions that do not include edit_user_info.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to change a user’s password” if the API key has limited permissions that do not include edit_user_password.
  • 400 “The old_password is incorrect” if you supplied password and old_password but the user’s current password is not the same as the old_password you supplied.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

This method can be used to edit the profile of the user who owns the API key.

Information about a given user

Description: Provides information about the user with the given user ID.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>

Example: /api/user/22

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • advocate
  • the API owner’s user ID is the same as user_id or
  • permissions of access_user_info

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “User ID must be an integer” if the user_id parameter cannot be interpreted as an integer.
  • 400 “Error obtaining user information” if there was a problem getting user information.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object with the following keys describing the user with a user ID equal to the user_id:

  • country: user’s country code (e.g., US).
  • email: user’s e-mail address.
  • first_name: user’s first name.
  • id: the integer ID of the user.
  • language: user’s language code (e.g., en).
  • last_name: user’s last name.
  • organization: user’s organization
  • privileges: list of the user’s privileges (e.g., 'admin', 'developer').
  • subdivisionfirst: user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond: user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird: user’s municipality.
  • timezone: user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').

Make a user inactive

Description: Makes a user account inactive, so that the user can no longer log in, or deletes the account entirely.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>

Example: /api/user/22

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • remove (optional): set this to 'account' if you want to remove the user’s account entirely. This will irrevocably remove the user’s data and prevent them from logging in. The only things that will be retained are multi_user interview sessions that were joined by another user. If you set remove to 'account_and_shared', then these shared interview sessions will also be removed. If you leave account unset, the user’s account will simply be made inactive, which will prevent the user from logging in, but will not delete their account or their data.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • permissions of access_user_info and edit_user_active_status for making users inactive; permissions of access_user_info, access_sessions, edit_sessions and delete_user for deleting users and their sessions);

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “User ID must be an integer” if the user_id parameter cannot be interpreted as an integer.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.
  • 403 “This user account cannot be deleted or deactivated” if an attempt is made to delete the original admin user.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to delete user accounts” if the owner of the API key does not have admin privileges or does not have a custom privilege with the permission of delete_user.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to inactivate user accounts” if the owner of the API key does not have admin privileges or does not have a custom privilege with the permission of delete_user or edit_user_active_status.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

Set information about a user

Description: Sets information about a user.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>

Example: /api/user/22

Method: PATCH


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • country (optional): user’s country code (e.g., US).
  • first_name (optional): user’s first name.
  • language (optional): user’s language code (e.g., en).
  • last_name (optional): user’s last name.
  • organization (optional): user’s organization
  • subdivisionfirst (optional): user’s state.
  • subdivisionsecond (optional): user’s county.
  • subdivisionthird (optional): user’s municipality.
  • timezone (optional): user’s time zone (e.g. 'America/New_York').
  • password (optional): the user’s new password.
  • old_password (optional): the user’s old password. If this is supplied when password is supplied, the user’s encrypted information will be converted from the old encryption key to the new encryption key.
  • active (optional): whether the user should be active or inactive. The active status of the current user or the original admin user cannot be changed. Note that the DELETE method can also be used to make a user inactive.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • user_id is the same as the user ID of the API owner, and the API key does not have limited permissions or
  • permissions of access_user_info and edit_user_info for editing user information other than the password; permissions of access_user_info, edit_user_info, and edit_user_password for changing a user’s password; permissions of edit_user_active_status for editing a user’s active status.

Only users with admin privileges can edit users with admin, developer, or advocate privileges.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to change this user’s password” if the password parameter is included but the owner of the API does not have the admin privilege or the permissions of edit_user_password.
  • 400 “The old_password is incorrect” if you supplied password and old_password but the user’s current password is not the same as the old_password you supplied.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this user’s information” if the user has privileges of admin, developer, or advocate but the owner of the API key does not have admin privileges.
  • 400 “User ID must be an integer” if the user_id parameter cannot be interpreted as an integer.
  • 400 “Error obtaining user information” if there was a problem retrieving information about the user.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit user information” if the API is called by a user without admin privileges, or without the edit_user_info permission.
  • 403 “The active status of this user account cannot be changed” if active is present in the data and the user being modified is the current user or the original admin user.
  • 403 “You do not have sufficient privileges to change the active status of user accounts.” if the API is called by a user wihtout admin privileges, or without the edit_user_active_status permission.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

Extract fields from a template file

Description: Returns information about the field names used in a PDF, DOCX, or Markdown file.

Path: /api/fields

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • format (optional): the desired output format. The default is json, where the response to the request is a JSON data structure with information about the fields. The other option is yaml, in which case the response to the request is plain text containing a draft question in YAML format, which can be used as the starting point for how you might use the template in an interview.

File data:

  • template: a template file in PDF or DOCX format.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid output format” if the format is not json or yaml.
  • 400 “File not included.” if a file is not uploaded with the request.
  • 400 “Invalid input format.” if the file that is uploaded does not have the extension .pdf or .docx.
  • 400 “No fields could be found.” if the format is yaml and no fields could be detected in the file.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON list of field information, or a YAML draft question, depending on the requested format.

The JSON output for the file sample-form.pdf looks like this:

  "default_values": {
    "Apple Checkbox": "No",
    "Orange Checkbox": "No",
    "Pear Checkbox": "No",
    "Toast Checkbox": "No",
    "Your Name": "",
    "Your Organization": ""
  "fields": [
    "Your Name",
    "Your Organization",
    "Apple Checkbox",
    "Orange Checkbox",
    "Pear Checkbox",
    "Toast Checkbox"
  "locations": {
    "Apple Checkbox": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
    "Orange Checkbox": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
    "Pear Checkbox": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
    "Toast Checkbox": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
    "Your Name": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
    "Your Organization": {
      "box": [
      "page": 1
  "types": {
    "Apple Checkbox": "/Btn",
    "Orange Checkbox": "/Btn",
    "Pear Checkbox": "/Btn",
    "Toast Checkbox": "/Btn",
    "Your Name": "/Tx",
    "Your Organization": "/Tx"

The field “types” come from the PDF specification. Common values are /Btn, /Tx, and /Sig.

The “locations” indicate the page number and bounding box of the fields. For “box” coordinates a, b, c, and d, the coordinates refer to:

  • a: lower-left corner, horizontal coordinate
  • b: lower-left corner, vertical coordinate
  • c: upper-right corner, horizontal coordinate
  • d: upper-right corner, vertical coordinate

The coordinates are measured in “points” (there are 72 points in an inch). The “origin” for this coordinate system is the lower-left corner of the page.

If no fields could be found, the JSON response will look like this:

  "fields": []

If the file format of the template is DOCX, only “fields” will be returned.

If the output format is yaml, the response will be like that of the Get list of fields from PDF/DOCX template utility. For example:

question: Here is your document.
event: some_event
  - name: sample-form
    filename: sample-form
    pdf template file: sample-form.pdf
      - "Your Name": something
      - "Your Organization": something
      - "Apple Checkbox": No
      - "Orange Checkbox": No
      - "Pear Checkbox": No
      - "Toast Checkbox": No

List available privileges

Description: Returns a list of names of privileges that exist in the system.

Path: /api/privileges

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON list of role names.

Add a role to the list of available privileges

Description: Given a role name, adds the name to the list of available privileges.

Path: /api/privileges

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • privilege: the name of the privilege to be added to the list.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • permissions of access_privileges and edit_privileges

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to see the list of privileges” if the user does not have the required privileges.
  • 400 “A privilege name must be provided” if the privilege data value is missing.
  • 400 “The given privilege already exists” if a privilege with the same name as that provided in the privilege data value already.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

Give a user a privilege

Description: Give a user a privilege that the user with the given user_id does not already have.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/privileges

Example: /api/user/22/privileges

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • privilege: the name of the privilege to be given to the user.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • permissions of access_privileges and edit_user_privileges

Only a user with admin privileges can give admin, developer, or advocate privileges to another user.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to give the user this privilege” if the owner of the API key does not have the admin privilege and an attempt was made to give the user admin, developer, or advocate privileges.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to give another user a privilege” if the owner of the API key does not have the required privilege to use this API endpoint.
  • 400 “A privilege name must be provided” if the privilege data value is missing.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.
  • 400 “The specified privilege does not exist” if the privilege was not on the list of existing privileges.
  • 400 “The user already had that privilege” if the user already had the given privilege.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

Take a privilege away from a user

Description: Take away a privilege that the user with the given user_id has.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/privileges

Example: /api/user/22/privileges

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • privilege: the name of the privilege to be taken away from the user.

Required privileges:

Only a user with admin privileges can take away admin, developer, or advocate privileges from another user.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to take a privilege away from a user” if the owner of the API key does not have the required privilege to use this API endpoint.
  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to take away this privilege” if the owner of the API key does not have the admin privilege and an attempt was made to take away admin, developer, or advocate privileges from a user.
  • 400 “A privilege name must be provided” if the privilege data value is missing.
  • 404 “User not found” if the user ID did not exist.
  • 400 “The specified privilege does not exist” if the privilege was not on the list of existing privileges.
  • 400 “The user did not already have that privilege” if the user did not already have the given privilege.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

List interview sessions on the system

Description: Provides a filterable list of interview sessions that are stored on the system. Since the number of sessions may be too long to retrieve in a single API call, pagination is used.

Path: /api/interviews

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • secret (optional): set to the user’s secret if you want to be able to access information about interview sessions that may be encrypted.
  • i (optional): set to an interview filename if you want to select only those interview sessions with the given interview filename.
  • session (optional): set to a session ID if you want to select only the interview session with the given session ID.
  • query (optional): set to a session query string if you want to filter the list of sessions by criteria other than interview filename and session ID.
  • tag (optional): set to a tag if you want to select only those interview sessions with the given tag.
  • include_dictionary (optional): set to 1 if you want a JSON version of the interview answers to be returned. The default is not to return the interview answers.
  • next_id (optional): the ID that can be provided to retrieve the next page of results. See the pagination section for more information.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Error reading interview list.” if there was a problem obtaining the list of interviews.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON dictionary containing the keys items and next_id. items is a list of objects representing interview sessions, where each object has the following keys:

  • email: The e-mail address of the user.
  • filename: The filename of the interview.
  • metadata: An object representing the metadata of the interview.
  • modtime: The last time the interview dictionary was modified, expressed as a local time.
  • session: The session ID of the session.
  • starttime: The time the interview was started, expressed as a local time.
  • subtitle: The subtitle of the interview, or null.
  • tags: An array of tags.
  • temp_user_id: The user ID of the temporary user, if the user was not logged in, or null if the user was logged in.
  • title: The title of the interview.
  • user_id: The user ID of the user, or null if the user was not logged in.
  • utc_modtime: The last time the interview dictionary was modified, in UTC format.
  • utc_starttime: The time the interview was started, in UTC format.
  • valid: Whether all of the information about the interview could be read. This will be false if the interview is encrypted and the secret is missing or does not match the encryption key used by the interview.
  • dict: The interview answers as a dictionary (converted to a format that can be JSON-serialized). Only present if include_dictionary is 1.
  • encrypted: Whether the interview answers are encrypted on the server. Only present if include_dictionary is 1.

For instructions on how to use next_id, see the pagination section.

Delete interview sessions on the system

Description: Deletes interview sessions on the server.

Path: /api/interviews

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i (optional): set to an interview filename if you want to delete only those interview sessions with the given interview filename.
  • session (optional): set to a session ID if you want to delete only the interview session with the given session ID.
  • query (optional): set to a session query string if you want to select a list of sessions to delete by criteria other than interview filename and session ID.
  • tag (optional): set to a tag if you want to delete only those interview sessions with the given tag.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • permissions of access_sessions and edit_sessions

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Error reading interview list.” if there was a problem obtaining the list of interviews to delete.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

This API, which is available only to administrators, allows you to delete interview sessions from the system, even all of them. The filters tag, i, and session are cumulatively applied (as if connected with “and”). If you include no filters, all of the interview sessions, regardless of user, are deleted.

See also the /api/user/interviews method and the /api/user/<user_id>/interviews method.

List interview sessions of the user

Description: Provides a filterable list of interview sessions stored on the system where the owner of the API is associated with the session. Since the number of sessions may be too long to retrieve in a single API call, pagination is used.

Path: /api/user/interviews

Method: GET

Required privileges: None, except that an API key with limited permissions needs to have the access_sessions permission

This works just like the /api/interviews, except it only returns interviews belonging to the owner of the API.

Delete interview sessions of the user

Description: Deletes interview sessions stored on the system that were started by the owner of the API key.

Path: /api/user/interviews

Method: DELETE

Required privileges: None, except that an API key with limited permissions needs to have the access_sessions and edit_sessions permissions

This works just like the DELETE method of /api/interviews, except it only deletes interview sessions associated with the owner of the API.

Note that if an interview associated with the owner of the API is also associated with another user, the actual underlying interview will not be removed from the system. It will only disappear from the system if there is only one user associated with the interview.

List interview sessions of another user

Description: Provides a filterable list of interview sessions stored on the system where the user with the given user ID started the interview. Since the number of sessions may be too long to retrieve in a single API call, pagination is used.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/interviews

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i (optional): set to a filename of an interview, e.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml, if you want to retrieve only those sessions for a given interview file.
  • session (optional): set to a session ID if you want to select only the interview session with the given session ID.
  • query (optional): set to a session query string if you want to filter the list of sessions by criteria other than interview filename and session ID.
  • tag (optional): set to a tag if you want to retrieve only those interview sessions with the given tag.
  • next_id (optional): the ID that can be provided to retrieve the next page of results. See the pagination section for more information.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • advocate
  • user_id is the same as the user ID of the API owner, and the API key does not have limited permissions or
  • permissions of access_sessions

This works just like the /api/interviews, except it only returns interviews belonging to the user with user ID user_id.

Delete interview sessions of another user

Description: Deletes interview sessions belonging to a particular user.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/interviews

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i (optional): set to a filename of an interview, e.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml, if you want to delete only those sessions for a given interview file.
  • session (optional): set to a session ID if you want to delete only the interview session with the given session ID.
  • query (optional): set to a session query string if you want to select a list of sessions to delete by criteria other than interview filename and session ID.
  • tag (optional): set to a tag if you want to delete only those interview sessions with the given tag.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • advocate
  • user_id is the same as the user ID of the API owner, and the API key does not have limited permissions or
  • permissions of edit_sessions

This works just like the /api/interviews, except it only deletes interviews belonging to the user with user ID user_id.

Get a list of advertised interviews

Description: Provides a list of interviews advertised by the system through the dispatch configuration directive.

Path: /api/list

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • tag (optional): if set to estates, then the list of interviews is limited to those that have estates as one of the tags in the interview metadata.
  • absolute_urls (optional): if 0, the link URL returned will be relative (i.e., will not include the hostname). By default, the link URLs are absolute.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON list of objects representing interviews, where each object has the following keys:

  • filename: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • link: a URL path that can be used to start the interview.
  • package: the package in which the interview resides. E.g., docassemble.demo.
  • status_class: usually null, but will be set to dainterviewhaserror if the interview cannot be loaded.
  • subtitle: the subtitle of the interview, from the interview metadata.
  • subtitle_class: usually null, but will be set to invisible if the interview cannot be loaded.
  • tags: an array of tags, from the interview metadata.
  • title: the title of the interview, from the interview metadata.

Obtain a decryption key for a user

Description: Given a username and password, provides a key that can be used for decrypting the user’s stored interview answers.

Path: /api/secret

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • username: the user name of the user whose secret you wish to retrieve.
  • password: the password of the user whose secret you wish to retrieve.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “A username and password must be supplied” if the username and/or password is not provided.
  • 403 “Username not known” if the user did not exist on the system.
  • 403 “Secret will not be supplied because two factor authentication is enabled”
  • 403 “Password not set” if the password could not be obtained.
  • 403 “Incorrect password” if the password did not match the password on the server.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON string containing the decryption key.

Obtain a temporary URL for logging a user in

Description: Returns a temporary URL, to which a user can be redirected, which will log the user in without the user needing to enter a username or password.

Path: /api/login_url

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • username: the user name of the user.
  • password: the password of the user.
  • i (optional): the filename of an interview to which the user will be redirected after they log in. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session (optional): the session ID for the interview session (if i is also provided). Providing this here rather than in the url_args prevents sending the session ID to the user’s browser.
  • resume_existing (optional): set this to 1 if you do not know the session code but you are providing an i filename and you want the user to resume an existing session in that interview, if they have one.
  • expire (optional): the number of seconds after which the URL will expire. The default is 15 seconds.
  • url_args (optional): a JSON object containing additional URL arguments that should be included in the URL to which the user is directed after they log in. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.)
  • next (optional): if the user should be directed after login to a page that is not an interview, you can omit i and instead set this parameter to a value like playground (for the Playground) or config (for the Configuration page). For a list of all possible values, see the documentation for url_of(). If url_args are supplied, these will be included in the resulting URL. You can also provide a full URL to the next parameter (e.g., https://google.com).

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “A username and password must be supplied” if the username and/or password is not provided.
  • 403 “Username not known” if the user did not exist on the system.
  • 403 “Secret will not be supplied because two factor authentication is enabled”
  • 403 “Password not set” if the password could not be obtained.
  • 403 “Incorrect password” if the password did not match the password on the server.
  • 400 “Malformed URL arguments” if url_args are supplied and are not a JSON object.
  • 400 “Unknown path for next” if the path provided to next could not be recognized.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON-formatted URL. It will be in a format like https://docassemble.example.com/user/autologin?key=EaypzffGGDbmiBpjqkASSLCtFWPpbiCFqMNlEbti. By default, the code will expire in 15 seconds, so it is primarily useful if you immediately redirect a user to the URL after you obtain it.

Obtain a redirect URL for an existing session

Description: Returns a temporary URL, to which a user can be redirected, which will cause the user to resume an existing interview session. The multi_user variable should be set to True in the interview session unless the user possesses the decryption key for the interview session. The advantage of using this method rather than redirecting the user to an /interview URL with a session parameter is that this method does not transmit the session parameter to the user’s browser.

Path: /api/resume_url

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of an interview to which the user will be redirected after they log in. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session (optional): the session ID of the interview session to which the user should be redirected. If not included, the user is redirected to a new interview session.
  • expire (optional): the number of seconds after which the URL will expire. The default is 3,600 seconds (one hour).
  • one_time (optional): if set to 1, the URL will expire after being used once. The default is 0.
  • url_args (optional): a JSON object containing additional URL arguments that should be included in the URL to which the user will be directed. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.)

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “No filename supplied.” if the i parameter is not included.
  • 400 “Malformed URL arguments” if url_args are supplied and are not a JSON object.
  • 400 “Invalid number of seconds.” if expire is not a number greater than or equal to 1.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON-formatted URL. It will be in a format like https://docassemble.example.com/launch?c=VnNNcACOTgOihEUQdeiLTKWzTowmwygn.

Obtain a general-purpose redirect URL

Description: Given any URL, returns a URL that will respond with a 302 redirect to the given URL. The URL will expire after one hour, or after another period of time that you specify. The URL can be configured so that it can only be used once.

Path: /api/temp_url

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • url: the URL to which you want the user to be redirected.
  • expire (optional): set this to the number of seconds after which the URL should expire. The default is 3,600 seconds (one hour).
  • one_time (optional): if set to 1, the URL will expire after being used once. The default is 0.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “No url supplied.” if the url is not provided.
  • 400 “Invalid number of seconds.” if expire is not a number greater than or equal to 1.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON-formatted URL. It will be in a format like https://docassemble.example.com/goto?c=AfQqwtZVYedxlYzsOHfvOhxdDejQkkyp.

Start an interview

Description: Starts a new session for a given interview and returns the ID of the session.

Path: /api/session/new

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • secret (optional): the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameter i is required” if the i parameter is not included.
  • 400 “Insufficient permissions to run this interview” if the owner of the API does not have the required privileges to run the interview.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object with the following keys:

  • i: the filename of the interview (same as what was passed in the i parameter).
  • session: the session ID for the new interview session.
  • encrypted: true or false indicating whether the interview is using server-side encryption
  • secret (sometimes): if no secret was provided as a parameter, and the interview uses server-side encryption, a secret will be provided. This will be the decryption key that must be passed in all other API calls related to the session, in order for the interview answers to be decrypted.

If you know that the interview immediately sets multi_user to True, you do not need to provide a secret parameter.

If the interview does not immediately set multi_user to True, then server-side encryption will be used. If the interview uses encryption, typically you would first call /api/secret to obtain your encryption key, and then pass the encryption key to /api/session/new as the secret parameter. If no secret is provided, but the interview uses server-side encryption, a random encryption key will be generated for use with the interview, and will be returned in the response. An interview session with a random encryption key is fully usable through the API, but you will not be able to log in using your web browser and resume the interview.

If you pass any parameters to /api/session/new other than those listed above, the values will be added to the url_args variable.

Get variables in an interview

Description: Provides a JSON representation of the current interview dictionary.

Path: /api/session

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • secret (optional): the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.
  • 400 “Unable to obtain interview dictionary” if there was a problem locating the interview dictionary. The i and/or session might be incorrect, or the interview session for the given i and session might have been deleted.
  • 400 “Unable to decrypt interview dictionary” if there was a problem obtaining and decrypting the interview dictionary.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object representing the interview dictionary. Note that the interview dictionary is a Python dict containing Python objects, so it cannot be converted to JSON without some information being lost in translation. However, the data structure will be useful for many applications. For more information about how the conversion is done, see the documentation for the all_variables() functions.

Set variables in an interview

Description: Sets variables in the interview dictionary and returns a JSON representation of the current question in the interview.

Path: /api/session

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • secret (optional): the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.
  • variables (optional): a JSON object where the keys are variable names and the values are the values those variables should have. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.)
  • raw (optional): if set to 0, then no attempt will be made to identify and convert dates and DAObjects that appear in the variables (see note below). By default, the endpoint identifies dates and DAObjects in the JSON and converts them.
  • question_name (optional): if set to the name of a question (which you can obtain from the questionName attribute of a question), it will mark the question as having been answered. This is necessary only if you are setting variables in response to a mandatory question (which you can determine from the mandatory attribute of a question).
  • question (optional): if set to 0, then the interview is not evaluated after the variables are set and the current question in the interview is not returned in response to the request. You may wish to set question to 0 if you want to change the interview dictionary, but you do not want to trigger any side effects by causing the interview to be evaluated. The default is 1.
  • advance_progress_meter (optional): if set to 1, then the progress meter will be advanced. The default is not to advance the progress meter. The advance_progress_meter parameter is not effective if question is 0.
  • overwrite (optional): if set to 1, then when the interview answers are saved, they will overwrite the previous interview answers instead of creating a new step in the session. The default behavior is to create a new step in the session.
  • delete_variables (optional): a JSON array in which the items are names of variables to be deleted with del. The deletion of these variables happens after the variables are assigned. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the array to JSON.)
  • file_variables (optional): if you are uploading one or more files, and the name of the DAFileList variable cannot be passed as the name of the file upload, you can set file_variables to a JSON representation of an object with key/value pairs that associate the names of file uploads with the variable name you want to use. For example, if file_variables is {"my_file": "user.relative['aunt']"}, then when you upload a file using the input name my_file, this will have the effect of setting the Python variable user.relative['aunt'] equal to a DAFileList containing the file.
  • event_list (optional): a JSON array of variable names that triggered the question to which you are responding. This is necessary in cases where there is a diversion from the normal interview logic. The value of event_list can be obtained from /api/session/question. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the array to JSON.)

File uploads: you can include file uploads in the POST request. Note that if you include a file upload, you cannot use the application/json content type, and any arrays or objects you send as parameters will need to be individually converted to JSON.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.
  • 400 “Unable to obtain interview dictionary” if there was a problem locating the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Unable to decrypt interview dictionary” if there was a problem obtaining and decrypting the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Variables data is not a dict” if variables is not a JSON object.
  • 400 “File variables data is not a dict” if file_variables is not a JSON object.
  • 400 “Delete variables data is not a list” if delete_variables is not a JSON array.
  • 400 “Event list data is not a list” if event_list is not a JSON array.
  • 400 “Malformed variables” if variables is not valid JSON.
  • 400 “Malformed list of file variables” if file_variables is not valid JSON.
  • 400 “Malformed file variable” if a file variable is invalid.
  • 400 “Malformed list of delete variables” if delete_variables is not valid JSON.
  • 400 “Malformed event list” if event_list is not valid JSON.
  • 400 “Problem setting variables” if there was an error while setting variables in the dictionary.
  • 400 “Failure to assemble interview” if the interview generates an error.

Response on success: 200, but if question is set to 0, then 204.

Body of response: a JSON representation of the current question. This response is the same as that of /api/session/question. However, if the question data value is set to 0, then the response is empty.

When this API is called, the variables object is converted from JSON to a Python dict. For each key/value pair in the Python dict, an assignment statement is executed inside the interview dictionary. The key is used as the left side of the assignment operator and the value is used as the right side.

For example, if variables is this JSON string:

{"defense['latches']": false, "client.phone_number": "202-555-3434"}

Then the following statements will be executed in the interview dictionary:

defense['latches'] = False
client.phone_number = '202-555-3434'

After all the variables from the variables data have been set, the interview is evaluated and a JSON representation of the current question is returned. However, if the question data value is set to 0, this step is skipped and an empty response is returned.

Defining dates

If a variable value is in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2019-06-13T21:40:32.000Z), then the variable will be converted from text into a DADateTime object. If you do not want dates to be converted, set the raw parameter to 1.

Defining whole objects

If a variable value is a JSON object with keys _class and instanceName, then the variable will be converted into a Python object of the given class, and keys other than _class will be used to set attributes of the object. (If you do not want objects to be converted, set the raw parameter to 1.) A class itself can be specified with a dictionary consisting of keys _class and name where _class is 'type' and name is the name of the class (e.g., 'docassemble.base.util.Individual'.

This is the same format by which Python objects are reduced to JSON elsewhere in the API, such as the GET endpoint of /api/session. This is also the format that you see when you click the “Show variables and values” link when you are looking at the “Source” of an interview. This is also the format that is returned when you call .as_serializable() on a DAObject or call all_variables().

The following example interview demonstrates what a DAList looks like when converted to this special JSON format.

  - user: Individual
  - user.favorite_fruit: DAList.using(object_type=Thing)
mandatory: True
code: |
question: |
  Do you have any favorite fruit?
yesno: user.favorite_fruit.there_are_any
question: |
  Tell me about your 
  ${ ordinal(i) } favorite fruit.
  - Name: user.favorite_fruit[i].name.text
  - Sweetness: user.favorite_fruit[i].sweetness
    datatype: range
    min: 1
    max: 10
question: |
  Do you have any other favorite fruit 
  besides ${ user.favorite_fruit }?
yesno: user.favorite_fruit.there_is_another
event: final_screen
question: |
  You can use this to set the value 
  of `user.favorite_fruit` using the POST
  `/api/session` API endpoint.
subquestion: |
  #### JSON format
  `${ json.dumps(user.favorite_fruit.as_serializable()) }`
  #### Python format
  `${ repr(user.favorite_fruit.as_serializable()) }`
Screenshot of jsondemo example

The final screen shows the “serializable” representation of the list (user.favorite_fruit) that the interview gathered.

For example, the representation of user.favorite_fruit list might look like this in JSON format:

  "_class": "docassemble.base.util.DAList",
  "instanceName": "user.favorite_fruit",
  "elements": [
      "_class": "docassemble.base.util.Thing",
      "instanceName": "user.favorite_fruit[0]",
      "name": {
        "_class": "docassemble.base.util.Name",
        "instanceName": "user.favorite_fruit[0].name",
        "text": "Apple"
      "sweetness": 3
      "_class": "docassemble.base.util.Thing",
      "instanceName": "user.favorite_fruit[1]",
      "name": {
        "_class": "docassemble.base.util.Name",
        "instanceName": "user.favorite_fruit[1].name",
        "text": "Orange"
      "sweetness": 7
  "auto_gather": true,
  "ask_number": false,
  "minimum_number": null,
  "object_type": {
    "_class": "type",
    "name": "docassemble.base.util.Thing"
  "object_type_parameters": {},
  "complete_attribute": null,
  "ask_object_type": false,
  "there_are_any": true,
  "there_is_another": false,
  "gathered": true,
  "revisit": true

This is the format that you can pass to the POST endpoint of /api/session as the value of an item in variables.

Instead of relying on the interactive interview process to construct the user.favorite_fruit object for you piece-by-piece, you can simply specify the entire object you want to build and pass it as a data structure to variables.

For example, here is an example of using the requests module to set a user.favorite_fruit list in an interview session in the above interview:

r = requests.post(base_url + '/api/session', json={'i': i, 'session':
session, 'secret': secret, 'variables': {'user.favorite_fruit':
{'_class': 'docassemble.base.util.DAList', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit', 'elements': [{'_class':
'docassemble.base.util.Thing', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[0]', 'name': {'_class':
'docassemble.base.util.Name', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[0].name', 'text': 'Strawberry'}, 'sweetness':
9.0}, {'_class': 'docassemble.base.util.Thing', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[1]', 'name': {'_class':
'docassemble.base.util.Name', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[1].name', 'text': 'Pineapple'}, 'sweetness':
6.0}, {'_class': 'docassemble.base.util.Thing', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[2]', 'name': {'_class':
'docassemble.base.util.Name', 'instanceName':
'user.favorite_fruit[2].name', 'text': 'Peach'}, 'sweetness': 8.0}],
'auto_gather': True, 'ask_number': False, 'minimum_number': None,
'object_type': {"_class": "type", "name":
"docassemble.base.util.Thing"}, 'object_type_parameters': {},
'complete_attribute': None, 'ask_object_type': False, 'there_are_any':
True, 'there_is_another': False, 'gathered': True, 'revisit': True}}},

(Note that this will only work if the user object already exists.)

There are a lot of internal attributes that you need to set, even if you don’t use them (e.g., minimum_number and ask_object_type), but if you start from a sample data structure generated by docassemble itself, it is not difficult to modify the substantive parts of the data structure to specify any list you want.

The interview logic in the above example interview calls user.favorite_fruit.gather() and then shows a final screen.

mandatory: True
code: |

If you want to drive this interview with the API, you do not need to answer each screen one-by-one; you can just specify the whole raw data structure in a single POST to /api/session. Once you have done so, the user.favorite_fruit list will be fully gathered, and thus user.favorite_fruit.gather() will not trigger any questions.

Data structures with instanceName and _class attributes are not as robust as the pickle system that docassemble uses internally.

Uploading files

You can upload files along with a POST request to the /api/session endpoint. In HTTP, a POST request can contain one or more file uploads. Each file upload is associated with a name, just as a data element is associated with a name. Your POST request can contain zero or more of these names, and each name can be associated with one or more files.

When a POST request includes one or more names associated with file uploads, docassemble creates a DAFileList object for each name. This object can contain one or more files.

Here is an example of uploading a file using the requests module:

r = requests.post(base_url + '/api/playground', data={'i': i,
'session': session, 'secret': secret}, files={
'user.drivers_license': open('picture.png', 'rb')}, headers=headers)

Get information about the current question

Description: Provides a JSON representation of the current question in the interview.

Path: /api/session/question

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • secret (optional): the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.
  • 400 “Unable to obtain interview dictionary” if there was a problem locating the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Unable to decrypt interview dictionary” if there was a problem obtaining and decrypting the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Failure to assemble interview” if the interview generates an error.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON representation of the current question. The structure of the object varies by question type and is largely self-explanatory.

The message_log is a list of messages generated by the log() function if the priority of the message was something other than 'log'. For example, if the interview ran log("Hello, world!", priority="info"), then the message_log would look like the following:

  "message_log": [
      "message": "Hello, world!",
      "priority": "info"
  "etc.": "etc."

The event_list is a list of variables that mark the “event” that led to the question being asked. When you send POST request to /api/session in response to a question, you should pass the event_list back. This is necessary in some circumstances to indicate to docassemble that you wish to get past a diversion in the interview logic.

Some of the information in the response may only be relevant to you if you are trying to create a front end similar to docassemble’s web application.

Run an action in an interview

Description: Runs an action in an interview.

Path: /api/session/action

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • secret: the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.
  • action: the name of the action you want to run.
  • persistent (optional): set this to 1 if you intend the action to show a question, as opposed to merely execute some code. The default behavior is for the action to run in a non-persistent fashion.
  • arguments: a JSON object in which the keys are argument names and the values are argument values. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.)
  • overwrite: if set to 1, then when the interview answers are saved, they will overwrite the previous interview answers instead of creating a new step in the session. The default behavior is to create a new step in the session.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i, session, and action are required” if the required parameters are not provided.
  • 400 “Malformed arguments” if the arguments are not in JSON format.
  • 400 “Arguments data is not a dict” if the arguments are not a Python dict after being converted from JSON.
  • 400 “Unable to obtain interview dictionary” if there was a problem locating the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Unable to decrypt interview dictionary” if there was a problem obtaining and decrypting the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Failure to assemble interview” if the interview generates an error.
  • 400 “Could not send file” if there was a problem with a file response().

Responses on success:

  • 200 if content is included
  • 204 if no content is included

Body of response: empty, unless the action ends with a call to response(), in which case the contents of the response are returned.

For more information about how actions run in docassemble interviews, see actions.

Go back one step in an interview session

Description: Goes back one step in the interview session and returns a JSON representation of the current question in the interview.

Path: /api/session/back

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • secret (optional): the encryption key to use with the interview, if the interview uses server-side encryption.
  • question (optional): if set to 0, then the interview is not evaluated and the current question in the interview is not returned in response to the request. You may wish to set question to 0 if you want to go back a step, but you do not want to trigger any side effects by causing the interview to be evaluated.

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Cannot go back” if the interview is just beginning and cannot go back.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.
  • 400 “Unable to obtain interview dictionary” if there was a problem locating the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Unable to decrypt interview dictionary” if there was a problem obtaining and decrypting the interview dictionary.
  • 400 “Failure to assemble interview” if the interview generates an error.

Response on success: 200, but if question is set to 0, then 204.

Body of response: a JSON representation of the current question. This response is the same as that of /api/session/question. However, if the question data value is set to 0, then the response is empty.

After the last step in the interview is undone, the interview is evaluated and a JSON representation of the current question is returned. However, if the question data value is set to 0, this step is skipped and an empty response is returned.

Delete an interview session

Description: Deletes a single interview session.

Path: /api/session

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty.

This will delete a session only for the user who owns the API key. If the session has been accessed by more than one user, the other users will still be able to access the session. To delete a session for all users of multi-user session, use the DELETE endpoint of /api/interviews.

Retrieve a stored file

Description: Retrieves a stored file

Path: /api/file/<file_number>

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview. E.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml.
  • session: the session ID of the interview.
  • extension (optional): a specific file extension to return for the given file.
  • filename (optional): a specific filename to return from the given file’s directory.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Parameters i and session are required” if the i parameter and session parameters are not included.
  • 404 “File not found” if the given file could not be located.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: the contents of the file

List files in Playground or download a file

Description: Returns a list of files in a folder of the Playground or returns the contents of a specific file.

Path: /api/playground

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be read. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can read from a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • folder (optional): the folder in the Playground from which to obtain the list of files. Must be one of questions, sources, static, templates, or modules. The default is static.
  • project (optional): the project in the Playground from which to obtain the list of files. The default is default, which is the “Default Playground” project.
  • filename (optional): the name of the file to be downloaded. If a filename is not provided, a JSON list of files will be returned.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid folder” if the value of folder is unknown.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project does not exist.
  • 404 “File not found” if the filename did not exist.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON array of file names

Delete a file in the Playground

Description: Deletes a file in a folder of the Playground.

Path: /api/playground

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be used. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can delete from a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • folder (optional): the folder in the Playground from which to delete the file. Must be one of questions, sources, static, templates, or modules. The default is static.
  • project (optional): the project in the Playground from which to delete the file. The default is default, which is the “Default Playground” project.
  • filename: the name of the file to be deleted. If the filename does not exist, a success code is still returned.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server. By default, the server is restarted if folder was set to modules.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid folder” if the value of folder is unknown.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project does not exist.
  • 400 “Missing filename.” if a filename is not provided.

Responses on success: 200 or 204

Body of response:

  • If the response status code is 200, the body of the response is a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.
  • If the response status code is 204, the server did not need to restart, in which case the body of the response is empty.

Upload files to the Playground

Description: Saves one or more uploaded files to a folder in the Playground.

Path: /api/playground

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be written to. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can write to a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • folder (optional): the folder in the Playground to which the uploaded file(s) should be written. Must be one of questions, sources, static, templates, or modules.
  • project (optional): the project in the Playground to which the uploaded file(s) should be written. The default is default, which is the “Default Playground” project.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server. By default, the server is restarted if folder is set to modules.

File data:

  • file or files[]: the files to upload.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid folder” if the value of folder is unknown.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project does not exist.
  • 400 “Error saving file(s)” if an error occurred during the process of saving files.
  • 400 “No file found.” if no uploaded files were provided.

Responses on success: 200 or 204

Body of response:

  • If the response status code is 200, the body of the response is a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.
  • If the response status code is 204, the server did not need to restart, in which case the body of the response is empty.

Upload packages to the Playground

Description: Installs one or more packages into the Playground.

Path: /api/playground_install

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be written to. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges or the playground_control permission can write to a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • project (optional): the project in the Playground to which the uploaded package(s) should be written. The default is default, which is the “Default Playground” project.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server after installing the package. By default, the server is restarted if any of the packages contained a module file.

File data:

  • file or files[]: the package(s) to install, in ZIP format.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project does not exist.
  • 400 “Not a docassemble package” if the ZIP file
  • 400 “Error installing packages” if an error occurred during the process of installing the packages.
  • 400 “No package found.” if no uploaded packages were provided.

Response on success: 200 or 204

Body of response:

  • If the response status code is 200, the body of the response is a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.
  • If the response status code is 204, the server did not need to restart, in which case the body of the response is empty.

List projects in Playground

Description: Returns a list of projects that exist in the Playground (other than the default project).

Path: /api/playground/project

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be read. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can read from a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON array of project names

Delete a project in the Playground

Description: Deletes a project in the Playground.

Path: /api/playground/project

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be used. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can delete from a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • project: the project in the Playground to delete.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project does not exist or an attempt was made to delete the default project.
  • 400 “Project not provided” if the request did not indicate a project.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty

Create a project in the Playground

Description: Creates a new project in the Playground.

Path: /api/playground/project

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be used. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges can delete from a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • project: the project in the Playground to create.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Invalid user_id” if the user does not have administrative privileges and the user_id is different from the current user’s user ID.
  • 400 “Invalid project” if the project given by project already exists.
  • 400 “Invalid project name” if the project name given by project begins with a number or contains a non-alphanumeric character.
  • 400 “Project not provided” if the request did not indicate a project.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty

Pull a package into the Playground

Description: Installs or updates a package in the Playground and if the server needs to restart, returns a task ID that can be used to inspect the status of the package update process.

Path: /api/playground_pull

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • user_id (optional): the user ID of the user whose Playground should be used. Unless enable sharing playgrounds is true, only users with admin privileges or the playground_control permission can pull a package into a different user’s Playground. The default is the user ID of the owner of the API key.
  • project (optional): the project in the Playground into which the package should be pulled. The default is default, which is the “Default Playground” project.
  • github_url (optional): the URL of a GitHub package to pull into the Playground.
  • branch (optional): if a github_url is provided and you want to pull from a non-standard branch, set branch to the name of the branch you want to pull.
  • pip (optional): the name of Python package to pull from PyPI.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server after pulling the package into the Playground. By default, the server is restarted if a module file is changed.

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Either github_url or pip is required.” if neither github_url nor pip are not provided.
  • 400 “Pull process encountered an error” if the process of pulling the package into the Playground did not succeed. Further information about the nature of the problem is provided after this message.

Responses on success: 200 or 204

Body of response:

  • If the response status code is 200, the body of the response is a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.
  • If the response status code is 204, the body of the response is empty. This indicates that the server did not need to restart as a result of the Playground pull.

Clear the interview cache

Description: Clears the interview cache, causing the YAML of each interview to be re-read the next time the interview is requested.

Path: /api/clear_cache

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty

Get the server configuration

Description: Returns the Configuration in JSON format.

Path: /api/config

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges: admin

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.
  • 400 “Could not parse Configuration.” if there is a problem with the existing Configuration.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON representation of the Configuration

Write the server configuration

Description: Writes a new Configuration to the server and then restarts the system, returning a task ID that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status of the restart process.

Path: /api/config

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • config: a JSON object representing the new Configuration. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.)

Required privileges: admin

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.
  • 400 “Configuration not supplied.” if the config parameter is missing.
  • 400 “Configuration was not valid JSON.” if the config parameter contained data that could not be parsed as JSON.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.

Update the server configuration

Description: Updates specific directives in the Configuration and then restarts the server, returning a task ID that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status of the restart process.

Path: /api/config

Method: PATCH


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • config_changes: a JSON object representing the keys and values you wish to update in the Configuration. (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.) The keys must be top-level directive names; this API endpoint cannot be used to patch specific sub-directives.

Required privileges: admin

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.
  • 400 “Configuration changes not supplied.” if the config_changes parameter is missing.
  • 400 “Configuration changes were not valid JSON.” if the config_changes parameter contained data that could not be parsed as JSON.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.

List the packages installed

Description: Provides a list of Python packages installed on the system.

Path: /api/package

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • developer

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate or the required privileges are not present.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON list of objects, where each object has the following keys (when applicable):

  • name: The name of the package.
  • version: The installed version of the package.
  • type: Either 'pip', 'zip', or 'git', if the package was installed from PyPI, a ZIP file, or GitHub, respectively.
  • can_uninstall: Whether or not the owner of the API key is allowed to uninstall this package.
  • can_update: Whether or not the owner of the API key is allowed to update this package.
  • git_url: If the type is 'git', this contains the GitHub URL of from which the package was installed.
  • branch: if the type is 'git', and a particular branch of the GitHub repository was installed, this is set to the name of the branch.
  • zip_file_number: if the type is 'zip', this contains the file number of the ZIP file from which the package was installed.

Install or update a package

Description: Installs or updates a package and returns a task ID that can be used to inspect the status of the package update process.

Path: /api/package

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • update (optional): the name of an already-installed Python package that you want to update. (This is not useful if the package was installed from an uploaded ZIP file.)
  • github_url (optional): the URL of a GitHub package to install.
  • branch (optional): if a github_url is provided and you want to install from a non-standard branch, set branch to the name of the branch you want to install.
  • pip (optional): the name of Python package to install from PyPI.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server after installing the package. By default, the server is restarted.

File data:

  • zip: a file upload of a ZIP file containing a package.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • developer

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “No instructions provided.” if no file was uploaded and update, github_url, and pip are not provided.
  • 400 “Only one package can be installed or updated at a time.” if more than one of update, github_url, pip, and zip were provided.
  • 400 “Package not found.” if the package referenced in update was not already installed.
  • 400 “You are not allowed to update that package.” if the package referenced in update was not one that the owner of the API key is allowed to update.
  • 400 “You do not have permission to install that package.” if the package referenced by github_url, pip, or zip is not one that the owner of the API key is allowed to install.
  • 400 “There was an error when installing that package.” if there was an error while unpacking and reading the uploaded ZIP file.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/package_update_status to check on the status and result of the package update process. The task_id expires after one hour.

Uninstall a package

Description: Uninstalls a package and returns a task ID that can be used to inspect the status of the package uninstallation process.

Path: /api/package

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • package: the name of an already-installed Python package that you want to uninstall.
  • restart (optional): set this to 0 if you want to skip the process of restarting the server after uninstalling the package. By default, the server is restarted.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • developer

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Missing package name.” if the package parameter was not provided.
  • 400 “Package not found.” if the package referenced in package was not already installed.
  • 400 “You are not allowed to uninstall that package.” if the package referenced by package is not one that the owner of the API key is allowed to uninstall.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/package_update_status to check on the status and result of the package update process. The task_id expires after one hour.

Poll the status of a package update process

Description: Obtains information about the status of a package update process.

Path: /api/package_update_status

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • task_id: the task ID that was obtained from a POST or DELETE call to the /api/package endpoint.

Required privileges:

  • admin or
  • developer

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Missing task_id” if no task_id was provided.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object describing the status of the background task. The keys are:

  • status: If this is 'working', the package update process is still proceeding. If it is 'completed', then the package update process is done, and other information will be provided. If it is 'unknown', then the task_id has expired. The task_id will expire one hour after being issued, or 30 seconds after the first 'completed' is returned, whichever is sooner.
  • ok: This is provided when the status is 'completed'. It is set to true or false depending on whether pip return an error code.
  • log: if status is 'completed' and ok is true, the log will contain information from the output of pip.
  • error_message: if status is 'completed' and ok is false, the error_message will contain a pip log or other error message that may explain why the package update process did not succeed.

Trigger a server restart

Description: Causes the server to restart.

Path: /api/restart

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object in which the key task_id refers to a code that can be passed to /api/restart_status to check on the status and result of the restart process. The task_id expires after one hour.

Poll the status of a restart

Description: Indicates whether a restart operation has completed

Path: /api/restart_status

Method: GET


Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Missing task_id” if no task_id was provided.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON object describing the status of the restart. The one key in the object is status. If the status is 'working', the restart process is still proceeding. If it is 'completed', then the package update process is done, and other information will be provided. If it is 'unknown', then the task_id has expired. The task_id will expire one hour after the restart started, or 30 seconds after the first 'completed' is returned, whichever is sooner.

Get information about the user’s API keys

Description: Provides information about the API keys of the user who is the owner of the API key.

Path: /api/user/api

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • api_key (optional): the API key for which information should be retrieved.
  • name (optional): the name of an API key for which information should be retrieved.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Error accessing API information” if information about the user’s API keys could not be retrieved
  • 404 “No such API key could be found.” if api_key or name is specified and no API key matching the description could be found.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: if api_key or name was provided, the API will return a JSON object with the following keys:

  • name: the name of the API key.
  • key: the API key.
  • method: the method by which the API key controls access. Can be ip (accepting only requests from IP addresses specified in the constraints), referer (accepting only requests for which the Referer header matches one of the constraints), or none (all requests accepted regardless of origin).
  • constraints: a list of allowed origins (applicable if method is ip or referer).
  • permissions: a list of limited permissions that this API key has. If the list is empty, that means the API key has the same permissions as the user who owns it. This is applicable only if the owner of the API key has admin privileges.

If neither api_key or name is provided, the API will return a JSON list of objects with the above keys, representing all of the API keys belonging to the user.

Delete an API key belonging to the user

Description: Deletes an API key belonging to the user who is the owner of the API key used to access the API.

Path: /api/user/api

Method: DELETE


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • api_key: the API key that should be deleted.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “An API key must supplied” if no api_key is provided.
  • 400 “Error deleting API key” if there was a problem deleting the API key.

Response on success: 204

Note that the API will return a success code even if the API key did not exist.

Body of response: empty

Add a new API key for the user

Description: Adds a new API key belonging to the user who is the owner of the API key that is used to access the API.

Path: /api/user/api

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • name: the name of the API key. It cannot be longer than 255 characters and it must be unique for the user.
  • method (optional): the method used to control access to the API with the API key. Can be ip (accepting only requests from IP addresses specified in the allowed), referer (accepting only requests for which the Referer header matches one of the allowed), or none (all requests accepted). The default is none.
  • allowed (optional): a JSON list of allowed IP addresses (where method is ip) or URLs (if method is referer). (If your request has the application/json content type, you do not need to convert the object to JSON.) If the allowed parameter is not provided, it will default to an empty list. This parameter is not applicable if method is none.
  • permissions (optional): a JSON list of limited permissions for this API key. This is applicable only if the owner of the API key has admin privileges.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “A name must be supplied” if a name was not provided.
  • 400 “The name is invalid” is the name is longer than 255 characters.
  • 400 “The given name already exists” if an API with the same name as name already exists for the user.
  • 400 “Invalid security method” if the method was not one of ip, referer, or none.
  • 400 “Allowed sites list not a valid list” if the allowed list could not be parsed.
  • 400 “Error creating API key” if there was an error creating the API key.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON string containing the new API key

Update an API key for the user

Description: Updates information about an API key belonging to the user who is the owner of the API key that is used to access the API.

Path: /api/user/api

Method: PATCH


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • api_key (optional): the name of the API key to modify. The API key must belong to the user who owns the API key that was used to access the API. If api_key is not provided, the API key that was used to access the API key is used.
  • name (optional): the new name of the API key. It cannot be longer than 255 characters and it must be unique for the user.
  • method (optional): the new method that should be used to control access to the API with the API key. Can be ip (accepting only requests from IP addresses specified in the allowed), referer (accepting only requests for which the Referer header matches one of the allowed), or none (all requests accepted).
  • allowed (optional): a JSON list of allowed IP addresses (where method is ip) or URLs (if method is referer). This will replace the existing list.
  • add_to_allowed (optional): an item to be added to the list of origins from which requests are allowed. (Applicable if method is ip or referer.) This can also be expressed as a JSON list of items.
  • remove_from_allowed (optional): an item to be removed from the list of origins from which requests are allowed. (Applicable if method is ip or referer.) This can also be expressed as a JSON list of items.
  • permissions (optional): a JSON list of limited permissions that the API key should have. This will replace the existing list. This will have no effect if the owner of the API key lacks the admin privilege.
  • add_to_permissions (optional): an item to be added to the list of limited permissions. This can also be expressed as a JSON list of items. add_to_permissions will have no effect if the owner of the API key lacks the admin privilege.
  • remove_from_permissions (optional): an item to be removed from the list of limited permissions. This can also be expressed as a JSON list of items. remove_from_permissions will have no effect if the owner of the API key lacks the admin privilege.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “No API key given” if the api_key parameter is missing.
  • 400 “The given API key cannot be modified” if the API key given by api_key does not exist, or does not belong to the user.
  • 400 “The name is invalid” is the name is longer than 255 characters.
  • 400 “Invalid security method” if the method was not one of ip, referer, or none.
  • 400 “add_to_allowed is not a valid list” if the add_to_allowed parameter appeared to be a JSON list but could not be parsed as one.
  • 400 “remove_from_allowed is not a valid list” if the remove_from_allowed parameter appeared to be a JSON list but could not be parsed as one.
  • 400 “Allowed sites list not a valid list” if the allowed list could not be parsed.
  • 400 “Error updating API key” if there was an error updating the API key.

Response on success: 204

Body of response: empty

Get information about a given user’s API keys

Description: Provides information about the API keys of a particular user.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/api

Method: GET

This behaves just like the GET method of /api/user/api, except it retrieves the API keys (or a single API key) of the user given by user_id.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • the API owner’s user ID is the same as user_id or
  • permissions of access_user_api_info

Responses on failure (specific to this endpoint):

  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to access user API information” if one of the required privileges is not present.

Delete an API key belonging to a given user

Description: Deletes an API key belonging to the user with the given user ID.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/api

Method: DELETE

This behaves just like the DELETE method of /api/user/api, except it deletes an API key of the user given by user_id.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • the API owner’s user ID is the same as user_id or
  • permissions of access_user_api_info and edit_user_api_info

Responses on failure (specific to this endpoint):

  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit user API information” if one of the required privileges is not present.

Add a new API key for a given user

Description: Adds a new API key belonging to a given user.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/api

Method: POST

This behaves just like the POST method of /api/user/api, except it adds an API key belonging to the user given by user_id.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • the API owner’s user ID is the same as user_id or
  • permissions of access_user_api_info and edit_user_api_info

Responses on failure (specific to this endpoint):

  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit user API information” if one of the required privileges is not present.

Update an API key for a given user

Description: Updates information about an API key belonging to the user with the given user ID.

Path: /api/user/<user_id>/api

Method: PATCH

This behaves just like the PATCH method of /api/user/api, except it modifies an API key belonging to the user given by user_id. Another difference is that the api_key parameter is required rather than optional.

Required privileges:

  • admin
  • the API owner’s user ID is the same as user_id or
  • permissions of access_user_api_info and edit_user_api_info

Responses on failure (specific to this endpoint):

  • 400 “You do not have sufficient privileges to edit user API information” if one of the required privileges is not present.

Convert a file to Markdown

Description: Converts an uploaded file to Markdown.

Path: /api/convert_file

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).

File data:

  • file: a file upload.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 400 “Invalid input file format.” if the input file format could not be converted to Markdown. Valid formats include .docx, .doc, .rtf, and .odt.
  • 400 “Unable to convert file.” if an error occurred while attempting to convert the file.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: Markdown-formatted text

Obtain information about an interview

Description: Given the name of an interview, returns information about the Python names used in the interview.

Path: /api/interview_data

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • i: the filename of the interview that should be inspected (e.g., docassemble.demo:data/questions/questions.yml).

Required privileges:

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “No filename supplied.” if a filename was not provided in the i parameter.
  • 400 “Error finding interview” if the interview could not be loaded.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON dictionary containing information about the names used in the interview given by the i parameter. The output is intended to be used to create functionality similar to that of the “Variables, etc.” sidebar that appears in the Playground and in the Microsoft Word sidebar. The dictionary has two keys: names and vocabulary. The names key refers to a dictionary with the following keys:

  • classes_list: information about class names available in the interview namespace.
  • functions_list: information about functions available in the interview namespace.
  • images_list: information about images declared in the interview.
  • modules_list: information about module names available in the interview namespace.
  • undefined_names: names that appear to be used in the interview but which are not defined and do not appear to have a means of being defined.
  • var_list: names that exist in the interview namespace or that appear to be capable of being defined.

If the i parameter refers to an interview in the Playground belonging to the owner of the API key, the following additional keys are included:

  • modules_available_list: information about modules available in the Playground.
  • sources_list: information about files in the Sources folder of the Playground.
  • static_list: information about files in the Static folder of the Playground.
  • templates_list: information about files in the Templates folder of the Playground.

The vocabulary key refers to a simple list of names used. This can be used for an “autocomplete” feature.

Temporarily stash encrypted data

Description: Accepts data, encrypts it, stores it, and returns a key identifying the stored data and a decryption secret.

Path: /api/stash_data

Method: POST


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • data: a JSON object where the keys are variable names and the values are the values those variables should have. If you are sending a POST request with an application/json content type (which is recommended), do not convert data to JSON; just make data a reference to the data you want to store.
  • expire (optional): the number of seconds the data should be kept in temporary storage. The default is 7,776,000 seconds (90 days).
  • raw (optional): if set to 0, then no attempt will be made to identify and convert dates and DAObjects that appear in the data.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “Data must be provided.” if the data are missing.
  • 400 “Malformed data” if the data could not be converted from JSON.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: a JSON dictionary containing the following keys:

  • stash_key: The identifier for the data.
  • secret: The decryption secret.

Retrieve temporarily stashed data

Description: Retrieves data stored with /api/stash_data.

Path: /api/retrieve_stashed_data

Method: GET


  • key: the API key (optional if the API key is passed in an X-API-Key header or cookie or as a bearer token).
  • stash_key: the identifier for the data, as returned by the /api/stash_data endpoint.
  • secret: the decryption secret, as returned by the /api/stash_data endpoint.
  • delete (optional): if set to 1, the data will be deleted from storage after being retrieved.
  • refresh (optional): if set to an integer, the expiration of the data will be updated to this number of seconds.

Required privileges: None

Responses on failure:

  • 403 “Access Denied” if the API key did not authenticate.
  • 400 “The stash key and secret parameters are required.” if the stash_key and/or the secret are missing.
  • 400 “The stashed data could not be retrieved.” if the information is expired, the stash key is wrong, or the secret is wrong.

Response on success: 200

Body of response: the stashed data in JSON format.

Example of usage: questionless interview

One way to use the API is to use docassemble as nothing more than a logic engine, ignoring docassemble’s system for asking questions.

The following interview, which is in the docassemble.demo package, contains no question blocks, but it is still usable through an API.

mandatory: True
code: |
  json_response({'final': True, 'inhabitants': inhabitant_count})
code: |
  if favorite_number == 42 and user_agrees_to_waive_penalties:
    inhabitant_count = 2
    inhabitant_count = 2000 + favorite_number * 45

Its sole purpose is to return a json_response() to the user, letting the user know the number of “inhabitants.”

Here is how you would use it:

First, do a GET request to /api/session/new with i=docassemble.demo:data/questions/examples/questionless.yml and obtain a session ID and encryption key for a new interview.

  "encrypted": true,
  "i": "docassemble.base:data/questions/examples/questionless.yml",
  "secret": "aZLbSszVzfVpnOfK",
  "session": "YOwLSycrtezLXEWhIUheRSpLNLEfRMxP"

Next, do a GET request to /api/session/question, passing the i, session, and secret values as parameters. You will get back:

  "message_log": [],
  "questionType": "undefined_variable",
  "variable": "favorite_number"

This indicates that the interview was unable to reach achieve its end goal because the variable favorite_number was undefined, and there was no question that could be asked to define the variable. In the web interface, this situation would result in a 501 error, but in an interview designed for use with the API, this situation results in JSON like the above, telling you that you need to do something to define the variable favorite_number.

To define this variable, you would next send a POST request to /api/session, including as data values the i, session, and secret values, as well as a data value variables, which needs to be an object where the keys are variable names and the values are the values you want those variables to have.

For example if you set variables to {"favorite_number": 42}, then the Python variable favorite_number will be set to the integer 42.

The interview will then be evaluated and the current state of the interview will be returned:

  "message_log": [],
  "questionType": "undefined_variable",
  "variable": "user_agrees_to_waive_penalties"

You would then send another POST request to /api/session in order to provide a definition for user_agrees_to_waive_penalties. Setting variables equal to {"user_agrees_to_waive_penalties": false} yields the following response:

  "final": true,
  "inhabitants": 3890

Note that this JSON originates directly from the json_response() function.